
Level 8 Coatl
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Coatl
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8 m
8.97 m
995.03 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 15, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Coatl
EXP: 925 / 16009



Promises must always be kept

Renna said that she could hear humming from one of the eggs. Tamarix said that he could never hear anything. Whether he meant in general, or specifically from the eggs, was a mystery.

Lullaby was one of their first, though she was not given her name by her parents, or even by her parents' clanmaster. Indeed, her gentle voice was not much heard in that lair, for soon after she was born, she was handed into another lair.

After her move, she did not speak again for a long time. Perhaps it was because she was the only Coatl there for some months, and it was not always easy for her to understand even traditional draconic.

Then, Niklas read out a poem he had composed. Lullaby watched and listened with rapt eyes. The next day, she repeated the poem to Niklas, woven in with a melody.

She received her praises from her denmates, and then she turned to the human, and spoke her first words in that lair.

'I want a name like music,' she said.

'Lullaby,' the human smiled. 'Nothing could give me greater pleasure.'


'I am going,' the human said.

It had been coming for a while now, they all knew. For weeks, months, the human had been disappearing for days at a time, returning with sparkling eyes and a secret excitement. The human loved her clan and her home, but, Lullaby knew, all humans eventually wished to leave home, whether it be for a year or ten. They called it 'finding themselves' or 'soul searching'. To a confident, self-assured dragon, the terms meant nothing. But Lullaby could respect the human's wishes.

Michael, the first progenitor of the clan, reacted with shock. He rushed headlong at her and knocked her clean off her feet. He spoke too fast for Lullaby to understand, but the human had no such problem, and laughed. She rubbed his head, speaking soothing words, and soon, the others had similarly hurried to her side, seeking comfort and pleading for her to stay.

But go she would. There was sorrow in her eyes, but an eagerness in her bearing. She found new clans for the dragons who wished for new families and clans to serve, and for those who wished to seek their fortune, she pressed purses of gold and diamonds into their claws, and said farewell with a kiss and a lingering embrace.

To Lullaby, she said, 'You may leave if you wish, and I will find you a new clan or give you treasure to seek your own clan. But I would very much like it if you were here when I come back.'

Lullaby was taken aback. And then the realisation that she would return filled her with happiness, and then a calm contentment.

'I will stay,' Lullaby murmured. The human smiled, and circled her arms around Lullaby's neck. Lullaby rested her head on the human's shoulder, feeling at peace.

Perhaps it was because most of them were related in some way or another, or perhaps simply because it was so much easier now that it was just them, the Coatls. Of course, they loved their brothers and sisters deeply, but there had always been the communication barrier between the Coatls and the other dragons due to their less sensitive hearing. Whatever the reason, almost all of the Coatls stayed, stretching out in the now-expansive den, making corners their own.

Some of the dragons that had been very young when the human had left, almost forgot about her, and became used to being under Lullaby's sole care. Michael had been the clan leader, but after a year, he left to offer his services to the Windsinger. Even Lullaby's mate, Eirianell, eventually left -quietly, perhaps without even really meaning to.

It would be too much to say that it didn't matter to Lullaby, but she showed no unhappiness, and soon came to think of it little.

Every morning while it was still dark, and every evening when sun had set, Lullaby went out to the highest cliffs of Reedcleft Ascent, and looked out at sky, sparsely populated by dragons in those dim hours. Sometimes, passing dragons would ask what she was looking for, and for a few moments, she would have no answer. The habit had become so ingrained within her, that she did it without thinking.

But she never really forgot. 'I would very much like it if you were here when I return.'

She weaved the words into song, and sang it to her children and her siblings.

It would be three hundred years before the horizon changed.

Mage's Walnut Bag CVMra5e.png Bowman's Quiver
Lullaby's murmuring, hissing voice was melodious, and would be considered so even if she were any species of dragon other than the one known for their grating and unpleasant-sounding tongues. She had been named for that sweet voice, but she came to learn music on her own. Whenever she looked out on the Steppes and the Ascents every morning and every night, she sang. She sang in her own tongue, however, which meant that passing dragons were not always too pleased to stay and listen to her.

