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Personal Style


Black Tulip Flowerfall
Dusky Rose Thorn Collar
Shadowscale Bracers
Shadowscale Greaves
Shadowscale Wing Guard
Dusk Rogue Wing Guard
Dusk Rogue Footpads
Shadowscale Tail Guard


Accent: Nightrunner


Scene: Sunparched Prowl


10.14 m
16.23 m
9111.13 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 08, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Guardian
EXP: 9330 / 11881
Mist Slash
Dark Might Fragment
Dark Might Fragment


the hidden one
Clan Chieftain

Sia - The Greatest




Roles within the clan
  • Chieftain
  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Scavenger
  • Scout
Faded Shadowbinder Effigy Nightwing Bat Enchanted Remains Scary Storybook Haunting Houndskull

Leto was never afraid of the darkness, like most hatchlings born in the Tangled Wood. However, she was afraid of many other things: monsters, lurking out of sight, getting lost in the mist, her parents abandoning her. She feared feeling overpowered and useless, she hated being small and weak. Strength was valued the most among her clan, favouring surviving of the fittest. There was no time for sentiments. She didn't know all of that, at first.

She had a friend, once.

A good one - or she thought as much. She noticed nobody could see them, not really, besides her. Older drakes would say her friend is only in her head, her parents kept silencing her every time she spoke to them in their presence. Mother seemed awfully stressed about it, so she tried to limit conversations with her friend to her "safe" time, in which she was allowed to rest in solitude.

Her friend didn't look like her - they didn't even always look the same as last time they spoke. Once, they were a slingy, tall dragon with feathers in their wings, other time they appeared as tiniest of faes with furiously bright wings, and sometimes they even mirrored the young guardian's appearance. They would tell her stories, summoning shady images with nothing more than a wave of their paw, they would sing to her songs in languages she didn't ever hear, they would show her best hiding spots in hide and seek game.

It was her friend. Her only friend. The only one since the clan elder announced her as chosen to eternal service under Shadowbinder's banner. She was secluded from her peers and the whole clan cheered for her, achieving such an honor in age that young. She had a lot more responsibilities now, including challenging training sessions and long lectures regarding tactics, history and control over emotions. She was to be a spy, a greatest the Dark Lady could have.

She really, really feared she will fail. Fail her parents, jealous not-anymore-friends, clan elders, the Shadowbinder herself - so she trained hard. And her friend soon become her only companion and trustee.

Until the day she couldn't find them anymore. She came back after another exhausting training, to find her usually occupied lair to be empty, not counting Shadowbinder's plushie resting on hard surface - she wasn't allowed to sleep on soft fabrics anymore, now when she strived to become a soldier. She panicked a little, but soon her restrain and composure was regained - her friend would come back. Maybe something stopped them.

They were never late, though.

She waited anxiously until she just couldn't sit idly anymore. She set out in the dead of the night for a search. She didn't get to far when she walked straight into her mother, who stumbled forward with absent expression on her face.

"Mother?" Leto asked to grab her attention.

"Oh, darling!" her mother gathered Leto into her arms in the matter of seconds, leaving her child suprised and scared all at once. "I am so sorry! So sorry! We didn't believed you! You could have died! Oh, our Night Mother warned us just in time! My sweet, sweet baby Leto!"

"Mother. Please." Leto wriggled her way out of pearlcatcher's grasp. She hated being called "baby". She was almost grown! She was going to become a soldier in their Lady's army! Some respect, please!

Her mind quickly dissolved from irritation to worry, though, when she combined her mother's unusual amount of affection with her friend's disappearance. The friend that was just her imagination, her flaw, her story.

"What happend?" she asked, backing away from her distrought mother. "What did you do? What was just in time?"

"I guess..." Pearlcatcher sniffed a litte, deliberating. "I guess you're a big girl now. Gonna be soldier soon. You deserve to know, you deserve not to be coddled." she sighed, and Leto felt more anxious with her every word. "There was a Shade in our lair. We don't know how it got here and how did it manage to survive that long, seperated from it's kin. And you, you were the only one who saw it! And we ignored your claims" she looked guilty, but Leto couldn't care less, hearing her words like through glass wall.

"It manifested when you were on your training" her mother continued, mistaking her anger for shock. "It was sitting right in your place! Like nothing happened! It must've poisoned you mind, it's a miracle you're still alive! Thank Shadowbinder we managed to shatter it, before it hurt anyone else. The elders say they need to test you, look for a signs of corruption. But it will be alright, don't you worry, mother will take care of it. Come on, let's go. Leto?"

"No." that was all what Leto had said. She turned around on her heel and sprung into flight almost without thinking. She knew how to fly swift and silent, being nothing more than a shadow in the sky, so she quickly escaped her mother's ice gaze.

