
Level 5 Fae
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Fae
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Cobalt Halfmoon Spectacles




0.61 m
1.25 m
2.55 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Jun 10, 2013
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Fae
EXP: 421 / 5545



Wyn | The Once-Mighty Queen | Old Girl

“Age is a funny thing. It takes away your mind and gives you wisdom in the same breath.”
- WYN -

hq1X6f8.png Eirawyn. Once her name might have inspired fear in the hearts of dragons, but now, it brings a pitying smile to their mouths and a touch of sadness to their hearts. Many years ago, Eirawyn was a mate to Fethryn and a queen to the clan, and a cruel queen she was. Trodding upon those with basic genes in order to assert her power and casting out anyone who opposed her, Eirawyn was terrible in her power. Her reign of terror lasted for seemingly countless years until Fethryn defeated her in a duel, and a bargain was struck.

She would leave the clan, taking her son with her, and join the ranks of Tidelord, leaving the clan in Fethryn’s hands. She agreed, taking a demented sort of pleasure in depriving Fethryn of one of their children. The next years were peaceful, and eventually the memory of Eirawyn had all but faded from the memories of her former subjects. For her part, Eirawyn doesn’t remember much of her banished years. Only that she went away a young and strong dragon and woke up an old and frail one. Although Fethryn’s magic has kept his appearance deceptively young, Eirawyn had no such luck and aged into a matronly form quickly enough. Worse, her mind deteriorated faster than the average dragon’s.

No one is sure why Tidelord sent such a disturbed creature back to Sornieth, perhaps he thought she deserved a second chance, but then again, maybe he grew tired of her presence in his domain. Either way, Eirawyn only remembers waking up on a beach with the crash of waves in her ears and the glare of the sun on her face. Her vision was blurred with cataracts and old age, but her infrared vision was still usable. She fished, by instinct rather than knowledge, and gorged herself on her first meal in decades. She resolved that unseasoned trout had never tasted better than it did that day.

Having gained back some of her strength, Eirawyn’s broken mind registered only one goal: find him. She wandered for a while, often forgetting her identity but never her goal, and eventually, she stumbled upon the borders of Clan LockCharge. Like so many others, she was found by Jabberwock and brought before Fethryn for judgement. Although it might be better to say that Fethryn granted her clemency, the truth is that he wanted her executed immediately. It took hours of Basker calming his mind for him to grudgingly grant her sanctuary in the clan for as long as she may need it.

Eirawyn has the mind and body of an old woman, but there is still something left of her old personality in her. Her memories of the old days come and go, but she has only remembered her tyranny long enough to ask for Fethryn’s forgiveness, but alas, she forgot before he could give it. It is worth noting that he does forgive his old mate, but he will never forget the wrongs done to him and his clan by her. On most days, even he cannot connect the pitiful creature before him with the terror that haunted his memories for years.

When her memory began to deteriorate rapidly, the clan became afraid that she would forget how to eat and care for herself, so she was taken to the healers. Between Nimbus, Nix, Barty, and albiet grudgingly, Komainu, a remedy was cooked up to stop further damage from occurring, but what was lost was long forgotten by the once-mighty queen. Shortening her name to Wyn, the old dragoness settled into a quiet life of retirement.

Aside from Fethryn, most dragons find her endearing. She has little to no vision, and although spectacles help tremendously, she tends to step on them or break them while fumbling around for them in the morning, so she has come to rely on her infrared vision for most things. Although she has no memories of “the good old days” like Jag, Wyn is happy to make up stories of adventure and intrigue for any listener who badgers her enough. Forge ensures that she receives three good meals a day, and Xanthe will often keep the old dragoness company during the hot afternoons, shading her under her wings and telling the old one of all the happenings of the world she so long left behind.
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