Having gazed at the same horizon twice a day for the past 3 centuries, Lullaby did not spot the change immediately. It was still very early, not yet dawn, and Lullaby's sharp eyesight took some moments to register that she was watching a very strange creature, bobbing up and down as it flew over the Windswept Plateau. Its shape was oddly misshapen. When it neared, Lullaby realised that this was because it was carrying a load apparently too heavy for it.

Its body was very small, not even half the size of the smallest Fae, its head half the size of its body. Its little wings flapped furiously on either side, and it seemed to be constantly surrounded by small, glowing clouds. On its back was strung a bow, and on its head perched a large hat with a postman’s peak. Yet, all of these details were mere background to the enormous bag slung over its shoulder, weighing it down so that it struggled to stay high enough to survey its surroundings.

Lullaby stared at it in amazement. She was further astonished when the small creature landed - or, to be more exact, crashed - on the precipice she stood on, stopping directly in front of her.

The creature pushed up the hat that had fallen over its eyes and leapt to its feet. It looked up at Lullaby with exceedingly large green eyes, larger than a baby’s. Indeed, the creature resembled a baby dragon, but of what species, Lullaby could not say.

‘Sorry to disturb you, ma’am,’ the creature said in English. Lullaby had learned English, but the creature’s voice was high-pitched and in an accent she had never heard before, so she leant her head down and close to the creature to concentrate on its words. The creature spluttered, flustered.

‘Good morning,’ Lullaby said politely in her best English.

The creature recovered, and flashed her a bright smile. ‘Good morning! Do you know where I can find Lullaby of the Reedcleft Ascent?’

It took a few seconds for Lullaby to decipher these words. Then, she said, ‘I am Lullaby of the Reedcleft Ascent.’

‘I knew it!’ The creature did a little dance of a triumph, and the strap of its messenger bag slipped off its shoulder. ‘My name is Ceri.’

‘Are you a dragon?’

‘That’s right! I’m a Cupid dragon.’

Lullaby had to ask him to spell this.

‘I have never seen or heard of your kind before,’ she said.

Ceri nodded. ‘I’m from a different land. I come with a message for you! It’s a spoken message. Are you ready?’


‘This is the message: “I am coming.” Do you know who sent it?’ Ceri said a name - the name - and Lullaby’s heart stopped.

‘You are her messenger?’

‘Yep! If it’s okay with you …’ Ceri hitched the strap of his bag onto his shoulder again, ‘... she sent me ahead to give you the message. And, well, when she said she was coming here,’ his words came out in a rush, making it impossible for Lullaby to follow, ‘I said I wanted to come with her! So she said I can stay here with you and your clan! Is that okay? Is it okay if I stay here? Not just until she comes, but -’

At this point, the stream of words became too much for Lullaby. She lifted her head and stretched out her neck and spread her wings, easing out cramps. Awed and more than a little intimidated, Ceri stumbled back, staring up at her.

‘I can’t understand you when you speak fast,’ Lullaby said. ‘English is not a common language in this land. Please explain again slowly.’

Sheepishly, Ceri repeated himself.

‘Of course, that is not a problem,’ Lullaby said once she understood. Then, she thought of the human, and she smiled. ‘That is not a problem at all. When will she be coming?’

‘Two days at most.’

‘That is very good.’

The sky was lightening, and Lullaby wanted to swoop around the plateau for joy. But it was time to gather food for the clan.

‘Come, Ceri.’ She lowered her body to the ground. ‘I will take you to the clan. Better I take you than you fly yourself. You must have come a very long way.’

‘A little way,’ Ceri said, but he gratefully, and most gently, climbed onto her back. He weighed almost nothing at all. Lullaby took a moment to smooth out her feathers, then she spread her wings once more and took off into the sky.

When the human returned, Lullaby did not feel the happiness she expected. Instead, when the human appeared at the mouth of the den, dragging behind her two large bags, the warm coil that had settled in Lullaby’s chest uncurled and spread its warmth through her body, so that she felt content merely curling up on her nest and watching the others, particularly Ceri, eagerly crowd up to her.

In the evening, Lullaby went to sit atop the Ascents again, purely out of habit, and startling herself when she remembered why she had originally done this. But it was only a few moments, not long enough for her to consider going back, before the human appeared beside her.