The young guardian, mad with rage, choking with unexpected grief, shoot through the night sky like an obsidian arrow, not looking behind herself.

She landed near Ghostlit Ruins, mostly because of exhaustion and tears that clouded her sight. She wiped them off angrily, but it just made more come down her scales. Her friend, her only friend, taken for a Shade and shattered to tiniest pieces, scattered into the void. She will never see them again. Leto never met a Shade, she knew only stories about hungry force devouring everything on it's way - it couldn't be her friend, not the one that told her stories and played with her. They were just a spirit, just a ghost, just her friend. Her clan was wrong, her clan destroyed them, her clan betrayed them.

She betrayed them. She left them to be found, not even bothering to hide them somehow. Do... something. To save them! It was her fault, in the end. She failed.

The Dark Lady would not like to have a failure as her chief spy. Her clan would not like to have a failure of possibly Shade-touched fluke hatchling. She felt defeated. Lost. Alone.

She was almost ready to get back to her clan, so she can get judged, when a sudden thump startled her. She managed to distinguish sounds of a fight that followed - something large was fighting with something huge. She should've leave, she knew that. But she stayed, instead, peeking through cracks in the walls. Remaining unseen, she witnessed a battle between wounded guardian and Malevolent Spirit, which was won by the dragon - bearly. As he tried to catch a breath and Leto was almost leaving, she saw a movement in the corner of her eye.

Something was hiding in the shadows, just behind the injured dragon.

She's not gonna be a failure in everything. She didn't think twice.

Leto jumped straight out of her hiding and brought the creature down - but it only vaporized around her claws, as spirits tend to do. There was... Something about it... Something familiar. It was gone now, though. She cursed and turned around just in time to see furious eyes, one scarred, staring her down.

"Who are you?" the guardian growled, but then he almost immidiately reflected upon his tone. "You're a baby. Well, a big one, but still - a baby. A baby! What's a kid doing in here?! Where are your parents? Did a kid just saved my hide? What." he was dumbfounded, realising what just happend.

"I'm not a baby" she managed to point out before he swept her in his wings. She "oofed" in suprise, but felt only warm and softness of feathers around her.

"Don't worry, kid. You're safe now. I'm Biorna" - he said, getting them out of the ruins. "I... I had children just like you. I bid you no harm. Now, will you tell me what were you trying to do, jumping on a ghost like that?"

"He would've hurt you" she mumbled, a little bit strained in his grasp. "I'm a guardian too. We protect. I had training, I... Was going to serve our Lady. She picked me out! Or, well, her servant did. But I was chosen! Special!". She didn't meant for it to sound so insecure, but she couldn't help it. Because she wasn't. She failed. Her friend was gone, her future was gone. There was nothing for her to hide, anymore. Nothing to pretend.

She didn't even notice at first, when she started crying. Biorna stopped and went silent for a while, simply holding her close. She clinged to him, embarrased and weak again, full of sobbing and misery.

"Come" he finally said, when she calmed down a little. "You were leaving anyway, right? You can stay with me, with my clan. Think things through. And when you ready, kid - and only then - you will decide. That sound good?"

She furrowed her brows, which made him chuckle, and noded.

"Alright then, kid. Hop on. You seem exhausted" the guardian puffed, offering his back. Fortunately, she was still small enough to let him fly. "How 'bout your new buddy?"

"Huh?" Leto managed only a suprised look around, and then she spotted the purple spirit from before. It materialized itself just in the spot she jumped on it, looking uncertian and utterly miserable, all bones and violet smoke. It stood there for a while, staring at them with hollow eyesockets, and then offered a small, shy wave.

Biorna barked a laugh. Leto couldn't help a tiny, awkward smile. She saw it now - it wasn't her friend. They were dead. But maybe, just maybe... This little one is somehow connected to them? Maybe it's their shard? Their image?

It can be a memento of them. Their last gift for her, even when she failed.

The purple spirit drifted closer, with it's tiny, boney fist clutching something... Alive? The spirit opened it's hand just before Leto's snout and let out a small, dark moth, that made a few circles around her head, bumped into Biorna's nostrils and flew away.

"That settles it, then!" said the large guardian, smiling wide again, his scar wrinkling around his eye. "You're a moth now, kid!"

Leto didn't know then what that means. It wasn't until much later, that she realised she was always a moth - not a butterfly, not a chosen one - a silent moth flying through the sky.

She just learned to aviod the light completly.

As a parent

At first Leto was unsure about her ability to be a good parent, but after few clutches she knew for certian - she's most definitely the worst mother possible. Some of her children even shouted that to her face before they left for good. Of course, that's no news for her, just another failure for the list. Leto establishes significant distance between herself and her children, leaving them in more than capable care of the clan right after she sees to their safe hatch. She prefers solitude in her nest, claming the majority of egg-warming time, to leave immidiately after she's sure of hatchlings' survival. In the past, when she still tried to connect to her children, she usually put them through severe battle training, just the type she recived back in the day.


