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Personal Style


Lightning Tome
Studious Healer's Vestments
Studious Healer's Beacon
Studious Healer's Calling
Studious Healer's Mantle
Studious Healer's Slippers




4.6 m
4.2 m
319.37 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 08, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 2172 / 4027


The Shy Bookworm

""Shhh. I'm reading." The Pearlcatcher returns to her book without further thought on her distraction.
Healer| Mate: Ki | Story: WIP

wmmk97T.png WIP
Theron is an extremely shy dragon and will typically not go out of her way to interact with new dragons or beasts. Though, she will not deny company, she is rather clumsy at social interaction. It's not unusual to see her relying on Ki when she has to meet someone new. Her family and friends she is at ease around and will often visit with them. Her patients will also find her very confident when in her care.

Before joining the clan she could have been regarded as the epitome of a book worm, so it comes as no surprise that Theron was usually found deep within libraries studying her healing arts (and usually still is whenever Ki and Cyan are out). She has always sealed herself away in a very thick shell, but since being with the Azurenight Clan she has started to open up. Now it doesn't take as much prompting to get her to join a conversation or to join in at meal times. This new open behavior is due much in part to the patient and loving denizens of the clan as well as having the devoted attention of a very outgoing Mirror male.
Art by: spacecat

Theron was born to a very, very, large family on The Lightening Farm. As one of the many young in a predominate family on The Shifting Expanse she was expected to become either chosen or a great fighter to her clan. Theron was neither. She spent most of her childhood in the shadow of her older brothers and sisters; those that had been chosen to fight with the Stormcatcher or take up positions of leadership within the clan. Because of this she grew into a recluse, who spent more time alone then she spent with her own family.

Her self isolation and lack of any definable skill marked her as one of the first candidates to be kicked out when the clan wished to make room for growth. Theron was a young adult when she found herself suddenly without a home. For most of her life she had been alone, a condition she created and preferred, but never had she been without a roof over her head. Naturally, the idea of wandering frightened her.

She wasn't particularity strong and she didn't know the offensive magics, all she had was her healing art and it wasn't going to serve her well if she ran across one of the aggressive Beastclans. With little choice in the matter, Theron had to rely on the traveling caravans to keep her safe. She bartered with her ability to tend to the sick and wounded for safe passage from place to place. These agreements never lasted her long, once again her reclusive behavior made being around her uncomfortable and awkward. Most caravans were happy to see her go and none of them ever looked back.

Theron eventually found herself on The Cloudsong, surrounded by the playful and friendly Wind Dragons. She found herself feeling completely out of place, but it was here that she had to find her next caravan or merchant willing to trade for safe passage or food. What she ended up finding was Ezan.

A young male Tundra, Ezan spotted Theron through the crowd and was taken with her. He approached her with a proposition. He offered her a place to stay and to further her healing arts if she would agree to be his mate for a short period of time in the hopes he could produce children with the genetic traits he found most desirable.

This is not an unusual proposition among drakes, especially with the Wind Drakes who are wanderers by nature. It is quite common for breeding pairs to have quick relationships before leaving for other places and drakes. It is beneficial to the whole of the drake populace as it ensures that there are a broad and healthy range of genetic possibilities out there. For Theron, it offered her an opportunity to have a home again at least for a short time. She took the offer and Ezan took her to his home.

He was true to his word, his clan had a great deal of wisdom in the healing arts and she sunk right into it. For the first time in her life she found herself comfortable. Ezan was a gentle soul, who she came to care for and even enjoyed his company. When they had their three little ones Theron found a new purpose. She set her mind to raising her family and that is what she did from hatchlings to adults. Two of the little ones shared their mother's passion for healing and absorbed everything she had to teach them and it was because of this skill that they were all Chosen; she was so proud.

Though, when they finally left to fight with the Windsinger she found herself alone again. Ezan had moved on by then and though she respected his want to find another to pair with she still felt the sting of rejection and the bitter cold of loneliness. No one else in the clan found her desirable, so she once again found herself on her own.

She was lost one day, in the middle of the Zephyr Steppes when the worst possible thing could happen to a Pearlcatcher. As she sat to catch her breath and find her barrings a small creature snuck up on her and took her pearl. Theron turned just in time to find the beast escaping into the bamboo woods. She gave chase, naturally, because a Pearlcatcher without a pearl was nothing.

Theron finally caught up to her pearl when the beast that took off with it stopped in a small clearing. It dropped it in favor of something tasty near by, giving her the opportunity to take her precious pearl back. Only as she was preparing to jump out and grab it a Mirror male jumped through the trees full of hiss and growl to pounce the creature that stole from her. Her pearl was knocked around in the carnage that followed and try as she might to retrieve it from the danger zone she could not.

Eventually the Mirror won the fight, leaving the thief dead on the ground at his feet. Once he stood up he lifted his nose to the air. Theron eased back away from the clearing and to her belly, hoping to avoid detection. The Mirror would drop his nose back to the ground where he found the pearl. He would give it a sniff before picking it and his prey up and leaving the clearing with them.

Theron reached to stop him, but couldn't voice her protest, her fear prevented it. After he left with her pearl she slumped to the ground and cried. This is where she stayed until a very cold nose was placed on her rump, then she jerked her head upright and towards her tail to find herself nose to nose with that male Mirror. They sat there like that for a moment staring at each other. He blinked his four eyes at her and she cried rivers, fearful for her life as she was.

The male would pull away and sit next to her with a casual, "Hi" slipping from his lips. He would continue to patiently sit there until she was able to sit herself upright. Once up he offered her a bit of silk to wipe her eyes and then much to her surprise he handed her her pearl. "Did you lose this?" he asked, than set it gently in her arms.

Theron clutched her pearl closely to her chest after it was back in her possession. While she cuddled her pearl the male introduced himself as Ki and proceeded to talk about things that went mostly by her senses. She eventually found a chance to thank him for giving her pearl back and attempted to leave. Ki followed after her, still carrying on a conversation, though now she was paying attention to him.

He stayed with her until it grew dark out and surprisingly she enjoyed his company. He made her laugh and chased the cold lonely away, he was also a comfort to be around though she didn't know why she felt that way about him. Once the night began to fall he turned towards his own home and she thought she would be left in the dark for another night. Theron almost spoke up and asked him if she could take shelter at his den, but couldn't find the courage to do it.

Much to her surprise, Ki turned back to her and asked her to join him at his home. She jumped on the offer and followed him all the way back to the clan. She was once again surprised when she was welcomed with open wings by everyone in the clan. They gave her a seat at their meal and listened carefully to her story and than gave her a place to rest for the night. By the next morning Ki was waiting for her outside her room, his cheerful smile greeting her and making her feel warm. He escorted her to breakfast where Azurefire formally invited her to stay with the clan. There were no proposals or demands, she was just welcome.

Theron took the offer without hesitation and has been with the clan since. It is here that she finally feels she is home, whole. She teaches the healing arts with Stormy, who she considers one of her closest companions along side Jadda and Petal. She still spends time with Ki and more often then not she is being cooed away from her studies to spend time with him and she does so with a smile.

Evil Twin by: Fawniti
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