
Level 1 Tundra
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Tundra
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3.03 m
2.61 m
354.51 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 04, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Entry #2
Kayaku the Powdered Chemist

skin options


[ka-yaku]; gunpowder

We must pray that people
Be just as unassuming
As the bamboo,
Which grows without pretension
Or unsightly gnarls.





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As beautiful as blood, as unbreakable as garnet.
Kayaku Akaneiro

先生 | ケミスト | 軍師
teacher | chemist | strategist

"The meaning of those words,
That everything is a lie.
I don't think that way anymore."
The strict teachings of Kayaku Akaneiro strike fear into the hearts of all threatened to undertake them. The wry, unimpressed stare that peers over copper spectacles down at her young hatchling students, copied from the expressions her mother used to give the world, always hides a wearied smile behind its mien.

With the grace of a courtesan and a mind turned toward strategy instead of war, it would be easy to judge her as weak were it not for her caustic wit. The woman's almost frighteningly perfect demeanor is often frosty toward those not close to her, but it hides a delicate kindness and ridiculous sense of humor inherited from her family.

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馬鹿みたい 本当バカね
強い女のふり 切なさの夜風浴びる

一人になって 3年が過ぎ
街並みさえも 変わりました
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"As long as we have each other, we will remain the hunters and they the prey."




tumblr_oe1gp3kpN31uwsiq5o1_400.png snapshot ❧
her eyes the windows, her heart the lock
Ah, love. That thing which makes fools of princesses and suou alike.

The strict prodigy with a devilish heart was set to conquer the world beneath the keen workings of her warlike mind until the nervous stuttering of a young enji set her heart aflutter. The damage of that love tainted her garnet wings with tattered edges as she fights to keep her head upright and bring happiness to those she holds herself together for.

identity ❧
imprisoned within a frigid castle
Kayaku was the cunning, flawless child who always strained to make her parents proud of her and elevate her siblings to the heights of glory she knew they were capable of. The keen intelligence of her mind led her to join her parents as a trusted confidant at war councils, until the disaster of foolish love guided her path astray. Now a wreckage of the potential she once had, she seeks to find a new life away from the memories of her mistakes.

physical ❧
I await the rescue of mine soul
Easily noticed by the tattered edges of her elegant, garnet-hued wingspan, Kayaku is the personification of beauty tumbled with the ruin of a life lived with too soft a heart. She keeps her head raised with a languid arc well-suited to her role as a Akaneiro noblewoman, her crested feathers a gemstone-mimicry of the memories of blood forever cascading unseen down her neck.

Although she may be as graceful as the deer cultivated beyond the Akaneiro estate, the calculating nature in her jeweled eyes resembles that of a scheming animal, tucked demurely behind the copper spectacles perched on her snout. The disarrayed pinning of quills keeps her chosen writing instruments close at hand, securing her long hair back from the deep shadows lurking beneath her eyes.

The regal posture of her bearing seems to expect nothing but perfection from those around her, so they can reach the standards of excellence that she herself sets. It seems self-constructed, as though she's just piecing together the broken pieces of herself once more, betrayed by the messiness of the books held under her arm and the quarters she hides away from sight.
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patron goddess





"If you think and worry too much, those troubles will make a home in you."
modern theme

traditional theme


capricorn / goat
tumblr_oe1gp3kpN31uwsiq5o1_400.png history ❧
do you really think me a queen amongst subjects
Kayaku was a terror as a hatchling. Not because she would get into trouble, but because she was constantly underfoot, her jeweled eyes turned upwards to soak in every second of teaching those around her could give. The question of 'but why' was always leaving her tongue, when she followed the Akaneiro elders on their walks between meetings and when she watched the enji offer sacrifices before the ancestors to bless their reagents.

Even as a small child, she was always helping those around her, with a soft heart that easily bleed for others, despite her awkward struggles to express such emotions. That natural curiosity and helpfulness often drove her to assisting the suou, practicing her numbers by perching on counters and copying down the shouted inventory reports. It's where she met her undoing as her heart fled from her chest, carried off by a nervous, uncertain enji being punished by serving there who couldn't hardly look her in the eyes.