‘Lullaby,’ she said. ‘I’m so happy you’re still here. Thank you.’

‘I don’t know what you’re thanking me for,’ Lullaby said.

The human smiled. She sat down next to Lullaby, and they both settled down to watch the night sky together.

After a few moments, the human began to rummage in her bag. Lullaby did not look over, until she spread out something long over Lullaby’s back. Then she moved to clasp it over Lullaby’s neck, occasionally rubbing the base of her neck, where it was pleasant to be touched.

‘What is it?’ Lullaby asked.

‘I made this with Vanessa a very long time ago. Do you remember?’

The human moved to Lullaby’s sides and gently tugged down her wings. Lullaby peacefully submitted to being preened and dressed. It was most agreeable to be the centre of the human’s attention after the chaotic day. Next, the human stretched up on the tips of her toes. No human could be tall enough to reach Lullaby’s head, but it was an affectionate, rather than a practical, gesture. Lullaby lowered her head, and in a few moments, there were bright flowers tucked all around the crown of her head. At last, the human went to the base of Lullaby’s tail and tied a ribbon there. Lullaby turned around to watch her work, and realised the cape drawn over her back was nothing more than a net.

‘Now you look like a mermaid too,’ the human laughed, and took advantage of Lullaby’s position to press a kiss to the top of her head. ‘Standing over the cliffs, watching out for the person she is waiting for, singing her song in the hopes that it will be heard.’

Lullaby could not completely understand this, but the human was pleased, and that was all she needed to know.

‘I wrote many more songs while you were away,’ Lullaby said. ‘Would you like to hear them?’

‘Of course.’

The human leaned against Lullaby’s side, and the sound of music echoed far into the night.

Orange Tabby

It was a pretty day, with a bright sun and many clouds. Lullaby was alone today. Though the human was newly returned, many of them had begun tasks and jobs in earnest, of redecorating the lair, of obtaining new bedding, more food, and other items aimed to please, and so on. Now, she ambled out of the marketplace on her hind legs, a single bag of wares in her arms, enjoying the peaceful day.

It was several moments before she became aware of the fact that there was pressure on her mantle, slowing down her pace ever so slightly. She glanced behind her, then became aware of a small sound in her periphery that she had not previously registered. She looked down.

A creature was tangled in her mantle. Lullaby descended onto all fours and twisted around, trying to get a good look at the creature that turned out to be a cat. Far from appearing perturbed by its current situation, the cat appeared to be most amused by the exercise of chewing at the net of the mantle, alternating between meowing and purring in contentment.

Lullaby picked up the mantle and tried to shake it out. The cat was even more entertained by this, swiping a paw at the bits of swinging rope. It had head and paws stuck into different holes, and was quite firmly stuck. Lullaby then tried to pick up the cat, first with her tail, and then with her claws, but the cat did not like this at all. It hissed and scratched, which did not perturb Lullaby, but did make it rather difficult to disentangle it.

Eventually, Lullaby sighed, took off the mantle, and bundled it up so the cat was wrapped up inside it. The cat let out a meow, more confused than disgruntled, and Lullaby flew home.

The Cupid Clan were even more delighted by Lullaby's predicament than the cat was. They all crowded around it and cooed at it, and it was some time before that cat was released at all.

'I will take it back to the marketplace,' Lullaby said.

The mere suggestion scandalised them.

'Try it,' said Hildr. 'You won't be able to.'

Hildr was right. The cat objected hugely to being picked up. But whenever Lullaby donned her mantle, the cat would immediately jump at her, and become completely engrossed in the material. When Lullaby started walking away, the cat leapt onto her back and played with the ropes of the mantle from there. Sometimes, it fell asleep. Somehow, it always contrived to stay on Lullaby's back at this time.

At length, Lullaby resigned herself to the fact that she apparently now had some sort of familiar, without all the benefits. She could not even claim the honour of naming it for herself, as it was soon named Pumpernickel by mutual agreement in the Clan.

Sometimes, Pumpernickel would curl up on Lullaby's back and purr. It was pleasant, which was something Lullaby would never admit to.

Resources from Sumatra, Poisonedpaper, Microwavedcoffee, XJSX, and Hazeledpoppy.
Outfit with help from myriadofstars.
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