
Level 1 Spiral
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Winter Wolf
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Spiral
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Personal Style


Traditional Broadsword
Contrast Rogue Hood
Bloody Chest Bandage




3.32 m
3.42 m
107.15 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 23, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245






Trained by his mother as a stealth fighter, he left his home lair behind to pursue a higher rank and hone his skills.

Survey Team Leader | Amateur Cartographer

Survey Team


Birth Month
10/26/16 His younger brothers and sisters had already taken flight and were fractured among Sornieth, and clan life in the home lair had become boring. Further, while he had been learning the art of furtiveness and battle from his mother, he realized he would only ever exist in her shadow if he did not set off on his own, thus Kratos too left his clan with a heavy heart but high hopes for the future. He heard tales recently of a new lesser clan that had been raving about receiving the, "boons of a swamp witch." Kratos was not one to believe too deeply in soothsayers, but he did believe in naivety. It was his turn to be a big fish in a small school, and with the alpha of the clan a vacuous Mirror dragon, it would be simple enough for him to stretch his wings, explore his strength, and show off a little. Mirrors were not known to pay attention to much outside of hunting and fighting, anyhow. Perhaps they were in need of his astuteness and he the freedom they offered.
11/07/16 Kratos, with the help of the alphas' son, Maro, and the ever wandering young Snapper, Beefaroni, had formed the first survey unit for The Cell. While it had been Kratos' idea to add the advantages of reconnaissance and exploration into the fold, it was Maro that had ultimately convinced the alphas that the effort of travel was a necessary undertaking. To Kratos' chagrin, Bonejack even deemed Maro fit to lead such a venture. Maro, however, was uninterested in either pet projects or leadership and quickly deferred that responsibility to the eager Kratos, and with that, the Spiral had suddenly surpassed his old rank at his home clan. He would be sure to visit his mother on one of these journeys to boast of his newly realized importance.

11/15/16 "We need a Mirror dragon!" Kratos declared to Maro and Beefaroni at their weekly survey team meeting. Their run in with the poised, all Mirror Outfit Vector clan had been stewing within him. "How are we a survey team and we have zero Mirror envoys? We live in the Scarred Wasteland, birthplace of Mirros. We have severely misjudged our demographic here." He curled his tail inadvertently as he ranted and carried on for a time with increasing vigor before Beefaroni interrupted.

"Sir, we have many Mirror dragons among us at The Cell already. Let's ask any of them, and I'm sure they would aid us." The silence between the Snapper's suggestion and and Spiral's response lingered on longer than comfortable before the latter's face lit up. He clapped his clawed hands as he spoke.

"You! Your parents! Your siblings! Didn't your mom and dad just have a litter?"

"Well, yes? But, surely there are several more...capable, veteran candidates for the Survey Team."

"No, actually. Ask them for one of the hatchlings, a big-ish one. We will raise it ourselves to be a survey unit specialist!" No dragon ventured a retort. "Oh come on. The brood parents do it all the time. We are three capable adults-- Meatball, you're the heart, and I'm (obviously) the brains, and Maro you, well you're the insane one; our child will be a maverick." Upon further silence the Spiral raised his voice a smidge. "Do you think Outfit Vector's dragons wasted their hatchling years being coddled in the nesting grounds? Did you see those brutes? We, as the Survey Team, have a job to do. It is to use the information we gather for The Cell's advantage and prosperity!"

That evening, Beefaroni adopted charge of one of his younger brothers, Maillard, and thus the members of the Survey Team were suddenly co-parents to a very hungry Mirror dragon.

12/03/16 Kratos had picked up sketching to better serve the clan. Rather than using words to describe the sights and monsters they had come upon, it was so much more effective to use a picture, especially when it came to the alpha, Bonejack, who seemed to have the attention span of a gnat when any more than a few sentences were traded.

His maps were slowly getting more faceted; he wished to show every little bone formation, though discovered that the landscape evolved as wildly as a Plague pathogen. As a result, his expeditions often yielded notes on how the terrain had changed and probable causes for it. It was a great deal of work and detail to recall, but lucky for him, Beefaroni seemed to have a near photographic memory. Whenever Kratos fought to recall something or perhaps could not make out his own handwriting, he could refer to the Snapper who delighted in rambling off every errant whisker different from before. Together, the Survey Team was becoming counter intuitively effective.

03/31/18 It had been about a week or so since Maro had left The Cell and the Survey Team behind to explore his home flight at the Windswept Plateau, and Kratos had begun to have the creeping inkling that he'd never return. He had brought up the issue with Bonejack and Carulata as well as the huffy healer, Panacea to see if any of them were as perturbed about the skittish Skydancer as he. It was only Ichorclaw that seemed to take a bored interest in yielding his ear. He had mentioned something about it being his duty to placate the concerns of apostles. Or did he say apostates? Nonetheless, Kratos wished to get such dealings over with feverishly. He found the clan's Necromancer to be quite insufferable, a sentiment he was sure went both ways.

"That was quite a charm you infected on the non-Plagulings. The Shadow Mirrors particularly seemed absolutely contented with the ritual. Almost unsettling, as if pestilence had transformed their very minds. Brilliant. Accolades all around, and that Lightning dragon too, what was his name? Oh yes, Sacred. Pretty white Mirror. Or he was. His skin has an interesting new hint to it, don't you think? Much less shiny. Very patchy now. What are your powers exactly? Brain worms? Hide stylist? Infectionist? Healer?"

"Can I help you with something?"

"I don't know; that's what I'm getting at, or...getting to. Look, I'll get there," Ichorclaw gestured for him to continue, exasperation appearing to poke through the cracks of his sober exterior. "Yes, yes I get it. You're prestigious," Kratos retorted with a gesture of his own, a reflexive air quote, "and your time is treasure and--"

"Spiral, if you were saying anything approaching value I would hardly mind the time it took for you to 'get there.' Now spit it out or get your snout out of my face before I Rot it off."

"Alright. Maro. Go." There was brief hesitation at the abrupt change in topic, a turn with seemingly intangible segue.

"The, that loopy Skydancer? A basket case." Kratos massaged his temples.

"Is that your opinion or Mother's?"

"Mine, but seeing as he ran off after being touched by Rot, it could be argued for either, I suppose."

"Can you mend his mind like you can a contagion? You see, I've been thinking since your ritual...The Survey Team has been tracking The Cell's two Shadow dragons for some time now, just waiting for them to slip up, they were, until now very sketchy characters, and then you bathed them in some feral infection, and, well...their minds, they're altered, calm, assimilated."

"Maro isn't here for me to help anyhow."

"He is literally just at the Windswept Plateau. It's not far. Can you fly-- I mean you're not too weighed down by your overwhelming duties that you're no longer aerodynamic?"

"A wind dragon playing around in the Zephyr Steppes is none of my concern. If he returns, I will indulge your theories. Mother did give him Her protective blessing when he was a hatchling, and I still feel that it was his keen intuition that I owe my thanks in discovering my livelihood here. Perhaps there is something more to investigate there."

Kratos muttered under his breath. He wished to protest, his mind never static, but it appeared that the Mirror was willing to cooperate with him. For once in his life, he held his tongue.

"I'll bring him back here," was all he said.

"What exactly is Kratos doing?"
"...His best."

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