No one quite knows what happened. The kindness of her parents had granted her the eternal happiness she sought until something stripped it from her fingers. The tattered feathers of her garnet wings splattered blood across the pristine floors of her family home, the strength of her voice lost from the force of her weeping. The silly, precocious princess spent her days carrying books to teach those around her with a joy that she no longer felt, her gaze trained on the horizon to seek a place to escape from her demons.

warfare ❧
or am I a weak fool, pining for you
As a hatchling, Kayaku's garnet feathers were always found at the claws of the royal guards to study the art of warfare, both aerial and naval. That strategic mind is her greatest strength, followed only by her cunning in mimicking the explosive diversion of the enji.

Now she specializes in controlling encounters, using her agile speed and throwing chakrams to navigate surrounding terrain to discreetly seed the powdered fuel across the battlefield. This flammable powder is laced with her venom can be lit all at once, to trap an opponent and reduce visibility, or in stages to herd and limit their mobility. Through this method, she can also utilize hidden explosives as well, which she harries her opponents onto.

The secret weapon of making her venom flammable is what allows her to utilize what is known to her enemies as her demon's breath. The trademarked technique is performed by mixing chemicals along the edge her armored wrist and igniting it, the exhaling of toxic chemicals that she places in her cheek propelling the ensuing flames in a sharp cone that sears across her enemies and ignites traps and explosives across the battlefield.
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The Stories of Clan Akaneiro

Never Forget to Love the Flowers
We've Buried Beneath the Smoke

tumblr_oe1gp3kpN31uwsiq5o1_400.png The Legend of Jian

The inspiration for this legend came from Jiutian Xuannu, the Chinese goddess of war, longevity and sensual matters. The name Jian comes from the jian sword, which the goddess used to defeat her enemies and was famous for bestowing upon the Yellow Emperor when teaching him military tactics to help him defeat his enemies.

The warriors of the Akaneiro have always been feared for their martial prowess and cunning strategy, but even moreso for the shadows that stalk in the wake of their clawsteps. The enji are feared not only amongst those in the clan who don't understand their ways, but by those who would count themselves among the Akaneiro's enemies as well. An unshakable loyalty binds together the darkened feathers of the enji with the garnet hues of the Akaneiro, forming an often sacred bond which is well-known and respected by all so honored enough to experience it.

The ancient legends of the clan are speckled with the stories that honor these sacred bonds, with roots in history that exists only in the eulogies inscribed on the ancestor shrines. One such story is of the young enji named Jian who served beneath the Akaneiro known to history as Fukiya, who was at the time the utterly insignificant seventh son of the royal advisor who disliked him so that his 'worthless son' was banished work the kitchen with the suous.

The cochineal brand that marked Jian proved itself unrelenting, tormenting the young enji ceaselessly. The legends say that not even the strongest applications of viral-laced incense could could sate its hunger for his flesh until the current ruler insisted on testing the toxins of every Akaneiro, promising the young enji into the service of anyone whose toxins could keep the brand from devouring him alive. Nothing worked until at last the garnet wings of Fukiya standing off to the side drew the ruler's attention and the young lord was brought forward.

Instead of seating for the extraction of his toxins, the young lord asked first for a snack from the kitchens. It was an odd request, that brought ripples of confusion to those gathered, but those gathered allowed it. The request was made in hushed tones, not for stew nor broth, but for the whole of the kitchen's cooking fuels to be brought before him. The elements were each examined in turn, with the most flammable withdrawn to mix in with the incense, which Fukiya then painted across the ground to surround the screaming, writhing enji boy. It was only then that he ignited to the incense, spreading a smoky haze of his viral toxin so thick that even the watching Akaneiro fought desperately for breath.

According to the legend, the young Jian was caught in a blazing forest fire of viral smoke instead of a small dose of poison, as was proper to settle a cochinael brand. It saturated the brand, entered his lungs and Fukiya's viral strain burned him out hollow, stopping the disease but forever leaving him with a wracking cough that bellowed with smoke and disease. Jian was assigned to serve the young, cunning lord for all of his life, and the two became inseparable onto death.

