
Level 1 Wildclaw
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Grassland Skira
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Spring's Breath
Greenskeeper Treeshroud
Seapetal Flowerfall
Teal Starsilk Shawl
Blooming Woodwing
Seapetal Wing Garland
Teal Starsilk Cloak
Teal Starsilk Socks
Teal Starsilk Sleeves




5.1 m
8.06 m
679.47 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 30, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none






bought a smirch for 48kt and 35kt and 35kt

first chest: ghost flame collar
second chest: jolly jester's tail bell
third chest: familiar (veiled vision)
fourth chest: familiar (antique chair)
fifth chest: familiar (transmuted treasure)
sixth chest: familier (axe mimic)
seventh chest: familiar (living sculpture)
eighth chest: noc egg ****
ninth chest: familiar (vulpine lamp)
tenth chest: noc egg ****
eleventh chest: familiar (enchanted armaments)
twelfth chest: familiar (crooked hatchet)
thirteenth chest: ghost flame wing ribbon
fourteenth chest: jolly jester's collar
fifteenth chest: noc egg ****
sixteenth chest: jolly jester's gloves
seventeenth chest: jolly jester's collar
-10 chests: went to Ace for some dank art-
eighteenth chest: smirch gene ****
nineteenth chest: noc egg ****
twentieth chest: black witches hat
twenty-first chest: familiar (wooden marionette)
twenty-second chest: familiar (tick tock)
twenty-third chest: smirch gene ****
twenty-fourth chest: smirch gene ****
twenty-fifth chest: jolly jester's collar
twenty-sixth chest: familiar (transmuted treasure)
twenty-seventh chest: jolly jester gloves
twenty-eighth chest: familiar (glowing globe)
twenty-ninth chest: familiar (floating spirit)
thirstiest chest: familiar (colubrid column)
31st chest: jolly jester's wing cover
32nd chest: familiar (living sculpture)
33rd chest: familiar (smoldering sconce)
34th chest: ghost flame wing ribbon
35th chest: familiar (opposing forces)
36th chest: conjurers hat
37th chest: ghost flame tail jewel
38th chest: smirch gene ****
39th chest: jolly jester's cap
40th chest: familiar (ensorcelled volume)
41st chest: familiar (deadly reflection)
42nd chest: ghost flame collar
43rd chest: jolly jester's collar
44th chest: familiar (time devourer)
45th chest: conjurer's cloak
46th chest: familiar (living luminance)
47th chest: smirch gene ****
48th chest: conjurer's staff
49th chest: familiar (ball jointed bogsneak)
50th chest: familiar (animated amour)
51th chest: noc egg ****
52nd chest: familiar (calculating candelabra)
53rd chest: ghost tail flame ribbon
54th chest: familiar (poltergeist pile)
55th chest: ghost flame headpiece
56th chest: familiar (spidered seat)
57th chest: ghost flame cloak
58th chest: familiar (sorcerous arms)
59th chest: familiar (bogsneak puppet)
60th chest: noc egg ****
61st chest: familiar (spirit armor)
62nd chest: familiar (jolly jester's tail bell)
63rd chest: familiar (ravenous cauldron)
64th chest: ghost flame headpiece
65th chest: conjurer's cloak
66th chest: vista jester ****
67th chest: familiar (inquisitive shroud)
68th chest: familiar (masked phantom)
69th chest: jolly jester's collar
70th chest: jolly jester wing cover
71st chest: familiar (crooked hatched)
72nd chest: jolly jester's tail bell
73rd chest: jolly jester's collar
74th chest: vista jester ****
75th chest: familiar (antique chair)
76th chest: noc egg ****
77th chest: noc egg ****
78th chest: familiar (enchanted armaments)
79th chest: noc egg ****
80th chest: smirch gene ****
81st chest: jolly jester's collar
82nd chest: smirch gene ****
83rd chest: familiar (spirit armor)
84th chest: familiar (vulpine lamp)
85th chest: conjurer's staff
86th chest: jolly jester's cap
87th chest: familiar (glowing globe)
88th chest: familiar (ravenous cauldron)
89th chest: familiar (living sculpture)
90th chest: ghost flame candles
91st chest: familiar (ax mimic)
92nd chest: smirch gene ****
93rd chest: familiar (crooked hatchet)
