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Personal Style


Bleak Birdskull Necklace
Veteran's Eye Scar
Blue and Brown Flair Scarf
Leather Aviator Gloves




4.2 m
3.13 m
79.93 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 23, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245



Traveling Dragon
Timarril had always been warned about the Tangled Wood as a hatchling. A valid warning considering his clan lived near the edge of the shadowy forest. His clan called the Sunbeam Ruins home and off to the west the Tangled Wood loomed full of mysterious gloom. The elder members of his light clan told stories of naughty hatchlings that wandered into the Tangled Wood never to be seen again.
"The Light from The Sunbeam Ruins will not shine in the Tangled Wood"
It was a favourite saying of his clan, a cryptic way of saying that hatchings who went into the woods would not be rescued. It was enough to deter some hatchlings, but not all of them. The elders were unaware of a game the hatchlings played, who could get the closest to the Tangled Wood without being a scaredy scales. It was a game Timarril would always win.
The young spiral would sit on a rock just under the shade of the forest trees and dare the others to come closer. It was during one such game that a coatl only a few weeks younger then he stepped out to meet the dare. She made it to Timarril's rock and with quivering wings stepped beyond. The spiral watched as she made it to the base of a tree trunk and extended her shaking claws out to leave a scratch on the bark. The other hatchlings cheered as they moved toward the edge of the forest. The young coatl laughed and stood proudly by her tree, she looked back at her friends and puffed up with pride.
Only Timarril who was already so close saw the deep violet eyes behind her in the gloom. Before his mind could registrar what he saw a mirror leapt forward and in one swift movement snatched the coatl away. Timarril and the hatchlings shrieked as they ran back toward the safety of their nest. Chaos followed as the young dragons told the elders what had happened.
The coatl's parents were devastated, and it was then that Timarril realized he did not even know her name. She had been shy around the other hatchlings and from what Timarril could tell had used the game as a way to try and make friends. Now however she was gone.
"The Light from The Sunbeam Ruins will not shine in the Tangled Wood"
The words from the lesson became a harsh reality as they were recited to the coatl's family. Even as her mother begged the clan leader would not be moved. There would be no rescue, none from the clan would risk the woods. For Timarril that would be the beginning of his misery.
His friends told the clan leader about the game, and how he had goaded them on from his rock. Word spread through the clan that he had been the reason she had gotten so close. He had set the stage for disaster. His friends were forbidden to talk to him. Young dragons across the clan were pulled away from him. The elder dragons of the clan scorned him, even his own parents treated him differently then they had before. While all his older siblings were told they would always have a place in the clan, he was told that the clan leader had plans to take him the markets and find him a new home.
The clan had turned their backs on him and soon he would be sent off to who knows where. The young spiral decided to take matters into his own hands and look for the lost coatl. under the cover of night headed for the edge of the Tangled Wood. He reached the tree that bore the coatl's scratch mark. For a moment he stopped and placed his hand on the bark, then with a deep breath moved past the tree and into the Tangled Wood. He knew that even if he did not find her his clan would be happy and no one would come to look for him.
"The Light from the Sunbeam Ruins will not shine in the Tangled Wood."
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Years had passed since Timarril had first entered the Tangled Wood. The little hatchling from the Sunbeam Ruins had grown into a dragon that called the shadows home. He had never found the coatl from his clan and hoped that like him she had found happiness. He had learned to hunt the small beast that wandered the wood. He had joined a clan and fathered hatchlings with a Bogsneak named Dinas who, like him, had come from somewhere else before finding comfort in the shadows. The pair were not meant to be however as they soon went their separate ways.
Timarril found his way into clan after clan before finding a mate he loved. Her name was Awela and she was the most beautiful spiral he had ever seen. There was something off about her yes, a smell that just did not seem right, a glint in her eyes that seemed unnatural, but he did not care. He courted her and soon became her mate. The two made a nest that soon held two eggs. It was the day the eggs were laid that Timarril saw the Greybeak Reaper for the first time. The Corven would perch within sight of the nest and seemed to be waiting. Timarril would scare the grim bird off but he would always return. In addition to the bird, his mate started to act highly protective of their nest. At first, she insisted that the rest of her clan not be allowed near her eggs, then as time progressed her aggression turned toward Timarril himself. She would curl around their nest and hiss at him not allowing him near. She stopped eating, stopped drinking, and eventually began to weaken.
Timarril sought help from his mate's father Tevran to see if he had any insight to Awela's behavior. The old Bogsneak frowned at what he saw, for he had seen it all before. He informed Timarril that his mate had inherited a parasite from her mother. He had gone through this with Awela's mother who had died when the parasite had finished with her, he feared that history would repeat itself now with his daughter. Tevran told Timarril how a Greybeak Reaper had come to watch his mate in her final days, perhaps to guide her spirit across to the other side. The presence of one now meant that Awela's time would soon run out.
The day finally came when the eggs hatched. Timarril could hear the sound of the hatchlings breaking through their shells from his place outside the nesting cave. It was as close as Awela would allow him these days. As he rose from where he laid he felt the shadow of the Reaper pass over him. The corven glided silently into the cave ahead of him. As he approached the nest he could tell that his mate was gone. She lay curled motionless around the nest her job finished. Timarril watched as the Reaper passed a hand over her lifeless body then with a caw, he took flight. It may have been a trick of the light but the spiral thought he saw a faint aura lift from his fallen mate. With a heavy heart, he said goodbye then turned to look upon his children. The two hatchlings one male, one female wiggled in the nest, their first movements out of the egg.
As he watched his hatchlings in their first few moments of life the sound of feathered wings caught his attention. He turned and saw that the Reaper had returned and was once again waiting patiently, perched outside. Fear overtook him, he looked back at his offspring. Had one of them inherited the parasite? He had to get Tevran, he had to know. With haste, he gathered up his two hatchlings and rushed to see the Bogsneak. The Reaper followed from a distance, an unnerving companion. It's presence frightened him, causing him to rush faster through the Woods. The Reaper kept pace always just in sight.
Tevran had no reassurances for him. There was no clear way to tell if the hatchlings had been affected by the parasite. Timarril did not want to see his hatchlings be consumed by the parasite. In a moment of fear he left his offspring with Tevran. Suddenly he was that small hatchling again, the one who had watched the coatl be taken, the one who had been hated by his clan. He ran, leaving everything he knew behind. He wanted to go somewhere away from parasites, and death. Yet even as he put miles between him and his problems, the shadow of the Reaper kept pace. His time had not yet come and would not come for some time, but the Reaper is patient.
" The Reaper waits for us all."
Weeks, perhaps even months passed as Timarril fled from the Tangled Wood, reaper on his heels with every path, every turn he took. No matter what he did, the bird was always there in the corner of his eyes, grinning, waiting, undeterred even when Timarril bared his teeth at it, or lashed out with his claws. Slowly, Timarril began to lose hope of ever shaking the Reaper off.

