
Level 25 Tundra
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Umbra Wolf
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Tundra
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Personal Style


Fire Aura
Red Mantle
Enchanted Wolf Necklace
Haunting Amber Ghastcrown
Blaze Branches
Dented Iron Gauntlets
Incense Mantle
Dented Iron Pauldrons
Furious Kilt
Viper's Breastplate


Accent: Iris Alight



4.18 m
2.52 m
147.53 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 26, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Tundra
Max Level
Charged Might Fragment




  • none



  • Cisgender (tomboy)
  • She / her

  • Homosexual
  • Homoromantic

  • Possession

  • Chaotic
  • Neutral

  • Wolf

[Theme Songs]
  • name - artist

  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X

Wolf Worshipper
Wolfspawn Canton's Second-In-Command,
Swirlfur-Woodline's Empress, and Greymuzzle (Law and Order)


"Promenons-nous dans les bois,
(Let's wander in the woods)
pendant qu'le loup n'y est pas.
(while the wolf isn't there)
Si le loup y était,
(If the wolf was there)
il nous mangerait.
(he would eat us)
Mais comme il n'y est pas,
(But since he is not there)
il ne nous mangera pas.
(he will not eat us)
Loup, y es-tu? Que fais-tu? M'entends-tu?"
(Wolf, are you there? What are you doing? Do you hear me?)

- Loup, y es-tu?, unknown French composer.
- Oeil / Eye -
insert image
(anchoring oneself in the present, facts, and reality)

Add a writing of their story or whatever you’re inspired to write :’)) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed turpis vitae nisi elementum porta. Nunc elementum nibh vitae mauris maximus, at viverra lorem imperdiet. Aenean nec ultricies mauris, nec efficitur nibh. Mauris luctus nulla nec ultricies fermentum. In rutrum porta odio, et mollis sapien ornare finibus. Fusce at nulla justo. Sed at imperdiet augue. Pellentesque ut scelerisque turpis. Curabitur auctor ac dolor et congue. Donec luctus diam libero. In placerat turpis sit amet nisi pellentesque, ut aliquam turpis scelerisque. Praesent pretium, diam ultricies varius suscipit, tellus neque scelerisque dolor, sit amet laoreet sapien nulla et massa.
- Takes care of the logistics of the Canton.
- While Blossoms is the spiritual leader, Luna is the one who puts plumes decisions and laws into action.
- Can enter a trance of some kind, where she becomes "possessed" by the spirit of the wolf.
- Wolfkin.
- Identifies as a demon wolf.
- Like, one with dark fur and eyes that are similar to a deer's in the headlights, so to speak (wide and clear, but still akin to a void.)
- It's that wolf / that part of them, that "possesses" them when they are in a trance!
- Wears an artistic wolf mask that channels their power.
- Based on my very own doggo :'D A beautiful tricolor / gold (brown) + black + white shih-tzu //hearts!!
- Is in a relationship with Lily :'33 Their wife!!
- Wields Fire elemental powers!! When ready to fight, flames swirls out from her maws...
- Pronouns are "she / her", but she isn't against "they / them" being used for her, at all! :eyes:
- Luna is the Empress (or figurehead) of the Swirlfur-Woodline Pack, a specific Beastclan group (or Nation) of Swirlfurs (shih-tzu inspired folks :'33)!!
- Explained below... Meow :'33
- insert

