
Level 1 Undertide
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Poppy of Flameforger
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Undertide
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Witch's Kitchen


16.76 m
20.97 m
4721.65 kg


Primary Gene
Poison (Undertide)
Poison (Undertide)
Secondary Gene
Peregrine (Undertide)
Peregrine (Undertide)
Tertiary Gene
Sailfin (Undertide)
Sailfin (Undertide)


Jan 25, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Undertide
EXP: 0 / 245


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D. R. R I T S Y

Lockwood Leader

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"Dr. Ritsy please - these crackers are the worst you've ever made."

Dr. Ritsy - current reigning leader of the lockwood clan


Dr.Ritsy has never been a normal kind of dragon even when he hatched out of his egg as a fae. The tiny little dragon was shown to have strange mannerism from day one. With no parents and almost no home he took to arcane arts. Cooking up a varied amount of spells and even concations of potions. In the end the tiny fae turned himself into a spiral though comically keeping his size. Dr. Ritsy since then has always found a way to crack jokes and make light of a situation. Twisting himself in insane ways and sometimes unsettling making no sense with his words.


Some consider this spiral to be fearless. Maybe because of his slight insanity, maybe because of his kindness. Either way he has never been one to shy away from wounds, death, war, anything. Others in his clan consider him to be a bit scary because of this, jumping head first into danger is not always a good idea. Despite this nobody can really consider it to be a flaw even if they tried. He takes care of his people no matter the cost of his own body and that is clear even by the experiments that he places upon himself and others.


Dr. Ritsy has been the caretaker of his clan for a very long time now even though he is very young. Despite his age he has shown his intelligence over and over again. From being able to emotionally carry his people to being able to solve complex problems he can learn any task rather quickly. Most of all is his knowledge of healing, not just natural herbs but of science thanks to arcane books and more that he has gotten a hold of. Ritsy is a walking dictionary and he makes that known through the skills that he possesses.


One frustrating thing about this dragon is his stubborn nature. Ritsy has never been one to back down, never been one to “take advice” from other people. He does things his way and believes that they will always be right. Because of this it can lose him friends even if he doesn’t understand why. His knowledge of relationships is not very vast. While he can deal with mental illness well when it comes to himself he doesn’t know why entirely that he has enemies to begin with.


Ritsy will work himself to the bone. If someone is sick or dying no matter the flight, the dragon, the creature he has a duty to them. Dr. Ritsy doesn’t have too much of a care with himself. Even if he were going to collapse from exhaustion he continues. His anxiety, his nervousness over losing others causes him to continue to work and over work until he has to sleep and recover for days on end. It’s only others who can keep him grounded when it comes to this.


Lastly is his bull-headedness. With his confidence, his stubbornness, especially with his healing he has been known to snap and never admit that he is wrong in the subject even if he means well. There’s no way to get him to listen to advice because of this he has let others die over it and he considers it one of his most vicious flaws. While he is aware of it habits are hard to break and Ritsy simply cannot stop what he does as he believes others believe in him too much.


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The smell of rain and snow was confusing enough as the two wildclaws pulled themselves into the crudely made tent. The thing was huge having to admit that the spires it was pulled upon in the lightning desert were higher than most but were the spectacle in the lockwood territory. Out of the top of the tent was a large hole, a device spewing what seemed like steam up into the air. One of the green wildclaws stepped forward stretching her head to see a tiny spiral wrapped around a machine.

“Gerda! It’s nice to see you, come to check up on my new weather machine hmm?” Ritsy uncurled himself, the small spiral flying over to the two wildclaws as he flapped his sets of wings. He twisted upside down, staring at the orange wildclaw standing next to Gerda.

“What in Stormcatcher’s name are you doing Dr.Ritsy!” The orange wildclaw snapped as the Dr. Curled himself around her neck. She was about to try and throw him off before Gerda spoke.

