
Level 7 Tundra
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This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Tundra
Female Tundra
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Warrior/Avator (day)

nightgem was lan in a very close-knit tundra herd, it was very small only about 6 members and each parent knew each other. When her mother had laid her and her 4 other siblings her parents were overjoyed that they were finally going to have their own hatchlings. However before she could hatch the small tundra herd was found by much stronger rouge dragons, nightgems father along with others had no choice but to fight, they were losing and when nightgems mother realized this she ran to thier nesting grounds and managed to hide nightgems egg. Unfortunately, she didn't have time to hide the rest of her eggs when the dragons had defeated her herd mates and were now ransacking the nesting grounds. She tried to defend the eggs but the dragons outnumbered her and enslaved her along with her other herd mates, the rogue dragons destroyed some eggs and others they took. They left with their new slaves and some eggs. nightgem's egg had stayed in the bush for 2 days, however, MoonSpirit was out that day and found the remains of what used to be a home for the small herd of tundras. He looked around and ended up finding nightgems egg, he took her egg along with another egg and took them back to his clan and adopted nightgem and her adopted brother Ryuu.

NightGem has a tomboyish like attitude, she likes to play rough and isn't afraid to get dirty. She's rambunctious and always full of mirth, she usually spends time with Glammor or watching boneblade smithing or train with her. She's very mischievous and loves to pull pranks thats how her and her brother earned the name the pranking duo. She is the brains of the pranking duo and likes to think up creative ways to irritate her clanmates. She looks up to Roxas and often tries to train with the older dragon, for a tundra she is pretty smart and she can use it efficiently especially in battle.
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Exalting NightGem to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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