
Level 2 Imperial
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Fluorite Windsinger
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Energy: 15/50
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Female Imperial
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Twilight Sylvan Dress


Accent: Digital Revolution



24.29 m
14.53 m
6224.36 kg


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Tertiary Gene


Jul 13, 2016
(7 years)



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Level 2 Imperial
EXP: 344 / 641


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Nicole comic/dragon comparison
[img]SIDE BAR[/img]
“ ...I wanted to see the stars. Really see them...the way you do. ”

this is where you put the writing///

Nicole the Holo-Lynx is an artificial intelligence created by Dr. Ellidy and later entrusted to Princess Sally Acorn. She appears in one of two forms: a handheld computer usually carried by Sally, or in a holographic form resembling a Mobian Lynx. She is a full member of the Knothole Freedom Fighters.

Nicole being given to Sally.

Nicole was created by Dr. Ellidy, a top scientist of the Kingdom of Acorn, who hoped to digitize the consciousness of his dying daughter Nikki. Nicole was designed to map out digital neural pathways for Nikki's mind to be copied into. Upon Nicole's activation, Ellidy hoped for a reaction of some sort from her; he was disappointed when she responded with no emotion and noted that she had no designation. Despite this, he chose not to delete her, and he later gave her handheld form to Sally. Sally quickly identified her by gender and asked Dr. Ellidy what "her" name was. Ellidy started to respond but hesitated, struggling over his loss of his daughter, which prompted King Acorn to suggest the name Nicole after a past queen of the House of Acorn.

Nicole materialises for the first time.

Sally became quite fond of her new device, though she quickly learned-with some help from Rosie Woodchuck-that Nicole responded to all situations with logic rather than emotions. Though Nicole would retain memories of these events, it would be with a different perspective than after she gained sentience, which took place some time after Sally fled to Knothole, taking Nicole with her. Eventually she manifested her holographic form to Sally, and demonstrated her first signs of real emotion by expressing a desire to see the stars.

For the early part of her existence Nicole spent time with the Freedom Fighters without being able to see the world as they saw it. However, after discovering how to manifest her holographic form and developing sentience, she made the most of her new found lease on life. She shared in many of their experiences, from helping Tails build T-Pup to informing Antoine of the death of his parents.

Defragmenting Old and New Memories

(These events pick up following the end of Worlds Collide.)

Nicole detecting the multiverse's collapse.

Nicole was at some point captured by Ixis Naugus, who had lost his powers as a result of the first Genesis Wave. Holding King Acorn captive, he attempted to force Nicole to create a Super Ring that would restore his lost magic, though Nicole informed him several times that she was unsure that she could pull the task off. When the Tails Doll arrived in Mobotropolis-no longer composed of nanites-and became engaged in battle with Sonic and Tails, Nicole mocked Naugus, referring to him as "Wally" and claiming he deserved his misfortune. An enraged Naugus grabbed her computer body, the contact had the unexpected effect of reawakening Naugus' memories from the original reality. Terrified by the experience, Naugus threw Nicole's computer through a nearby window, where it was discovered by Tails, who had arrived recently with Sonic. Nicole attempted to warn him off, apparently fearing that he would be affected just as Naugus was, but damage incurred from the treatment of her computer form made it so that Tails couldn't understand her. His memories were restored, and Tails later reluctantly plugged NICOLE into Tails Doll, allowing them to shut the monstrous machine down. After assuring her friends that her programming was undamaged, Nicole-her ability to speak somewhat repaired by her contact with Tails-suggested that the confused pair go looking for the missing Freedom Fighters. After rescuing a rejuvenated King Acorn, who blamed himself for Nicole's captivity, the trio set out to do just that.

