
Level 1 Imperial
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Mysterious Cowl
Mage's Midnight Overcoat


Accent: Bone Armor Imp F


Scene: Arcanist's Domain


22.5 m
23.67 m
8826.48 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 08, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245



Priestess of the Deities

Tricktrouper Crown Trickster's Magic Cards Gloomwillow Guide
"You never know what you have until it's gone."


Egress is a quiet thoughtful creature who rarely leaves her cavern when not performing her duties to the clan. She is quite content with her peaceful life, but enjoys Valon's enigmatic nature, and the excitement he brings to her life. She provides spiritual rites to those who wish to join the Arcanist in the observatory. Those that come to her for such things come out of her cavern changed. They often have a far away look to them, before finally leaving the clan and heading up to the Observatory. For this reason, long time members of the clan are weary of her and will not approach her without good reason.

She first met Valon a week or so after her arrival in the clan. He approached her and flirted with her in his usual way although she did not know that at the time. She politely introduced herself and quickly brushed him off and went about her business. Her lack of reaction to his charm piqued his interest, and she found herself plagued by his near constant presence. Having a near infinite amount of patience, she tolerated him, knowing he would likely get bored of the game eventually. Only, he didn't, in fact, the more he learned about her, the more intrigued he became. Her collection of bones both awed and unnerved him. He treasured every word she spoke for she spoke little, preferring the solitude of her own mind. She would only ask him to leave when meeting with traveling dragons and dragons of the clan who have chosen to serve the Arcanist. He always respected her wishes. She appreciated that, especially as she has begun to find his constant prescence tiring.

"May I ask, what you want from me?" she asked a few weeks into their "courtship" as Valon often put it. He hesitated for a moment, perhaps not quite knowing the answer himself.

"I don't think I've ever put this much effort into getting someone to like me," he said, astonishing himself with his answer. She laughed.

"I liked you more before I knew you," she said. He was completely crestfallen by the news.

"Oh," he said. She was amused by his disappointment. He was so rarely disappointed.

"However, perhaps some distance would help, absence does make the heart grow fonder," she said, hoping he would take the hint. He instantly brightened.

"Yes of course, my lady, I will give you time to reconsider my affections," he said, quietly leaving her a bouquet of black tulips on his way out. She frowned at the impractical gift. He knew full well that she could not eat this, before realizing that she was meant to appreciate its beauty for its own sake. He'd appreciated her for her own sake, but his admiration had been too intense and exhausting. She placed the tulips into a spare beaker and added water. she wouldn't mind having something pretty to look at now that Valon was gone. At least, for now, she thought, worried that he may take her request to admire her from afar too seriously. She needn't have worried about him helplessly pining for her from afar forever. Valon moved on from his obsession with her quickly. He was too easy to like to ever be alone. Part of her was annoyed but the more rational part won and ignored him and his latest conquest. She had work to do.

For a while, she forgot him and found herself getting along well with Calypso, Caylis, Anya and Vladmir who were rational enough to realize she was not the embodiment of death or were strange enough to not notice her own strangeness. She especially liked spending time with Calypso who also enjoyed reading and had a kind of melancholy about her that she appreciated and understood. She did her best to console her friend and the ache she felt for those the clan had lost. Her own fervent belief that no dragon was ever truly gone and had simply chosen another path neither could follow seemed to cheer her up, even if she still remained unconvinced about the possibility of an immortal soul. Caylis tended to drag her into special missions, often work related. She enjoyed the adventures but could only participate in so many before growing tired. Anya and Vladmir were too eerily in sync to properly be a friend to her without leaving her uneasy. Lilith unfortunately had become too consumed in her need for revenge to care much about her after a while, and when she did come around it was only because she needed something that she could get from no one else. Having become properly situated in the clan, she had procured a small furry creature that had been wandering around the lair for some time. She decided to name him Tiberus, and from the moment she fed him, she had his undying loyalty. He likes to hold onto her tail when they do travel, and they are rarely apart.

Then, one day, Valon asked for her company. She acquiesced, leading to a particularly enchanting evening that he had obviously planned months in advance. She sighed.

"You're still trying too hard," she said at the end of their date. He frowned, and his tail twitched in annoyance.

"Would you prefer to just talk in a dusty old cave?" he scoffed, cleary vexed by his failure.

"Yes, I would actually," she said, turning away. She paused and remembered her manners.

"Thank you for a lovely evening," she said. Egress enjoyed his pleased expression as she passed him. She'd missed that smile.

For a while, she heard nothing from Valon, and she assumed he had finally given up on her, until one day he brought her a stack of twenty books.

"These are all first editions of books you were searching for," he said panting.

"How did you even get these?" she said, absolutely astounded.

"Elodie and I were having tea and I inquired, " he said, clearly proud of himself. She nodded, studying the texts intimately. He'd done so much for her, and she barely knew anything about him.

"Please sit," she said, gesturing for him to sit beside her with her tail. He did as she asked, waiting eagerly for any sign of affection from her.

"Valon, I think I like you, but I want to know more about you without the excessive theatrics," she said before he could take over this date as he had the others. He nodded.

"What do you want to know?" he asked. She asked him something that had been bothering her for a while.

"Why do you wear armor if you are not a warrior?" she asked, hoping she didn't come off as rude. He grinned and answered her without a hint of malice.

"Because I look fabulous in it. Besides, you can never be too careful." She laughed, and he took her gentle teasing in stride.

From then on, she was in charge of their weekly dates, and they grew fond of each other. Eventually, they knew each other well enough that she was comfortable with him moving in with her. The cavern had to be expanded exponentially to fit Valon's giant collection of baubles and knick knacks, leaving her extremely stressed for a time, but Valon had learned to ready her body language and recognize when he was being a pain. He downsized his large collection, selling many valuable pieces until it was brought down into a manageable size. A few weeks into living together, they reached true harmony, leading to a lovely two egg nest, a daughter and son.

Her children are grown now. Egress has fulfilled her duty to them, and they have passed beyond her capabilities to see. She is grateful for the time they had together. They've have several broods since the first, and she hasn't ever connected to the rest of her children as she had with Karma. Their wavelengths had been similar enough that she found her company calming instead of trying. She wonders if perhaps she should have had Karma read her fortune, if only because the chance to do so is forever past. She regrets not spending more time with her second child Ash. Unfortunately, he was simply too similar to Valon to see on a regular basis. Then again, these are simple musings of an old dragon, too late to change anything. They've not had a new brood for several moons now. It's just the two of them alone in their cavern, unchanged by time, bickering like always, getting along as well as water and oil.

Yet, Egress is forever a devoted, dutiful, and peaceful creature. She does love Valon in her way. She is well versed enough in politics to know she wants not part in them. She has made no enemies, and her mate has enemies enough for both of him. She prays there is never a day where this peace is shattered. She couldn't have foreseen what was coming. Her daughter had never read her fortune after all.

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