94th chest: jolly jester collar
95th chest: ghost flame headpiece
96th chest: curious kettle
97th chest: vista jester ****
98th chest: familiar (jaw locker)
99th chest: noc egg ****
100th chest: familiar (serthis support)
101th chest: familiar (curious kettle)
102nd chest: familiar (blue candle)
103rd chest: jolly jester's cape
104th chest: jolly jester's tail bell
105th chest: jolly jester's tail bell
106th chest: jolly jester's cap
107th chest: familiar (spirit armor)
108th chest: jolly jester's cape
109th chest: familiar (crystal carrier)
110th chest: familiar (enchanted armaments)
111th chest: familiar (tick tock)
112th chest: familiar (jawlocker)
113th chest: familiar (glowing globe)
114th chest: noc egg ****
115th chest: jolly jester's tail bell
116th chest: familiar (spirit armor)
117th chest: jolly jester's stockings
118th chest: vista: jester
119th chest: familiar (snarling mimic)
120th chest: ghost flame jewel
121st chest: ghost flame candles
122nd chest: familiar (valorous cape)
123rd chest: familiar (inquisitive cape)
124th chest: familiar (lamp)
125th chest: vista gossamer flame****
126th chest: jolly jester's cape
127th chest: familiar (painted marionette)
128th chest: noc egg****
129th chest: familiar (living luminance)
130th chest: noc egg****
131st chest: familiar (living luminance)
132nd chest: familiar (ravenous cauldron)
133rd chest: jolly jester's cape
134th chest: jolly jester's cap
135th chest: familiar (masked phantom)
136th chest: familiar (jawlocker)
137th chest: noc egg****
138th chest: smirch****
139th chest: familiar (colubrid column)
140th chest: familiar (bogsneak puppet)
141st chest: familiar (ravenous cauldron)
142nd chest: familiar (transmuted treasure)
143rd chest: ghost flame candles
144th chest: vista: jester****
145th chest: familiar (enchanted armaments)
146th chest: ghost flame tail jewel
147th chest: noc egg****
148th chest: familiar (deadly reflection)
149th chest: jolly jester's wing cover
150th chest: familiar (glowing globe)
151st chest: conjurer's herb pouch
152nd chest: smirch****
153rd chest: jolly jester's cape
154th chest: jolly jester's tail bell
155th chest: familiar (ectoplasmime)
156th chest: ghost flame candles
157th chest: jolly jester's cap
158th chest: familiar (valorous cape)
159th chest: ghost flame headpiece
160th chest: familiar (ensorcelled volume)
161st chest: familiar (spidered seat)
162nd chest: familiar (calculating candelabra)
163rd chest: familiar (animated armor)
164th chest: smirch****
165th chest: noc egg****
166th chest: jolly jester's tail bell
167th chest: familiar (vulpine lamp)
168th chest: noc egg****
169th chest: ghost flame cloak
170th chest: familiar (enchanted armaments)
171st chest: familiar (animated statue)
172nd chest: vista: jester
173rd chest: jolly jester's leggings
174th chest: familiar (inquisitive shroud)
175th chest: jolly jester's cape
176th chest: familiar (calculating candelabra)
177th chest: jolly jester's leggings
178th chest: vista: jester
179th chest: familiar (tick-tock)
180th chest: familiar (spirit armor)
181st chest: vista: jester
182nd chest: familiar (ravenous cauldron)
183rd chest: jolly jester's legging
184th chest: familiar (ensorcelled volume)
185th chest: jolly jester's tail bell
186th chest: familiar (animated armor)
187th chest: jolly jester's legging
188th chest: familiar (serthis support)
189th chest: familiar (tick tock)
190th chest: familiar (enchanted armaments)
191st chest: noc egg****
192nd chest: familiar (opposing forces)
193rd chest: jolly jester's collar
194th chest: familiar (antique chair)
195th chest: ghost flame candle
196th chest: jolly jester's leggings
197th chest: familiar (glowing globe)
198th chest: familiar (ravenous cauldron)
199th chest: familiar (animated statues)
200th chest: jolly jester's wing cover
201st chest: familiar (enchanted armaments)
202nd chest: noc egg****
203rd chest: jolly jester's cape