Nicole provided some guidance to Sonic and Tails as they tried to find Rotor in the vicinity of the Mystic Ruins, though her ability to communicate remained impaired. With some help from Big the Cat, the trio managed to locate Rotor just in time to save him from a group of Spinner Badniks and their commander, Silver Sonic v3.0. Afterwards, the group were taken aboard Sky Patrol, and aircraft that Tails and Rotor had built in this reality as a counter to the Death Egg and other aerial threats. Tails handed NICOLE to Rotor, which restored Rotor's memories of the original timeline as well as improving NICOLE's condition, though not completely restoring her. After being updated by Rotor on the last known whereabouts of the other Freedom Fighters, the group set out again, leaving Big behind to assist Rotor.

NICOLE continued to have impaired speech until they restored Antoine's memories outside Knothole. At that point, she found the lingering energy she possessed from the second Genesis Wave was waning. Her condition further improved when she restored the memories of Bunnie after recovering her from her mission in Metropolis Zone. Although her speech was restored, and she could partially project her lynx body again, NICOLE's database was still scrambled, limiting her usefulness for the time being. Seeing in particular Bunnie's reaction to the restoration, NICOLE expressed regret at what it was doing to the mental well-being of her friends. She also revealed she likely only had enough Genesis Wave energy for one more memory restoration, meaning Sonic would probably have to choose between restoring the memories of Sally or Amy.

Fortunately, by having Sally and Amy touch her at the same time, NICOLE was able to restore the memories of both Freedom Fighters. While they were recovering, however, NICOLE reappeared in her holographic form and demanded Sky Patrol be launched immediately. She revealed that the Super Genesis Wave had altered the entire multiverse, and had caused it to collapse upon itself. Horrified, she told the Freedom Fighters it was already too late to save the world, as it began to break apart underneath them.

Helping With the Crisis

The Freedom Fighters quickly traveled to Station Square, which had suffered heavily as a result of the planet breaking apart. While most of the group split into Team Freedom and Team Fighters to help with the rescue effort, NICOLE remained aboard the Sky Patrol with Sally and Cream the Rabbit in order to coordinate their comrades. When Sally suffered a breakdown as a result of the pressure of the situation and her difficulty in processing her conflicting memories, Nicole brought her out of it by reminding her of what she had accomplished, notably with Lupe and Dulcy. Fortunately, help soon arrived in the form of the G.U.N. Air Force vessel Letter of Gabriel. Unfortunately, the Freedom Fighters were then forced to contend with another problem: the abduction of Uncle Chuck and Professor Pickle by a Badnik Horde.

The group soon intercepted the Egg Train carrying the captured scientists and their research, and endeavored to stop it and free the hostages. After reaching the engine compartment, Sally attempted to access it through the best available means: dropping Nicole's computer form into it. After briefly complaining about the risk of damage to her unique components, Nicole manifested her hologram form and attempted to access the train's computer systems. However, her presence activated Horde Commander E-106 Eta, who attempted to destroy the intruder and took out the train's controls in the process. Nicole, who threw her computer self back up to Sally and dissipated her hologram to escape Eta, reported that the train was accelerating uncontrollably as a result. However, the Freedom Fighters managed to rescue the captured scientists, and soon found themselves with a new mission: locating the Chaos Emeralds and Gaia Temples in order to restore their broken planet. While traveling on this objective, Nicole kept her friends in shape by running a training simulation for Team Freedom, Team Fighters, and Team Rose, and while observing them began pondering her history with them. The group soon accomplished their assigned tasks, and Nicole congratulated them on their success.

Nicole joined Sally, Antoine, and Tails on a mission to recover a Chaos Emerald from Crystal Cave. With Nicole's help they easily reached the Emerald; much to her surprise, however, Sally insisted upon activating the security system to make sure Dr. Eggman knew they had taken it. At first considering this a foolhardy move, Nicole was made aware of the stakes when Sally activated her hologram and showed her the beauty of the cave. Realizing that Eggman's forces would strip mine the beautiful cave if they believed the Emerald to still be there, Nicole agreed to reactivate the security in order to spare the location. While making their way out, the group ran into an E-1000 Series robot, who dissipated Nicole's hologram with a laser. Unharmed, Nicole was later reactivated by Sally after they returned to the Sky Patrol, and thanked her friend for helping her think more like a living being. Later, she informed her teammates of the Chaos Emerald Championship being held by Breezie the Hedgehog in Casino Park. She was rather amused when Sonic questioned Sally regarding her requests to King Acorn for use of the kingdom's funds, and later watched with the other Freedom Fighters as their friends took part in the tournament.