- I'm gonna make my OWN Beastclans, based on Shih-Tzus :'33 lol
- They're obvs anthropomorphic, like the other Beastclans, and do tons of styling with their long swirly fur :'33! hehehe
- They have opposing thumbs, so that they can obvs use tools like everyone else... And they have the PAW BEANS!!!
- They love styling their face fur / hair, but also mostly their looong fluffy tails :'33!
- Their pups are also the cutest peeps ever... Omg //hearts!
- They have multiple colours; all black (rare), all white (rare), albino (very rare), brindle, tricolor (combination of any three colours, most rare), blue or silver, red, AND also many combinations of white with coloured splotches (called "bicolour", most common).
- Like; gold and white, black and white, red and white, blue / silver and white... Etc. :'33
- Also like, no shade of gold, or red, or silver, is the same for two individuals... The same "morph" can be lighter or darker, with more of less splotches, depending on the genes expression and environmental factors :'33!!
- I need to draw them Shih-Tzu Beastclan... They'll be called "Swirlfur"!!
- Need to think of their cultural traits and beliefs... Etc. etc.
- I know that, like the IRL Shih-Tzus that I know, they have a huge prey drive and freaking love them meat food :'33! Would be big on hunting in general...
- Are not against eating carrion, in times of need!
- Are quite territorial / have a big attachment to their lands! Swirlfurs are very protective of their territories and homes, and they won't hesitate to fight / die over those things.
- Some Dragons clans, and even other groups of Beastclans, used to think of the Swirlfurs as "cute canines with very mild manners" in the past... Stereotypes, y'know?
- But the Swirlfur Nations were tired of this negative image, and eventually proved everyone wrong; as, over time, they became the most trusted Beastclan to handle economical trades and affairs (between two, or more, groups meeting each other), and both Dragons AND all Beastclan groups now respect these curly-haired dogs as fierce hunters, prideful-but-social land owners, and prolific workers.
- Kinda based on the IRL myth that some people have about Shih-Tzus; that they are "mild-nature toy dogs who stay inside all of the time".
- Swirlfurs can live up to IRL human ages, here; their conception of a "year" is exactly like ours, too!
- They are considered adult (or "of age") around 16-18 years; they most often live up to 70-80 years.
- However, Swirlfurs who leave the Ice territories tend to live much shorter lives... Something about their Soul and lifespan "weakening", when they're away from the land that "brought them to life" :'00 ! Or well, being away from the land "on which they were born".
- It fits with the fact that they're territorial! It is really not necessarily out of pride and jealousy that they have a very strong attachment, or link, to their lands!

- Like... My own Luna walks an overall total of 3h per day (more or less), has that Intense Prey Drive(tm), and enjoys rolling in the snow when it's winter :'33 ! Even at -15C or -20C, haha :eyes:
- With that thick coat, she's much better in the cold than in the warmth! Kinda like me actually, omg...
- When she was a young dog, she would dig in the earth until her white paws and white body patches were stained dark brown, omggg :'3 And she loved to run in shallow water streams, etc.!!
- Personality example; my Luna is very assertive and confident, maybe even slightly dominant with other dogs (but she is then respective of their boundaries, if she understands that the other dogs don't like that), and she's def independent... Even with me and my family.
- Like, she'll play with us and have zoomies inside, but she isn't the type to just lounge on the couch, nor wanting to be pet and touched all the time. Even at 10 years of age (at the time of me writing this), she's quite active and wants to be physically and psychologically stimulated most of the time :'D !!
- Shih-Tzus really do be good dogs :'33 hehe! I will always recommend them bbys!!
- Obvs, you have many individuals who are more laid-back or "submissive" (they're living beings with personalities, after all hahah), but yeye :'33 !

