
Level 5 Pearlcatcher
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Silver Kitsune
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Standard of the Lightweaver
Illuminated Emblem
Silver Earrings of Science
Nomad's Sandwastes Turban
Red Warrior Face Mask
Crimson Aviator Scarf
Furious Kilt
Nomad's Sandwastes Socks
Nomad's Sandwastes Vest


Accent: Scroll of Pells



4.04 m
4.43 m
493.33 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 04, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 120 / 5545
Rock Slash
Earthen Might Fragment



bUZ8DDp.png______________Erisar ______________bUZ8DDp.png


"Life is too short to hesitate, my dear – leap for any chance you get at a rare experience."

he/him -- gay/demiromantic

______ Erisar was often called “wise beyond his years,” to which his response was “well, of course I am!” Not out loud, of course. He might’ve been as proud as any other Pearlcatcher was, but he was smart enough to know that other dragons didn’t take kindly to such open self-congratulation. And he was definitely smart enough not to put down the dragons of the other species so readily like other Catchers; allies were hard to come by for a dragon like him anyway, with all of the stigma of them all being aloof and arrogant, it just wasn’t practical. If Erisar was anything, it was practical.

Practical and adventurous, two words the Catcher himself would use to describe his personality. He experienced reasonable enjoyment out of learning and discovering new things, and if learning wasn’t practical, then what was? The discovering new things could perhaps be a factor of the adventurous part of his personality, and the fact that he never stayed in one flight very long.

Beginning his life in the rocks of Dragonhome in a flight of the Earth element, Erisar, in his adulthood, soon became bored with the place. The same scenery every day, nothing changing to any great extent, the gossip running dry after a few days, really it was no place to live for a lifetime. So one day, he left. It wasn’t a very big affair, he made no speeches or grand gestures. He simply told those close to him that he was leaving to follow his own path and went. He fancied himself as some sort of traveler or nomad, eager to explore the world to its fullest potential.

The first group of a foreign element that he came across was a Plague flight. Not exactly the most desirable for him, personally, but it was new! It was something! Eagerly, Erisar approached them and asked to join their flight, and they accepted him. A bit warily, as a Pearlcatcher wandering alone out of his element (literally) was not something a dragon saw every day, but they did not stay suspicious for long. Some of them became friends to him, for the time being, or at the very least sources for gossip.

A few others wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. A Mirror, he could understand – they wanted nothing to do with anyone that wasn’t another Mirror – and it was gone in a week after healing a broken leg. But a few permanent members of the flight would avoid him with everything they had, and it took him quite a while to realize why. This being the first time out of his birth flight, he hadn’t realized how arrogant he must have sounded, how often he set himself apart from other dragons! He made a mental note to remedy his speech in other flights, and after a few months in the Plague flight, made his exit.

He travelled east of the Scarred Wasteland, to the Tangled Wood, whereupon he discovered a Shadow flight made up of mostly Nocturnes. He quickly became irritated with their incessant need to mimic everything he did and left the flight after two weeks. When asked why, he made the excuse that his shining silver and iridescent body made him stand out excessively, and as a result, made him a terrible hunter (which wasn’t a lie, but he had never been a very talented hunter) and a target for enemies.

______ Erisar continued heading east, soon coming into the Light element territory – the Sunbeam Ruins. Here, he found, he was comfortable. He knew that Pearlcatchers had originated in the Ruins, and, walking through the trees, wondered if he had found a place he might stay for the rest of his life. He brushed the idea off almost as soon as it came to him. No matter how at home he felt, he knew he would grow bored of the place and move on. No sense in getting sentimental if he was only going to leave a few months down the road.

The first flight he came across was almost entirely made up of Catchers like himself, which made him feel more at home than he had been since he started his journey. A member of the flight, a cream-colored Pearlcatcher, approached Erisar first and introduced himself as Faoseth. Erisar responded in kind, and the two became friends almost instantly. Faoseth took Erisar on a tour of the flight, introducing him to most of the other dragons there, and afterward, Erisar told him stories of some of the things he’d encountered while staying with the Plague and Shadow flights.

As time carried on, the two Pearlcatchers became near-inseparable. They spent almost every waking moment together, Faoseth continuing to show Erisar everything notable about the Sunbeam Ruins – everything from the Beacon to his favorite hunting spot. Eventually, Erisar ran out of his own stories to tell, so he ended up concocting fiction to entertain his friend.

During one such a tale, Faoseth mentioned that Erisar was a fantastic storyteller. The silver Catcher’s spirit soared, for reasons he could not place, even in the same breathe that he told Faoseth that he was an incredible tour guide. The two had their laughs, and in that moment, Erisar wondered if he really could stay with this flight forever.

He wasn’t bored. He wasn’t bored into the third month of his living in the Sunbeam Ruins, which is about when he left the Plague flight. He pondered this almost daily, the only thing interjecting those thoughts were his time spent with Faoseth.

Is that why he wanted to stay?

Erisar couldn’t deny, he enjoyed every moment of his time spent with cream Catcher. Faoseth was the closest friend he’d ever made, and every memory he stored in his pearl of time spent with Faoseth was a memory he cherished deeply. And yet...friend didn’t seem like a term he would use, or at least not one he wanted to use. They were friends, of course, but to Erisar it felt like there was something more, he felt something else, something different from friendship. But he couldn’t quite place it.

But the more he thought about it, the more he decided: he wanted to stay. He wanted to stay with Faoseth.

Unfortunately, he didn’t get the opportunity.

______ Four months into Erisar’s stay with the flight, it was attacked by a flock of harpies. They swooped down without warning, ambushing the flight in their sleep. Every dragon attacked with a fury, even the cowardly Pearlcatchers, even Erisar, who despised fighting above all else. He had something to fight for now. Someone to fight for.

In the end, the flight drove the harpies back into the sky, tooth and claw and magic too great a power for the masked, bird-like creatures. But a victory does not make it easy. There were still casualties, harpy and dragon bodies lying out in the dust. Erisar would mourn those lost with the rest of the flight, but for now, he had to find Faoseth.

Unfortunately, Erisar found his friend.

He found Faoseth lying in the dirt, scales torn by beak after beak, talon after talon. Erisar stopped dead in his tracks for several seconds before sprinting as fast as he could to his friend’s side. Faoseth raised his head and coughed, blood dripping down a familiar smile.

“Erisar,” Faoseth rasped, his last words to Erisar. “I love you.”

Before Erisar could respond the same way, Faoseth died.

Two days later, Erisar left the flight.

He travelled southwest along the outskirts of the Sea of A Thousand Currents, not a huge fan of water himself, and because he really didn’t want to see anyone. He didn’t want to speak to anyone. He’d lost Faoseth. He’d lost the one he loved, an experience he was not familiar with, and there was a void in his heart that sapped him of all emotion. But he had to keep moving, he wanted to get as far away as possible from any memory of Faoseth. He couldn’t stand the heartbreak.

When he crossed into the Windswept Plains he joined a Wind flight, just for the sake of doing something familiar. He was distant in this flight, hardly speaking to anyone. After a few days, a hatchling Skydancer approached him, curiosity in her eyes. She asked him why he was sad, so he told her that someone he loved died. She asked him what made him happy. He told her that learning made him happy. And that was when he decided to go to the Starfall Isles – home of the Arcane element. If any element was centered on learning, it was the Arcane. Maybe it would help him forget Faoseth.

When he finally arrived, Erisar found a pair of Fae dragons, Naltinolth and Etath, trying to start their own flight. He offered to join them, and they readily accepted them.

He had a feeling he would stay with these two.



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