Spark of Life

Nicole uses her powers to help Dr. Ellidy escape the Digital World.

Some time later, the Sky Patrol was attacked by several Minions of Dark Gaia, forcing several of the Freedom Fighters to do battle with them. Despite Nicole's noting that the creatures would disappear at sunrise, Sally dove off the aircraft to aid a beleaguered Tails, who later saved her from falling. Nicole later berated her for this action, but was soon distracted by a more urgent matter: a distress call from Dr. Ellidy, her creator. Transporting herself into the Digital World, she found the aged Lynx at the mercy of several strange creatures, and quickly rescued him. Ellidy was stunned by her arrival and appearance, having not seen her since leaving her with Sally, and informed her that he had been cut off from returning to the real world by a firewall. Nicole swiftly brought down the barrier, and the two traveled to Ellidy's home of Isolated Island-he back to his body and she to his computer system. Sally, Big the Cat, and Tails entered Ellidy's home at roughly the same time, and Nicole surprised Ellidy yet again by manifesting her hologram form. Ellidy questioned what had prompted Nicole's form, and became distant after learning that she had "chosen" it. His distance disturbed Nicole, who was comforted by Sally, which prompted Nicole to reveal her fear that some power had attempted to ensnare Ellidy in the Digital World and may have followed them. As it happened, she was correct, and her ability to take on a corporeal form was noted with fascination by the monstrous Phage.

After being told about the Red Star Ring and several issues that had cropped up since the Shattered World Crisis had begun, Nicole expressed her fears to Dr. Ellidy that someone or something was trying to take over his systems. Reluctantly acknowledging the theory, Ellidy agreed to let Nicole and Tails look over his systems, with Nicole locking down her handheld form and downloading herself into Ellidy's computers. As she worked, Phage and the creatures from before kept appearing just beyond her perception, and she and Tails decided to partition the system to make it more difficult for any foreign invaders to move freely about the system. Ellidy also questioned when she had gained her sentience, and Nicole confessed that she had difficulty identifying the moment, and also that she recalled things from before that time with a different perspective than she now possessed.

Later on she was confronted by Phage, who identified herself as the perpetrator of the attack on Ellidy and a later attack on Sally and Big. She attempted to contain the evil A.I., but found Phage's power greater than her own, and was attacked in turn. Phage briefly held her captive in an effort to force Sally and Ellidy to cooperate with her, but when Phage toyed with the notion of destroying Nicole and impersonating her she broke free and fled into the system. Phage was quick to pursue her, and Nicole desperately took refuge in a curious digital structure, where she found images of Ellidy's daughter Nikki the Lynx. Her curiosity over the identity of the strange girl was put on hold as Phage found her and attempted to absorb her into herself. However, Sally then arrived via the Digitizer to aid her beleaguered friend.

Sally confronted Phage and instructed Nicole to leave, unaware that Phage was keeping Nicole from escaping. Further refusing to leave her friend, Nicole attacked Phage and actually managed to injure her. The pair of friends then fled, and Nicole revealed her reasons for not leaving her friend. She also explained why Sally was unable to move about the Digital World like she did, before the princess came up with a plan. Despite Nicole's reservations, Sally lured Nicole outside of Ellidy's systems, but was tethered to Nicole by a digital version of one of Ellidy's Sling Rings. Nicole used this to pull Sally back into Ellidy's network, which she then attempted to seal Phage out of. Despite Phage's injuries, Nicole proved no match for her until Ellidy inserted one of the Red Star Rings into her handheld computer form. This caused her to become Overclocked Nicole, and her new power allowed her to force a further enraged Phage out of the system. She then embraced her friend following their victory, but looked at her hand behind Sally's back. The Freedom Fighters soon prepared to leave to join their friends in Apotos, and Nicole revealed to Sally that she had learned about Nikki while in Ellidy's systems. She understood Ellidy's reluctance to interact with her as a result, given that her ability to think and feel had come at the cost of Nikki's life. Much to her surprise, Ellidy then gave her his other Red Star Ring and asked her to analyze it and send him her findings. She then chose to remain in hologram form on the flight home, in order to "feel the wind on [her] face."

