
Level 1 Mirror
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Contagion Gem Guardian
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Mirror
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Little Red Riding Hood
Veteran's Shoulder Scars
Bronze Steampunk Tail Bauble
Bleak Birdskull Wingpiece
Viper's Leg Armor
Black Tail Bow




5.46 m
4.73 m
636.03 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 13, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245


oC5paJL.gif K i e r a
Nomad -- Trait | Trait | Trait

"Quote or something here"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eget lorem porta, suscipit dolor sit amet, facilisis metus. Phasellus in tortor nec dui tempor tristique id vel diam. Nam nec interdum leo, in efficitur lectus. Donec ullamcorper pellentesque ipsum. Maecenas fermentum sit amet erat tempor interdum. Donec porta id enim vitae vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce pharetra vulputate tincidunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Donec enim turpis, tristique at scelerisque non, vulputate sit amet orci. Fusce ut aliquet lorem, non ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec rutrum tortor. Mauris vel pretium elit. Integer nec ipsum dolor. In imperdiet libero vel pharetra commodo. Donec eu lectus diam.
Simple Raptorik Sash
Sakura Moss
Tiny Feathers
Empty Inkwell

Journal Entry #1
Written on: 7/8/16
Written in: Lesser lair of the Sundial Terrace, Tribe of the Lost Warriors

Sunbeam Ruins: I wonder what this Tribe has in store for me? Hopefully just as much, if not even more than what the Vulpes Clan has in store. After all, it's always interesting to learn the ways of multiple clans. As I flew down to meet the Guardian I suppose was the leader of the clan, I noticed she seemed a little tense when she bowed her head and welcomed me to the Tribe of the Lost Warriors. She was the opposite of Apatite from what I gathered, holding a stoic and powerful sort of exterior, like a warrior preparing for battle. She introduced herself as Thalia, only to get a small nudge from the hooded Guardian next to her, whom I first assumed to be her brother or father but was actually a friend. That seemed to get Thalia's attention as she glanced at him and nodded before loosening up ever so slightly, even apologizing in my face for her cautious behavior. I was a tad confused at first, wondering what she might have been apologizing for before concluding it had to do with the fact that I am a mirror. This sort of behaviour was nothing new, but to hear her apologize and refrain from mentioning any slurs and even be assured about my personal being was almost comforting. It saved so much future tension that would have been there, and that would have been a problem. I bowed my head as well out of respect, thanking her for letting me stay for these next five days, to which she nodded and even offered a shadow of a smile. I managed to catch it and see while it didn't match Apatite's high level of warmth, it was still one of the warmest gestures received.

It seemed right after that, Thalia had some business to attend to as a Skydancer approached her and whispered something in secret. Though she wouldn't specify what it was as she left me alone with her Guardian friend, I figured it ought to be urgent. Refusing to find out for myself what it might have been, I stuck around the other who remained silent. I took a closer look, seeing how under his hood, his eyes were milky white and gave off a warm glow. When I asked if he was able to put Thalia at ease, he nodded. When I asked why, his deep and far away voice simply uttered how he could forsee I was not a threat. It gave me the impression he was a prophet of sorts, already peaking my interest as I wished to learn more about this dragon. Meleager truly was a massive beast, which made him all the more alluring to take in before I felt question after question spill from my throat; was he a prophet as I wondered, and was there a closer relation to Thalia for example. He was very patient and courteous, not minding in the least about my questions even if they would appear rude to others. He answered he was indeed a prophet, and a very close friend to the leader but they bred together once. However, it was not without consequence as he predicted one of her children, a son, to be a traitor. When I wished to learn what happened that lead to his banishment, Meleager explained how Claudandus was his name, and how he attempted to poison Thalia due to the neglect and jealousy that grew in his heart, which was stemmed from her cautionary approach all this time from the fear the prediction offered. She even seemed to treat her only daughter more like a warrior or someone to be disciplined rather than loved, something I wasn't sure I could agree with.

I know Meleager is not to blame, but I wonder what would have happened if he did not utter a word?

The rest of the day was consisted of nothing but talking to him; he makes wonderful company. Hours felt like mere minutes before I noticed the sun starting to set and the dragons retreating to their areas to sleep. Tomorrow, I plan on acquainting myself with at least some of the other dragons before I would have to make my leave in a couple days time. I bid both Thalia and Meleager goodnight before I found a comfy place around the Lesser Laid of the Sundial Terrace to write about the events that happened today. Until then, I feel myself growing weary and will write about the adventures yet to come.

Journal Entry #2
Written on: 7/9/16
Written in: The Hewn City, Sunbeam Ruins

The Hewn City:"A ruined, skeletal landscape of shattered structures, gripped by a shade that boggles even the Light dragonflight's most studious archaeologists. In this broken city lay secrets that are too mysterious to unearth, and even the bravest dragons are given pause when approaching its haunted outskirts."

