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Personal Style


Marigold Flowerfall
Marigold Flower Crown
Marigold Lei
Venom Rogue Cape
Green Renaissance Shirt
Glorious Sweater
Brown Breeches
Luminous Halo


Accent: Pestilent Acolyte



4.35 m
6.11 m
600.48 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 02, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


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You are filled with DETERMINATION.


They ran. Chest heaving, pearl held tightly and securely, they heaved themselves up the foreboding mountain. Bitter anger sparked in their red eyes, shot through with hate and pain and sorrow, and though their limbs were quietly crisscrossed with scars and pockmarked with bruises, on they went.
One foot in front of the other. Left, right, left, right-
The ground vanished beneath their feet and they were sent tumbling down. The distance was sickeningly huge, and they landed with a crash in a crumpled heap on a barren patch of grass in the bowels of the mountain.
"Help me.." they whimpered, curling in on themselves. "Help..!"
Their whimpering cries for help turned to sobs and pleading. They hadn't wanted this - sure, they didn't want to live, but to die in pain, helpless and afraid and utterly, utterly alone? That's what fate they had run away from.

"It sounds like it came from over here..."

They whipped their head up, craning their ears to hear the voice echoing through the stony caverns. A Coatl appeared in the room, looking at them with wide green eyes.
"Oh!" He sounded surprised, head tilted to one side. "You've fallen down, haven't you... Are you okay?" He ran over to them, extending a hand. "Here, get up..."
They stared at his hand, dumbfounded, before taking it and heaving themself to their feet. "... My name is Chara." they said, unprompted. "What's your name..?"
He pushed himself up against them, laying a wing across their back to help steady them. "Chara, huh?" he said, a gentle smile playing on the corners of his mouth. "That's a nice name. My name is Asriel."


"... Chara."

Chara looked over to Asriel, holding their dull shearing dagger loosely in one hand with the other filled with stems and branches. "Yes?"
Asriel shuffled his feet, toying with his locket (they were wearing its twin, a photo of his face and the message 'Best Friends Forever' sealed inside) almost nervously. "Chara, why did you climb Mount Ebbot..?"

Chara stayed silent for a few minutes, looking at the ground pensively. Finally, they spoke, ears slightly drawn back.
"I don't want you to know." they muttered. "It's not a very happy reason. You're too good to know."

Asriel frowned, ruffling his wings indignantly. "Chara, you're my best friend. You can tell me anything, promise!"
Chara looked at him, a weary glint to their eyes. "I climbed so I would disappear forever." They lay down the shearing dagger, pulling their pearl closer to their body. "Dragons on the Surface are horrible. I couldn't... I didn't want to live in a world with so much hate and pain."
Chara winced, lightly biting the inside of their cheek. "Dragons there hurt. They hurt anybody who's different. They hurt and they hate and they suck the joy out of the world. But you - you're so good." They looked him in the eye, a tentative smile on the edges of their mouth. "You, everyone here, you are all the good in this world. The Surface-dwellers are horrible, but you are good and kind and you bring joy back into me, Asriel!" They looked up to the high-above ceiling at the cracks of sunlight, feeling a surge of determination wash over them.
"One day, we'll free the Underground, you and me. Everyone will go free, and the Surface will be beautiful again..."


After all we've been through
Will this light lead me to you?
I can't stay here one more day
I swear to you I'm not afraid
Through the windchimes, through the bells
I would carry you through hell...



A rather sassy Pearlcatcher, they love making jokes and puns. Though they're not really one to start a fight, if caught in the middle of one they'll fight back, and often during their travels through the Underground they tried to get Frisk to defend themself more fiercely ("They're trying to kill you, Frisk! They don't want you alive, fight back!")
They love their adoptive family to death (Frisk included) and would do anything for them. They're tormented by their past actions, and would do anything to atone for them.
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It was dark.
The air was scented delicately with the smell of flowers, but it was dark and cold and smelled more overwhelmingly of soil and decay.
They were so tired. They felt it settle in their very bones - they just wanted to rest forever and never wake up.
Something shook them; a jarring impact awakening them. They were out of the dark and into the waning beams of sun, the first bits of warmth in what felt like millennias trickling over their scales.
Looking at the collapsed Pearlcatcher in the bed of golden flowers, they reached out a hand - then pulled back, groggy fear and realization sparking through them.
They were dead. Dead and sleeping in the soil beneath the flowers.


"They want to kill you." they murmured in Frisk's ear, allowing their own fear to tinge their words. "They've killed you before. Won't you fight back?"
Frisk shook their head sharply, nervously holding their pearl to their stomach. "I can get through to them! It'll be okay, really!"
Chara let out a snarl of annoyance, but settled back to watch, quipping in small descriptors and prompting actions they thought might help. It seemed as though Frisk was in the right this time around; though clinging to their last shreds of HP, they had managed to pacify the opposing monster and showed them Mercy. Chara raised their eyebrows, whiskers twitching.
"How did you know you would win?" they asked, tipping their head lightly to one side as they let themself float beside their companion.
Frisk looked back with a carefree smile, shrugging their shoulders. "I didn't." they chirped, setting off with their tail weaving through the air behind them.
Chara watched them, a half-hearted smile tugging on the corners of their mouth. "You're an odd one, alright." they breathed, setting their ghostly paws back to the stone floor and padding after them.



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