“Ritsy you’re freezing us out. There’s nests you know! It doesn’t even snow here during the winter!” Her concern was clear as the spiral flew up to the machine. With one of his claws he pressed a button and the machine stopped spewing the steam out into the air. His strange ice colored eyes looked at the two of them.

“Gerda, Amachi I know that you’re concerned but trust me I’ll get control of the weather machine soon. My goal is for it to rain over our crops. I have herbs I need to grow!” He raised his claws as he said this. Lifting his head back and letting out a loud yell. Amachi took a step back folding her wings against her back as the orange wildclaw lowered her head.

The doctor was on one of his nuts adventures again! She swore sometimes it was a surprise that he was the leader of this clan. It concerned her but as the head of their guard she couldn’t deny that he still did a very good job at taking care of them. Amachi took a deep breath and raised her wings staring him in the eye as she spoke, “Then try not to turn it ON! Until it’s ready.” she hissed as the spiral blinked at her. The grinning spiral didn’t pay much attention to her temper.

“Alright Amachi I will try! I do think it’s important those eggs stay warm can’t have the new generation thinking that their leaders an old coot can I?” He chuckled as Gerda gave an amused smile to his words. Dr. Ritsy turned back to the machine and then began to put everything away. Little trinkets into strange places - vials were filled with purple liquid bubbling across tables. The leader then turned to the two wildclaws and hovered there in the air for a few more minutes in front of them.

“Now… I can tell that the two of you weren’t just here to tell me about my new machine. What do I owe a visit to you lovely two ladies?” He asked with a tilt of his head.

“It’s North.” Amachi said as Dr. Ritsy suddenly seemed to become very serious, but it didn’t take long for him to do what he usually did.

“Got a problem with his purple goop then does he?” He asked laughing, “Really I keep telling him he needs to clean up after his own mess!” Ritsy seemed to fumble through a bag of supplies then as Gerda stepped forward to speak.

“He seems really sick, I don’t know what you mean by cleaning up his own mess but he’s in a lot of pain.” Her voice cracked a little Ritsy could hear that the situation was obviously very bad. North was one of their Skydancer a refugee taken in from an old friend of his. Peculiarly he was born with eyes down both sides of his body, even stranger still his body held magic. So much magic that it at times would burst out of his body in the form of a purple and pink cloud that rained strange sticky liquid. Every few months Ritsy had to relieve the Skydancer of his pain as the magic made his eyes ache. Holding a vial of medicine and a syringe of some kind. Ritsy turned to them.

“No.. it’s the same this time but I have a meeting I have to go to unfortunately. This time the two of you will take care of our precious boy. Take this vial and make him drink it, take this syringe and he’ll know what to do with it.” Ritsy shoved the supplied into Amachi’s small arms. She tried to hold them as Gerda gently grabbed them with her mouth. It was easier for wildclaws to do that. “A nearby clan actually wanted to speak to me.” he looked at the two of them.

“It must be nice being popular.” Amachi mumbled as Gerda stepped softly on the commanders foot. Avoiding her claw.

“No… they are actually a threat. They recently moved into stormcatcher lands, claiming that we are in their way. In order to avoid war I must go.” He nodded his head casually about it. Amachi turned and left she could only handle so much of his antics. He was crazy she knew that, he treated everything like a joke but Gerda knew better she stayed for a few more moments.

“Thank you Ritsy, I’ll make sure Amachi knows if something happens okay.” Ritsy nodded his head. He knew better thank to leave this alone. If he was to protect his clan he needed to meet with this leader threatening him. Though he wasn’t sure the neighbors would take kindly to him spewing out rain and snow into the air. He wasn’t sure how long the range was on that.

“It’s not a problem Gerder, please take care of North.” It was clear he cared deeply about that dragon. Either way as he left the tent he quickly made towards the territory in the desert. Watching the spires spark electricity in the air, despite all this they were all supporters of the Stormcatcher. Ritsy believed that the deity would protect them should something go wrong, in his gut he had an awful feeling.

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