At least that was the common description provided by Meleager, Thalia, and a couple other dragons residing in the tribe, including a Pearlcatcher in the middle of grabbing sea berries for her current art project, and an equally busy Tundra focusing more on a group of hatchlings consisted of two Faes, one Ridgeback, one Wildclaw, one Guardian, one Skydancer and a Mirror like myself with both an obsidian and rose coloured circuit. I expressed this sort of interest after I had finished hunting some Sun Flecked Fieldmouse and Dust Slithers for breakfast around the Sundial Terrace. When I questioned them about it, they would advise I stayed away since no one knew what truly laid in the ruined, skeletal landscape and even the bravest of souls would second guess themselves before approaching the outskirts. As expected, that only peeked my curiosity further and fueled my body with adrenaline and pure excitement as I now wanted nothing more than to check out the Hewn City. It was just south of the Sundial Terrace by the looks of it, and while I'm not agile when it comes to flight, a walk never hurts anyone.

I'm not quite sure how much time passed before I finally reached the point that would be best described as "dark meets light." So this was the infamous Hewn City? It really was like how Meleager and the others described it: a landscape with a shrouded darkness painted all over, offering an eerily quiet and somewhat unsettling atmosphere with shattered pieces of once whole structures just scattered around. While I could understand why some of the other dragons in the Sunbeam Ruins would be hesitant on approaching it, I felt the excitement and adrenaline mentioned earlier only grow as I decided to check it out for myself. I quickly looked around to make sure no one else was around so they wouldn't attempt to stop me before I found the coast was clear and ventured into the darkness. It was so dark, I felt my claws and body nearly blend in entirely with the shrouded blackness; it was like thick trails of smoke trying to cover whatever beauty the city could offer. I tried to look around for a bit, see if there were any treasures or valuable ores, even flapping my wings slowly to see if some of the darkness would disappear. While that didn't work, it wouldn't stop myself from exploring some more and try to make the best out of my stay. With a little digging, I found some interesting things like stone arrowheads, a scroll case, and some intact stone reliefs. The only reason I was able to write about my small adventure was due to leaving the area and seeing there was enough light in the sky to jot it all down. I will definitely come back tomorrow and see what else I can find, but until then, I must rest.

Journal Entry #3
Written on: 7/10/16
Written in: Tribe of the Lost Warriors, Sunbeam Ruins

Little Red Riding Hood
Iron Treasure Chest

Final day here at the Sunbeam Ruins: it seems no one questioned about my well being; did Meleager inform them about where I was? Even then, with everything packed and ready to go, Thalia held a slight glare of disapproval when I admitted where I was all day yesterday. Could it be blamed? The Hewn City was an interesting area to explore for myself and dig up some resources that are common to the Lightweaver's area. I offered an awkward apology for worrying her, if that is what I ended up doing, to which Thalia let out a small sigh as Meleager approached her side, offering a ghost of a smile in my direction. "She was a curious soul Thalia, and I already told you she was safe the entire time. Just because the archeologists at the Sunbeam Ruins approach with caution, does not mean she did not need to do the same. If I knew she was in trouble, wouldn't I have alerted you right away?" His words made her troubled stature eventually flutter away, offering me the idea that she could be a worrywart. It was just as much a flaw as it is a virtue, to worry about someone I think; it proves someone can give a little too much of their heart to someone. As a nomad, I do two things: travel and learn the ways of the dragons that reside in the different flights.
Regardless, it was touching.

I was given a couple of presents before I took my leave, all of it armor to some extent whether leg armor or a tail guard. When I asked Thalia as to why she's doing all this, she offered a smirk and spoke. "Apatite has quite the soldiers; it is something to give from me to him. However, we know it's quite the journey from here back to the Starfall Isles so we decided to give you some food to sustain yourself." It was then that a Guardian with Crimson wings and Carmine eye spots took the liberty of approaching and leaving a hearty ten duskrats by my claws and a Bluespot Weather Loach, to which I felt I couldn't thank them enough. The Guardian was named Static; an entertainer and a thief which even Thalia somewhat questioned since it seemed no one has ever seen him do such a kind thing. He wouldn't even explain the reasons behind his actions, simply bidding me 'adieu' and slinking away.

While I have only seen and met a small percentage of the Tribe, they were interesting regardless. I don't think they'll be leaving my heart anytime soon especially after the general kindness shown.

Obtained 7/10/16: Shadowscale Tail Guard x1, Mage's Thicket Gloves x1, Duskrat x10, Viper's Leg Armor x1, and Bluespot Weather Loach x1


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