Besides Biorna, Leto was never really close to any of her clanmates. She respected them, she guarded them and tolerated their annoying habits, but never considered bonding to them. Until an arrival of a tundra orphan named Farag. Something in his mild, almost meek eyes, his gentle voice and comforting silence when she prefered it, tugged at her usually cold heart. This could be a promising start of friendship, but they decided on love instead - and that's what ended their relationship shortly after their second nest together. Leto's strict, calculating training or their children and Farag's silent treatment resulted in endless fights, that eventually ended with Farag avoiding Leto at all cost.

Strange were these days in the Grey Moths' lair. Leto couldn't stand the atmosphere of failed expectations and spend most of her time patrolling the clan grounds, getting into fights with Beastclans and wandering strangers.

That continued until she spied a one particular unfamiliar drake, obviously lost, but not unsettled about it. He even whistled, like being lost in Tangled Wood was a casual thing done every afternoon. She easily corned him at steep rockslide, emerging from the brambles with a snarl. She wasn't the biggest guardian in the clan, but was definitely larger than the arcane-hatched trespasser. The spiral halted his whistle mid-note, eyeing her carefully, with a curious smile on his lips. Leto found herself unable to strike him at the spot, as he didn't even assume a defensive pose.

"Well" he started with low, smug tone "Aren't you a pretty one".

Leto snarled again and shook her head. Did he cast some sort of spell on her? Why is she... Why he's still standing? She knew that feeling. She knew that unwelcomed warm in her chest that left with Farag. That spiral stranger didn't even flinch at her sight, he wasn't frightened or at least uncomfortable by her hostility, as the tundra often was. He just stared her down with vibrant, pink eyes, seeming to gaze right into her soul.

A spell. That's what it was. Get it together, Leto!

"What's that?" that calm voice, again, with the slightest note of curiosity. The spiral swirled closer to her, paying no mind to her sharp claws and bared teeth. "Are we lost? Don't worry, I'll protect you".

"You're lost" she managed to spill, flustered all over again. What was wrong with that drake? What was wrong with her, for Night Mother's sake?! She backed away, shaking her head violently. Then she growled and shoot him her most intimidating stare, that made hatchlings flee in panic and adults stumble in their words. The spiral seemed amused, at best.

"No, I am just where I wanted" he continued to her irritation, getting closer and closer. "With beautiful stranger in the middle of the beautiful forest. Cannot get better that that".

That was the beginning for the happiest time in Leto's life. She would never admit that the smug spiral named Akan made her truly respect herself and lift the weight of constant failures off her shoulders, but he knew that nonetheless. They would hunt together, fly on night patrols together, sleep in one big nest together. She never done that before - she even warmed her relations with their children a bit.

That calm lasted until that one, awful day. That one day that Akan was gone. Just the day before he made her laugh, laugh like she was a hatchling again. They were watching the stars through the thick canopy, and Akan was commenting on each constellation with crooked smile. "I wish I was up there" he would sigh, like many times before. "I wish I could walk among these cosmic fireflies and name all of them".

She didn't answer, as she never did when he expressed any desire to get away. She didn't like him being away. As always, as he could read her thoughts, he turned her large head to face him again. "I'm not going anywhere without you" he said, smiling.

"Lair" she huffed, but she didn't try to turn away. "You go where you please, with or without me."

"Not this time, my hidden star" he proclaimed, nuzzling her gently. "This time I mean it."

And next thing she knows is Biorna rushing back from the Mire with Akan's lifeless body. "I couldn't do anything" he whispered, holding back tears and anger. "That walks of his... What was he thinking?!"

She stopped speaking for almost two months. She didn't react to Biorna's or Vartig's words of consolation, she abandoned her duties and training. She wouldn't eat or sleep unless Senga used shadow magic to control her just enough for her to survive. Leto didn't really care. She saw stars blinking at her from the night sky, like they're mocking her.

You thought you can be happy? You thought you can be safe? You were wrong. You were weak. You failed.

She tried so hard to cry. To make her body do something, anything. To react. Nothing happened. No screams, no flashing anger, no grief, no relief. Just emptiness.

"Lair" she whispered to herself, over and over again. "Lair, lair, lair..."

What Narcissa saw in her mirror:
Leto, the mirror has reflected your inner self to me.

Eyes narrowed into suspicious slits, mist with a lavender tint, rough gauze wrapped around battered knuckles, a broken moth's wing, the loud guffaws brought on by a close friend.


Adoptable made by awesome Lotuscatdragon

Art by talented Katzaklaw
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