
Level 1 Skydancer
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Undying Featherback
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Energy: 8/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Skydancer
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Autumn Breeze
Blood Red Wolf Cape
Skeletal Chimes




5.68 m
4.79 m
473.45 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 25, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245



The day Pollux was born, whispers traveled throughout Sornieth.

"Surely I misheard you. Two dragons from the same egg?"
"No, that's the truth. It's unheard of."
"How could this be possible?"
"Listen- it gets even more strange. The egg hatched in the tangled wood. Shadow dragons. But one of the hatchlings bears the eyes of the Plaguebringer."
"What does it mean?"
"I heard that the Plaguebringer himself placed the hatchling in the egg. That he plans to use this hatchling to wage war on Shadow. To attack and destroy- from the inside."
"But Sornieth is at peace. Why would the Plaguebringer try to upset the peace now?"
"We just can't know. But we must pay attention to this hatchling. To what he becomes."

Pollux didn't know there were whispers. He was a happy hatchling. His mother adored him and his brother. They didn't know how fiercely she battled to protect them from the prying eyes, from the dragons who just wanted to lay eyes on the hatchling sent from the Plague deity, even from those who thought the hatchling should be eliminated, lest he become a threat to their flight.

Pollux simply sent his days playing with Castor. They wrestled, they raced, and at the end of the day they slept soundly, always curled together. The brothers were inseparable. They thought nothing of the fact that their eyes didn't match.
the immortal
According to mythology, Castor and Pollux were twin brothers born from an egg. Their mother was Leda, but Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, and Pollux the divine son of Zeus. When Castor was killed, Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together, and they were transformed into the constellation Gemini.

As they grew older, it became apparent that Pollux was different. Despite being much smaller than his Guardian brother, his strength and speed were unmatched. His senses were elevated. Sometimes, he even heard voices on the wind. He knew that the voices were not coming from this land. He was frightened the first time he realized he could hear the deities speak. He thought they would come for him and take him away from his brother. When he told Castor of his fears, his brother simply leaned against his side. "I wouldn't let them."

By the time Pollux and Castor came of age, Pollux knew he was different. But he wanted to know why. He had to know for what reason the Plaguebringer had placed him in a seemingly random Shadow egg.

"Castor, I have to find my father. I have to get answers. So many dragons think I was sent here to destroy the Shadow flight. That can't be my purpose in life. I may have Plague eyes, but I have always been a Shadow dragon. I need to do this, to prove to them that I'm not here to hurt them."
His brother bowed his head. "I understand. You're special. I know you have a greater purpose here, and it isn't destruction. You are good, and I see that. But you need to make everyone else see it too."
"Come with me?"

For the first time in their lives, Pollux and Castor left the safety of their clan without their mother. They encountered many cold eyes on their journey, and even the occasional attack, but Pollux was more than a match for any dragon who threatened them, especially with his Guardian brother fiercely fighting at his side to protect him. They continued on their path relatively unimpeded. Until the ambush.

Pollux woke to the feeling that he was being watched. Maybe it was his heightened senses that gave it away, maybe it was something else. He nudged Castor awake from where he slept, curled around Pollux. Slowly, the dragons began to emerge from the darkness. Ten, twenty, thirty. They didn't even say a word before they attacked.

Both brothers fought valiantly, taking down dragon after dragon who came at them. But there were just too many. Eventually, they were overpowered. Two huge imperials stood upon Pollux's wings, restraining him, while Castor simply laid where he had fallen, bleeding and weak. A huge, black ridgeback emerged from the sidelines.

He lumbered forward. "We know why you are here, Plague." His purple eyes flashed in the darkness. "I truly do apologize for the violence. But I have to protect my flight." He paused, raising his head high. "I promise I'll make it quick."

With that, he reared up on his hind legs, raising his foreleg, talons extended to shred. Suddenly, Pollux felt a warm mass barrel past him, knocking one of the imperials who stood on his wings, freeing him to deliver a blow to both their heads to knock them unconscious. It wasn't until he turned around that he saw Pollux lying at the feet the the ridgeback, scales and flesh shredded from throat to stomach. His vision burned red with anger, his mind burning with grief. Before he realized what was happening, he saw the ridgeback in front of him surrounded by a cloud of red and green contamination, more powerful than any he had ever produced. When the cloud cleared, the ridgeback lay dead. But so did his brother.

Pollux would have ended it there and then, joining his brother, if he could have. Of course, his curse of immortality prevented that. He found the strength to continue only because he had a glimmer of hope that the deities would allow him to see his brother again, one way or another.