- But anyways, omg tho! Back to Swirfurs!!!
- Swirlfurs build little shacks from wood logs; and they'll line the floor, ceiling, and walls, with tons of pelts (for warmth-conservation / isolation purposes)!
- In a single Swirlfur pack / settlement, you can easily count 10-12 of those shacks, huddled together (at the base of a hill, or nested in a clearing) to help fight the cold winds of the Southern Icefields...
- These Swirlfurs genetically come from a proto-Beastclan, itself from the Second Age, which had ties to wolves and the moon...
- Like IRL Shih-Tzus, who are genetically the closest to wolves (other than Spitz dogs, and affiliated breeds).
- Act in packs. Kinda like our draconian Mirrors??
- Help each other out, and are very social! But they can still live their own lives, independently from each other, for a while (a la IRL wolves).
- Females have like... An average of 4 pups per birthing? And since they have pups, potentially, every few months... They're therefore very often big families, culturally :'3!
- The whole clan / pack, will take care in raising the young.
- Have them big ol' eyes / have a very expressive face.
- Despite all of that long face fur :'3 lol.
- They love grooming themselves; as they physically do not shed fur (like IRL), they trim each other in privileged pack-bonding moments, when the warmer times come.
- They can also survive the coldest weathers; the warmth is more of a hassle (even when trimmed) tbh...
- Their "pack" or Clan name, always starts with "Swirlfur" (to reinforce their sense of belonging to their species) and then there's a qualitative based on their own pack's philosophy.
- Luna's pack is the "Swirlfur-Woodline", as they live at the edge of a dense mixed (deciduous AND pine) forest, on the rim of the tundra itself; this serves them well in their hunting and trapping endeavours, while protecting their huts from the cold and harsh winter winds... The trees are close to each other, and do be sheltering them folks from the worst of the weather!
- Plenty of shade too, in the warmer times of summer :'33c !
- They're also a bit more hunting-driven than some other packs :'33 And they have a knack for the woods, rolling in muddy waters, and loving the trees' shades!
- She's tricolor (which is rare), and the figurehead of her pack.
- Her mate iiis... Another female :'33! Lily!! Their whole pack decided to settle down on the outskirts of the Emblem, in a sub-section of the famed rock formation, jutting out of the Snowsquall Tundra's icy grounds...
- Tho they will never have biological children together, Luna and Lily consider ALL of their pack members, like their kids :'33 In a positive way, ofc. Meow!
- Like, them Swirlfur-Woodline folks all be these two's protegees!
- Swirlfurs come from Ice / the Tundra AND the Crags... They migrate depending on the temperatures (preferring cool climates and rich air, with a bit of snow on which they can track / hunt critters), and will flee to higher altitudes, when summer / warmer times rolls around.
- In my lore, the Snowsquall Tundra's temperature can go from -40C (coldest / winter) to about 20C (warmest / summer)... Like where I live :'33!! LOL
- Swirlfurs will historically go down to the Tundra grounds during winter (to get away from the deadliest colds of the Crags' heights), and then go back up the Crags during summer (to cool down from the tundra's warmer temperatures) :'33
- They have well-developed foot / back paw tendons, both for the heel and toes; hence, they can climb mountain sides quite easily (when it's not too abrupt, ofc... But normally they be fine with that stuff :'33)!!
- Swirlfur-Woodline folks (who Luna and Lily lead) have been allied with the Wolfspawn Canton for a bit, now; the fluffy Beastclan Pack acts as guides, and fur-trade commercial allies.
- The Swirlfur-Woodline will also act as the middlemen, for the relationship between the Wolfspawn Canton and the other local Beastclan folks (either other Swirlfur-Packs, or lit. other Beastclans; such as Longneck, Centaur... Etc.)
- Swirlfurs are well-seen in the Icefields by the other Ice / indigenous Beastclans, and even by many draconian clans! Due to their cute appearance AND (mostly) friendly demeanour? As long as you don't get on their bad side...
- Tho, depending on the Swirlfur-Pack, there can be conflicts... Mostly over territory borders, or hunting permissions.
- But in general, befriending them is the best way to go, if you wanna live in the Ice territories :'33!
- Swirlfurs will be represented by multiple dragon sprites, in my Clan; for aesthetic puuurposes!! As long as they got fur tho :'33
- ... Or well, as long as I can put a wolf pelt on them, and give the general vibe / impression that they are wolf-ish, or Shih-Tzu-like :'D LOL
- Luna is a Tundra (obvs reasons), Matria will be a Skydancer (with a wolf pelt at least, omGGG it's about them vibes)... And NAME (current Solemn) will be an Aether :'D Since the latter do be having that small short muzzle tho!!
- Swirlfurs' pack hierarchy goes as follow; Emperor (or Empress) as highest, alongside their mate! Underneath them... Everyone else :'D LOL
- Because, like, everyone else is kiiinda equal? Obvs they're a social Beastclan, so when eating or taking care of duties, the whole pack does it in group :'33
- Like, the Emperor / Empress and their mate(s) ('cause they sometimes have more than one) act as guides and leaders at All Times! They also are almost revered by the other pack members, due to the unity and objectives that they bring to the Pack... But! They eat at the same time as everyone else, do some of the duties with the others... Etc.!
- While Pups, Mated Adults, Elders, and Lone Ones (so those in the Pack without a mate, or without multiple mates) all have a big sibling / familial bond thing happening! Group efforts :'D!
- Also, every Mated Group that can bear Pups (whether two individuals, or more... Depending on them feelings :'33 meow), can procreate and like... Have babies :'D So unlike IRL wolf packs, it's not only the "dominant" couple that reproduces.
- Like, in Swirlfur Packs, as long as you have a mate / love another Swirlfur, you caaan have them Pups :'D Yay for more fluffy Shih-Tzus :'33c!
- Swirlfur Packs can be from like, 10 to 50 individuals, but it super varies due to multiple factors and reasons!
- Also, no such thing as "forbidden love" (a la Warrior Cats); if a Swirlfur falls in love with someone from another Pack... Well, it's good stuff :'D! Their life, their choice; they can then leave their original Pack to go in their mate's, ooor vice-versa!