One day, however, after he had passed out from exhaustion, he woke up being tended to by a Guardian, one he didn't know. She was surrounded by cats, and an Augite Protector simply floated at her side. After his initial shock, she introduced herself as Sparga, the leader of one of the local clans. She explained that one of her foragers had found him, and taken him back to her, after determining he was in a bad state. She and a few others had then taken care of him, until he woke up just now.

After that, she said he didn't need to explain anything, that plenty of others had come into the clan with a past shrouded in mystery, and nobody would think any less of him if he decided he didn't want to tell them. He was free to stay or leave as he pleased.

He was soon introduced to some of the more prominent members of the clan; Sparga's mate, the kindly forager who found him, the apostles of the elements, and many others.

He hit it off particularly well with one of the clan's warriors, Flora. They got engrossed into talking with one another, and it didn't take long for him to grow comfortable around the passionate Guardian.

For the first time in forever, the Reaper was nowhere to be seen.

Time passed, and Timarril slowly settled into life among the clan, getting to know everyone around him, but especially Flora, better. She had had a similar experience as him as a hatchling, being abandoned by her clan before ending up here, and growing up under Sparga's wing, so in a way she could relate to him, and he to her.

They ended up courting one another, and soon, they had a clutch of eggs of their own, with no parasites this time to ruin everything. The hatchlings were born a few ways away from the clan, happy and healthy as could be. Things seemed to finally be going uphill again for Timarril.

Alas, it couldn't last. The double edged sword that was being the mate of a warrior reared its ugly head in the form of a rivalling clan attacking their clutch, simply because it was Flora's. One by one, their hatchlings were slaughtered, despite his and Flora's best attempts at defending them. Then with all the hatchlings dead, they started focusing their forces on him. He fought and clawed and bared his fangs, but the rivalling dragons completely overpowered him, and one scratched his eye, blinding it.

Flora was unable to help, being as outnumbered as they were, and shouted for Timarril to run, to flee, to take care of himself. She would be fine, as long as he fled.