The voices in the wind guided him, leading him to a deep cave in the heart of the scarred wastelands. He wandered deeper and deeper into the cave, until at last, a wide cavern opened before him, dimly illuminated by some unseen force. Here, rather than quiet voices, he felt the presence of the deities, of his father. He heard the voices clear as day, resonating throughout the cave, throughout him. After a moment, the air before him seemed to shimmer, as if it were liquid. It darkened to a thick, swirling mist, which solidified into two massive forms. He immediately recognized the one directly before him.

“Father,” he gasped, eyes transfixed on the dragon.
“Pollux.” He felt the voice more than heard it. It resonated throughout his bones, his blood, him. “My son.”
Pollux could not hold back his sob. It was the moment he’d waited for his whole life, but without Castor, it felt pointless.
“I know why you have come.” He paused. “And I know what you have lost. I can give you the answers you seek.”
“I don’t care about answers, not anymore.” Pollux bit out. “Can you bring him back. Please.”
“Bring him back?” The Plaguebringer seemed troubled by the request. “ I cannot bring him back… as he was. But I may be able to… return him to you.” At this, the other dragon stepped forward. She was black, dark as night, but she exuded a dim, purple glow. The Shadowbinder.
“Pollux,” she addressed him, “your brother should not have lost his life the way he did. It was a mistake. Believe me, we do not make it a habit to return dragons from the dead. In fact, it is not even within our power under normal circumstances. But in this case… there may be a loophole. Because of who you are, and the bond you shared with your brother, we may be able to… make a trade, of sorts. But please. Allow us to start from the beginning."

Pollux grudgingly agreed, a small flicker of hope growing in his chest. The Shadowbringer continued. “The Shadow flight has been in a state of unrest for several years. Even since before you were born. One dragon in particular- well, you met him- has been gathering followers. Convincing the Shadow dragons that the other flights, particularly Plague, mean them harm. He has been attempting to build an army, to destroy Plague and rule them… as the Shadow king.” She spat the last words, clearly disgusted with this dragon who was wreaking havoc in her beloved flight. She turned away, fuming.

His father continued. “This is where you and your brother came in. You were placed in your brothers egg as a gesture of unity between Shadow and Plague.” He hesitated, glancing gently at the Shadowbinder. “As a gesture of love.”
Pollux realized something, suddenly. He stepped forward, towards the Shadowbinder. “Are you… my mother?” He then shook his head. “No. I have a mother. Back in the Tangled Wood.” The Shadowbinder raised her head to meet his eyes, her expression soft, and also very sad.
“I was your mother, once. I chose to give you up before you had even hatched, for the sake of saving my flight. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But, Pollux, you have made me so proud.” Her voice broke, and she turned away again.

Hesitantly, the Plaguebringer continued. “You and your brother… you were the only ones with the power to overthrow the Shadow King,” he used the title mockingly, “and you could only do it together. Your brother is just as important as you are, in this plan. You could not have destroyed the Shadow King without the strength of your brothers love. But we did not realize it would mean his sacrifice.”

“Your work is not done.” The Shadowbinder, seemingly recovered, interrupted. “You have overthrown the Shadow King, but you must convince his followers to abandon his cause, to instead pursue peace between Shadow and Plague. But to do that, you need your brother.”
“I’ll do anything,” Pollux immediately begged. “He would have done anything for me. He did give everything for me. Please, let me return the favor.”

“We can do it. But it will come at a cost. You have the gift of immortality. We cannot just bring back life where life was lost. But… you may have enough life for the both of you. You will lose your immortality. You will both be mortal. And… your life force will be shared. You will no longer be able to exist, one without the other. You will, physically, be separate… but you will also be the same. You will share a mind, you will feel each other’s pain. You will keep your strength, but only when Castor shares it with you. When you are alone, you will both become… mere fractions of dragons. You will want to avoid that at all costs. It is your choice. You don’t have to do this.”

Pollux didn’t hesitate. “I’ve never been apart from him in my life, until he gave his for mine. We already were the same. Of course I’ll do it.”
The Plaguebringer nodded. “It may be painful.”
“Nothing can be as painful as losing him.”
“Then follow me."

The pain was unlike anything Pollux had ever felt, as if his entire being were being split in two, but he embraced it. He didn’t know how long he spent, curled in on himself, breathing through the pain. But eventually, it subsided, with an intense sensation of being put back together. He felt whole again… but it was different. He felt… bigger. Less contained. Pollux. When he heard his brother’s voice, resonating in his head, his eyes snapped open. His brother stood next to him, and was then curling around him, overjoyed. He didn’t have to explain. Castor knew. Everything Pollux knew, Castor knew. Every thought and feeling that flicked through either head was immediately perceived and answered by the other.

When the brothers exited the cave, the deities were gone. But they could feel them; their reassurance, their love. Let’s go, brother. We have work to do.

Contaminate Viper's Helmet Tiny Feathers Plague Runestone Silver Pocketwatch Unhatched Shadow Egg

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