Nicole's digital fighting abilities.

When reality was reshaped, NICOLE somehow absorbed residual energy from the Super Genesis Wave, which severely compromised her systems. However, contact with her computer body allowed inhabitants of the altered world to regain their memories of the unaltered one, as seen with Walter Naugus and the Freedom Fighters (sans Sonic). Once all the leftover Genesis Wave energy had been spent, NICOLE finally became fully functional again.

NICOLE can project a small hologram of her Lynx form from it. When fitted with a Power Ring, she can project a solid hologram of this form, but only so long as the Power Ring's energy lasts. Her hologram form is vulnerable to attack, but no damage is incurred to NICOLE so long as her handheld form remains unharmed. NICOLE also is able to create barriers of an unknown greenish energy, which are strong enough to block laser fire. In the Digital World NICOLE's powers are incredible, ranging from modifying and controlling existing virtual structures to creating new material, such as weapons-she seems to favor a pitchfork-like implement. She is also capable of producing digital energy blasts and creating firewalls, though her strength is not unlimited. When a Red Star Ring is inserted in her computer in place of a typical ring, she takes on the more powerful form of Overclocked Nicole.


NICOLE possesses many of the traits of a living being, and is fully regarded as such by her friends. She is able to express concern for others, and is not without the ability to mock or express defiance. However, she is at times out of touch with this part of herself, reverting to the more logical thought processes of a machine. Originally this sort of behavior was all Nicole was capable of, with logic being the only motivation behind any decision. Despite this, she is capable of appreciating beauty and of helping others in times of difficulty.

Nicole also seems to resent her previous emotionless self as she states to Dr. Ellidy that while she can recall past memories, she doesn't like looking back to them as she now sees them in a whole new perspective. After learning of her origins, she came to feel that her lease on life had come at the cost of Nikki the Lynx's. Despite this, she felt affection for her creator, and was surprised-and pleased-when he overcame his previous distance towards her.


Nicole in her handheld form

Nicole wears a shoulder-less, sleeveless dress with split tails, decorated with a small broach. She also wears black pants, white gloves, and shoes, the gloves featuring round gold cuffs while the shoes had silver cuffs and toes. She wears he hair down.

Background Information

Fans question whether NICOLE's animal form was a bit of a joke, since she is a hand-held computer, and the "Lynx" was a hand-held game system.
NICOLE's name can be spelled in all capitals or like a normal name, as Ian Flynn has stated "I suppose if you wanted to make the distinction between the computer and the soul, you could say the computer was all-caps. But at this point I consider her a "normal" part of the cast, so it'd be "Nicole."" The Archie Sonic Wiki will keep it as "NICOLE" because of this reason.
NICOLE's present holographic form is comparable to the holograms seen in the Star Trek television series, which would fit with the comics' tendency to make references and parodies of various science-fiction genres. Her computer form is also reminiscent of the tricorders used in that series.

The way NICOLE's lynx body materializes from her handheld form in Sonic #256 is somewhat similar to the way a Pokémon emerges from its Poké Ball in the Pokémon TV series.
Ben Hurst, the late creator of the Sonic the Hedgehog animated series, apparently intended to reveal in the series' cancelled third season that NICOLE's animated series counterpart had been a living girl who was turned into a computer by Dr. Robotnik. It's possible that this loosely inspired her in-comic backstory of being created after the late Nikki the Lynx.
Nicole is the first non-Game Sonic female character to undergo a Super Transformation, and the second overall; the first is Blaze the Cat.

unclocked Nicole comic/dragon comparison
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