Panicked, Timarril scrambled away, flying as fast as he could, making turns, twisting in hoops, and using every technique he could think of to lose the dragons chasing him, until finally he couldn't hear the furious roars and screeches anymore.

He was devastated, he didn't know where he was anymore. Didn't know if Flora made it out alive. Didn't dare return to find out, terrified that- no, certain that he would be blamed.

In the corner of his eyes, the Reaper grinned.

" Death waits for no one."
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He wandered, the reaper shadowing his every move for weeks upon weeks upon weeks, resenting his life, resenting his curse, resenting that- his bird, his reaper, the angel of death that followed him always. Waiting. Watching. Surely after all these years of being followed, his own death must be soon.
It must be.
As Timarril pressed on through the dark, his eyes slowly adjusted to it, being able to just about discern the vague silhouettes of a wood rising in front of him. He knew this place, The Tangled Woods. It seemed he could not escape it.
Head bowed, the spiral took a deep breath, fearing once more for the fates of those who he would inevitably meet within, and silently entered the old forest, the trees soon swallowing his figure whole.
It did not take long for someone to find him. Echo, out on a routine border patrol, had encountered Timarril's unconscious form under the silent surveillance of the Reaper, casting it a brief glance before scooping the spiral up and returning to The Outpost without a word.
The Reaper followed.
Upon awakening, Timarril felt a strange sense of deja vu as a tall pearlcatcher fluttered around him, examining him for any wounds or injuries, mumbling to herself quietly, as if unaware of her patient watching her cautiously. The pearlcatcher, satisfied with his results, introduced herself as Felicita, designated healer of The Outpost and amateur harmonacist, letting out a nervous chuckle before apologising to him that 'she'd probably be one of the only three dragons you'll see for a while.'
Initially confused, Felicita explained to him that something... Pretty bad had happened a few days ago back at the main clan, putting the area under complete quarantine to try and minimise the damage that it would cause, but they hadn't sealed it off in time and there might possibly maybe be a highly dangerous yellow guardian rampaging around the woods. So for his own safety, he would have to remain inside until the sentries had 'neutralised the threat'.
The next few days passed by slowly, confined to the inside of the watchtower, Timarril had little to do other than help Felicita tend to her plants and attempt to make conversation with the overall less than sociable sentries. While the second-in-command, Aen, was friendly, if not a little egotistical, the other, Echo, seemed to refuse to talk to him as he went past without a glance in his direction.
That was until, while Timarril had taken to tracing the cracks in a wall, he heard a low, gruff voice from behind him that seemed like it hadn't seen much use.
"Your Corvid is waiting for you outside."
Blood immediately freezing in his veins, the spiral whipped around to face the ridgeback, fear and panic etched quite visibly into his features, Timarril practically hurled himself at the window ledge and, sure as day, the Reaper stood, quite calmly in the clearing ahead, tilting it's head slightly as the pair's eyes met. Unable to move, the spiral could only look on in horror as he realised the corven was not alone, tens of hundreds of bright purple pairs of light piercing the darkness behind it.
It took less than seconds for the horde to swarm The Outpost, tearing through walls and doors with ease, the sound of primal roars and slashing of swords filling the air with deafening noise.
Timarril, fearing once more for his life, leapt out through the window he was standing at moments before, taking to the air with frantic, erratic wingbeats as he fled, not daring to look back out of fear and, as he later realised, shame, remembering little other than the distant sound of the sentries' final shouts and the corven silhouette following him from below. For it would follow him wherever he would go. It was his shadow, his companion, his reaper.

"Death comes in threes."
Cursed. He must be cursed. It'd the only reasonable assumption, right? Death followed him like a shadow, literally, and there was no physical way he could escape it. Everywhere he went he just bought with him death and destruction. And so it was, barrelling through the trees of The Tangled Wood with tears brimming in his eyes that he resolved to be alone forever. Well, if you didn't count his ever-present Reaper as company.
It was in this haze, as memories of all those that'd fallen in his presence flashed before his eyes, that he didn't notice light shining through the trees. But this wasn't the comforting, warm light of the Sunbeam Ruins at all. This was the harsh, scorching light of Dragonhome, the heat that prevented the twisted vegetation of The Tangled Wood from growing into their soil, and killing the infections that would spread from The Scarred Wasteland.
Eyes bleary, Timarril didn't notice the forest fading around him as he emerged into the safety of Dragonhome, and right into the waiting claws of another Spiral not too much smaller than himself. See, this dragon, as he later explained, had seen the shape of another Spiral twisting frantically through the trees and thought he's greet the newcomer. And also stop him from running face-first into The Pillar of the World that stood proudly at the forest's edge.
Confusion passed over Timarril's features as he realised he'd come to a stop, and his eyes turned upward to meet the grinning visage of the dragon he'd charged in to. Confusion quickly turned to panic when he registered that he was currently bound in the coils of a Spiral of the Shadow Flight, and the mere sight of those purple eyes alone caused all strength to drain from him. This was it, he though to himself, he'd finally been caught and he was finally going to die. At least nobody else could be hurt because of him. And with that passing moment of peace, he closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