204th chest: familiar (antique chair)
205th chest: noc egg****
206th chest: ghost flame tail ribbon
207th chest: familiar (smoldering sconce)
208th chest: familiar (vulpine lamp)
209th chest: familiar (orbiting spirit)
210th chest: smirch****
211th chest: conjurer's cobwebs
212th chest: familiar (snarling chest)
213th chest: familiar (enchanted armements)
214th chest: jolly jester's collar
215th chest vista: jolly jester
216th chest: familiar (antique chair)
217th chest: familiar (orbiting spirit)
218th chest: familiar (orbiting spirit)
219th chest: familiar (crooked hatchet)
220th chest: familiar (magic mirror)
221st chest: familiar (sorcerous arms)
222nd chest: vista: jester
223rd chest: ghost flame wing ribbon
224th chest: familiar (glowing globe)
225th chest: familiar (time devourer)
226th chest: familiar (ensorcerous volume)
227th chest: ghost flame wing ribbon
228th chest: familiar (poltergeist pile)
229th chest: noc egg****
230th chest: jolly jester's collar
231st chest: smirch****
232nd chest: familiar (bogsneak puppet)
233rd chest: familiar (inquisitive shroud)
234th chest: familiar (time devourer)
235th chest: familiar (calculating candelabra)
236th chest: noc egg***
237th chest: familiar (curious kettle)
238th chest: familiar (valorous cape)
239th chest: familiar (Curious kettle)
240th chest: familiar (crystal carrier)
241st chest: jolly jester's cape
242nd chest: noc egg****
243rd chest: familiar (sorcerous armaments)
244th chest: familiar (calculating candelabra)
245th chest: familiar (colubrid column)
246th chest: BREED CHANGE NOC****
247th chest: familiar (painted marionette)
248th chest: familiar (tick tock)
249th chest: familiar (curious kettle)
250th chest: familiar (magic mirror)
251st chest: jolly jester's gloves
252nd chest: jolly jester's stockings
253rd chest: familiar (smoldering sconce)
254th chest: familiar (spirit soldier)
255th chest: familiar (painted marionette)
256th chest: noc egg****
257th chest: noc egg****
258th chest: familiar (crooked hatchet)
259th chest: noc egg****
260th chest: jolly jester's stockings
261st chest: familiar (spirit armor)
262nd chest: noc egg***
263rd chest: familiar (antique chair)
264th chest: noc egg****
265th chest: smirch gene****
266th chest: familiar (orbiting spirit)
267th chest: ghost flame wing ribbon
268th chest: familiar (vulpine lamp)
269th chest: jolly jester's stockings
270th chest: familiar (ensorcelled volume)
271st chest: familiar (vulpine lamp)
272nd chest: familiar (glowing globe)
273rd chest: vista: jester
274th chest: familiar (sorcerous armaments)
275th chest: familiar (poltergeist pile)
276th chest: familiar (spidered seat)
277th chest: vista: jester
278th chest: familiar (opposing forces)
279th chest: familiar (vulpine lamp)
280th chest: familiar (sorcerous armaments)
281st chest: familiar (orbiting spirit)
282nd chest: familiar (spirit armor)
283rd chest: familiar (veiled vision)
284th chest: familiar (smoldering sconce)
285th chest: familiar (axe mimic)
286th chest: vista: jester
287th chest: noc egg****
288th chest: familiar (jawlocker)
289th chest: familiar (transmuted treasure
290th chest: jolly jester's wing cover
291st chest: familiar (snarling mimic)
292nd chest: familiar (veiled vision)
293rd chest: familiar (poltergeist pile)
294th chest: familiar (ravenous cauldron)
295th chest: ghost flame tail jewel
296th chest: familiar (tick-tock)
297th chest: familiar (spidered seat)
298th chest:familiar (tick tock)
299th chest: noc egg****
300th chest: familiar (bogsneak puppet)
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Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.

This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
Meat stocks are currently depleted.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
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Exalting Nock to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.