- It happens very often for Packs to "eat" other Packs (aka merge into each other), thanks to these inter-Pack relationships! The new unified Pack then takes on another name, thru some very "instinctual" discussions!
- Like, y'know. "Heeey, what name should we bear, now?" and then someone else goes "... I dunno? We feel more like X, than Y now :'33", and for another to reply "... Hey, that sounds good :'D! We should be called X!! woof" and that's how it normally goes! Or well, along those kinda lines :'D
- However... There CAN be sooome level of conflict, if a Swirlfur falls in love with a non-Swirlfur... That's a tiiiny bit frowned upon, in their culture :'D Whoops.
- But in general, Swirlfur are a bit too stuck-up, and too proud of themselves and their existence, to fall into such situations :'3 ... I do say in general, haha. Meow!
- Like, they have quite a bit of pride about their Second Age / wolf-like ancestors! And for them, the Pack / social mentality (plus their identity as Swirlfur) is very important :'33c
- So while, like explained above, they can generally act as guides, and middlemen and traders for other Beastclan Nations or draconian groups... They don't normally mingle too TOO much, physically speaking, inside other settlements, that are not Swirlfur!
- You also have Swirlfur Packs who keep more to themselves, and who are more closed off / secretive... Etc.??

- Swirlfurs (as mentioned somewhere above this) can wield the same elements as Dragonkind; tho it generally takes them their entire lifetime to get to that level (for the majority of their kind, tho there ARE magically-inclined Swirlfurs).
- Said magical Swirlfurs are revered by the others in their Pack, and are often trusted with the spiritual and religious roles.
- Like, being a Shaman or healer... Or even an artist who creates art thru what the natural world gives them?? Hmm :'33 !
- They also have more chances to be chosen, by their community, for Leadership roles :'D! Except Sun Swirlfurs (explained a bit more down here)!
- However, a few rare Swirlfurs can wield elements outside of the Dragonkind-like powers; some exclusive Swirlfur magic are "Sun", "Moon", and "Star".

- "Sun" is the most rare and the most revered, as those with this power are seen as Gods, almost :'00 ! Like, closest to Godhood?? Their pelt is often very pale, but not entirely white; just having the colours being faded, and fading more and more, as they age up (but being a Sun with darker colours is seen as a curse, or a bad omen)... It is said that Sun Swirlfurs can "purify the Malice and darkness", leading to them being an important figure for their community.
- Like, they'll "bless", or do rituals, to protect expedition parties! Or Swirlfurs will thank them in particular for their hunting going well!
- A Sun Swirlfur is rare, and there are only 2-3 of them in the total amount of Swirlfur numbers, at the same time :'33 !
- Also, they don't normally take on the role of Leader / Emperor or Empress! Like, Swirlfur cultural values make it so that they're often Second-in-Command, or most likely Shaman.
- Or, in some Packs, they have a dedicated role (something like "Pack Bless-God", or another better name that I need to find, y'know), where their sole job is to use their Sun powers to make sure that things run smoothly for the Pack (and those allied to them) :'33 !

- "Moon" is very helpful for mind work, like reading others' thoughts... Also meditating for your own benefit (introspection), and this kinda power can make a Swirlfur into an actual intense empathetic person... Where they'll lit. "feel" what the other person is experiencing! This is often the toughest of powers, in general; as going thru the same feelings and experiences as other people (simultaneously), regardless of if it's positive or negative, is mentally and physically draining :'(( ... Those Swirlfurs will often retreat as hermits, to shield themselves from being constantly overwhelmed.
- They also (on rare cases) get visions from Sornieth's Second Age, when their wolf-like ancestors existed... Moon individuals will therefore be "Knowledge-Keepers" or "Past-Keepers", and tend to live their life as historians!
- It's not every Moon folk that chooses this way of life, but there's often an attachment (in these individuals) about keeping the past alive, knowing from who or where you came from... Etc. :'33

- "Star" is the magic of seeing the past or future... Those Swirlfur can use bones, engraved rocks, and the like, to read one's previous incarnation; those Star powers can also be used by the Swirlfur handling them, to give another Swirlfur some clarity about their past / about events that they have forgotten due to trauma and etc. / about what the future holds for them!!
- Miko (in the HibDen, in the "Beastclan Folks" tab) has Star powers; their most-refined skill is to give Swirlfur, both in AND out of his Nation, information and knowledge about one (or multiple) "parallel lives" that they have.
- AKA, time isn't linear for them, and one single soul could be going thru multiple simultaneous lives at the same time!
- He's an outlier in this case, as most Swirlfurs with Star powers are truly only confined to vision and "fortune-telling" about one's current life.
- Miko cannot "read" the lives of non-Swirlfurs; Dragonkind and other Beastclans distrust him a bit for that (seeing this as a stance of ego, and general Swirlfur pride), but he really just can't do it... I guess it's some sort of Soul Magic Signature(tm) incompatibility :'(( omg.
- insert

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