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The Yellow Emperor was beset by a magical enemy that blanketed his realm in a thick, poisonous mist that blotted out the sky, obscuring day and night. When he cried out for mercy, the goddess taught him how to dispel the mists and defeat his enemy once and for all.

According to the ancient stories, Fukiya went on to become one of the greatest advisors that Akaneiro have ever known, using his ingenuity and cunning to revolutionalize the way the Akaneiro approached warfare. While this contribution might be exaggerated, the enji care little for what came of Fukiya's reign, and care far more about the accomplishments of the enji that he rescued, Jian.

Although Jian lived a remarkably short lifespan, even for an enji, the latter years of his life are said to have been dedicated to the study of the sacred bond between himself and Fukiya. More specifically, he was dedicated to exploring what he believed was the wellspring of hidden potential of the symbiotic relationship between enji and Akaneiro. Many such studies have been done as a continuation of his work, but what most endured as part of his legacy was the creation of the enmaku.

The enmaku is a flammable powdered substance that utilizes the viral incense of the Akaneiro as a weapon separate from the effluvials, to be used as by their personal guard. The powdered substance is spread across a battlefield and ignited, so that anyone caught within its range becomes trapped in the maze of poisons and smoke while the enji utilize their natural talents to strike from the shadows. According to legend, Jian's inspiration for this came from studying the combustible power of rustic fireworks and combining that knowledge with the tradition of engulfing a shrine of the ancestors possessed by evil spirits in incense smoke to ward them off.

The offering of venom from effluvial to enji is rarely done, considering the risk such practices pose to the enji. It is only a precious few who are thought capable of mitigating these risks, and such gifts are always given a private ceremony that cements the symbiotic trust that is shared between Akaneiro and enji. An enji can only use enmaku created from the venom of the Akaneiro that helped them through the settling of their brand or that they have been later assigned to. This is done out of respect and for practical considerations alike. It is rumored that the taming of the cochineal brand grants the enji a very limited immunity to the specific viral strain belonging to the effluvial that settled the disease in them. Whether that is true or simply a long-held belief is uncertain, but an enji caught using enmaku made from venom not freely given must suffer the gravest of consequences.


tumblr_oe1gp3kpN31uwsiq5o1_400.png The Lessons of Kudayari

The enji rely on the smoke from their wings, and given their line of work, it makes sense that they might use toxins to enhance that smoke or use it as a battlefield-wide smokescreen. Lacing combustible materials with poisons is a tried and true way to make that smoke even more deadly.

Although many crows rely on strength alone to fight, the enji bear an almost unmatched reputation for their ingenuity, utilizing the world around them and all tools at their disposal to become masters of stealth and cunning. The creation of the enmaku is one such example of this ingenuity, offering a symbiotic versatility with the Akaneiro that they are sworn to serve.

The viral essence is first distilled into its most pure and deadly form, through hidden techniques shared only between enji and Akaneiro. Then, that liquid is sprinkled over any number of alchemical mixtures, creating a concoction that can become stored as a powder to be strategically ignited on the battlefield.

Most commonly, the most simplest of enmaku are used, powdering the viral component with secret mixtures of herbs that produce dense plumes of toxic smoke. This smoke, when inhaled, inflicts a weakened of the effects naturally caused by the effluvial's venom. The powder is covertly sprinkled across the battlefield before being lit when the opponent has been lured into the center. The ensuing smoke is not only dangerous to the enemy within, but helps accentuate an enji's natural ability to obscure themselves with the smoke of their wings and strike from anywhere in the smoke cloud unseen.

The inclusion of different reagents can change the properties of the smoke that comes from the enmaku. For example, the addition of phosphorus producing smoke which dissipates swiftly yet creates fire-like burns on the flesh and lungs of any that inhale it. The inclusion of acidic liquids will cause a heavier, more humid smoke that lingers in the air, melting away the softer tissues of any within creature range. For a less deadly approach, it can be drizzled on an herbal concoction so anyone who breathes in the smoke is effected by the virus and herbal paralytics alike. Each formula comes with added dangers to its user, yet these risks are considered acceptable if used with a skilled hand.

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