Not long later, Timarril woke up in a dark cavern, illuminated only by a few glowing mushrooms and... Other trinkets that should definitely not be glowing but somehow were. Was he dead? Had that monster taken him back to it's cave to torture him?
A jovial tone from the shadows broke him form his panicked state of mind, greeting him and welcoming him to a clan known as 'The Terminal Burrow'. The voice introduced itself as 'Jester', and questioned Timarril's reaction to running into him earlier. The voice explained that he wasn't much of a threat, like some of the residents of that forest, because he wasn't a resident of The Tangled Woods at all! In fact, he'd never even seen the place until he clan moved to Dragonhome not too long ago. Jester went on to tell his silently terrified guest his life story, that he was found abandoned as an egg and taken into this clan, and that he'd been immediately adopted by a pair of Spirals upon his hatching. It was these Spirals that ignited his interest in science, but his fascination with causing mischief had been with him since his hatching.

As he listened, Timarril came to realise that this dragon, although sharing those same purple eyes that haunted his dreams, truly meant no harm and that he was more than likely safe with this clan. Jester had explained thoroughly that The Terminal Burrow accepted dragons of all kinds. As an example, Jester had explained that the co-founder had become shadetouched sometime after moving to Dragonhome, though had learned to partially control it through sheer force of will and the overflow of love from her long-term mate who refused to leave her side. And briefly mentioned the family of Naomi-descendants currently calling this clan their home, along with a necromancer and his reanimated brother.

Maybe a dragon as cursed as him would be able to live peacefully here. Or, he hoped that would be the case. That Reaper had followed him still, perched on one of the rocky shelves of Jester's cave.

A few weeks later, Timarril had become complacent, having relaxed into this clan where the cursed weren't shunned. And that's when the nightmares started. Dreams of the clan crumbling around him, his new friends being crushed under the weight of the rocks that formed their cavernous home while his Reaper watched on.
His nightmares drove him to seeking the opinions of the clan's shadetouched co-founder, Riddle, and the resident forest witch, Dombeya. The two females spoke with each other out of Timarril's earshot for a few moments before returning to him with their verdict.
While they couldn't lift his curse, or stop his nightmares, they were prepared to offer him a charm of sorts to carry with him. This charm was to help relieve his nightmares, and to hopefully ward off any bad luck he may have been carrying with him.
And when they produced said charm for him after a day of working on it and blessing it, Timarril couldn't help but smile. A birdskull necklace, decorated with black feathers. How fitting.

Timarril thanked the two profusely, before declaring that he was due to leave in the coming days. He felt like, even with this charm, that it would be bad luck for them if he stayed. Dombeya agreed. So, after spending one last holiday with the clan, he packed up to leave. Where he was going, he didn't know, but all he knew was that the Reaper was starting to get bolder, flying closer beside him now than ever before.

Timarril visited a sunny light clan where the residents were rather inactive and quiet. The clan had hosted some other dragons hoping for lighter eyes on occasion, but were otherwise quiet and allowed Timarril some space to relax. After some time, he grew bored of their slow life, and took of towards home.

"Death looms ever closer."
Story goes here!

Story goes here!

Blue and Brown Flair Scarf Leather Aviator Gloves 196.png 196.png
Coding by 1nfestation (ID#296458). Find it here.

Greybeak Reaper Blue and Brown Flair Scarf Leather Aviator Gloves Veteran's Eye Scar Bleak Birdskull Necklace

Uh-oh, looks like this lost soul wandered a little too far from his home lair (23143, RoxySantana), and now s/he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but s/he would be very grateful!
Owners I've Had:
RoxySantana 23143
TeenyTK, 206487
Twowingsforever, 426927
pokemoncha, 435200
EbonyUnderscore, 333628
Ikilou, 45008
CoralGay, 367605
Alxamei, 46771
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