
Level 25 Nocturne
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Nocturne
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Personal Style





5.1 m
7.35 m
510.13 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 20, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Nocturne
Max Level



  • none


  • none


Celtic God of war.

Daring || Wild || Vicious


There was just an egg and cold wind howling, moaning, whistling. It wrapped its icy claws around the egg, clutching it close to the heart of fear within the swirling maelstrom of white. It was peaceful but caught in a limbo of mayhem. The dragon inside, although unaware of the scene outside of the peaceful shell, emulated this decisive yet chaotic way of things.
It hatched when the land was quiet. Most dragons would have died instantly, suffocated by the mass amount of snow piled on top of them. But Camalus was different. He clawed his way to the surface, and sucked in his first lungful of clear, cold air.
His surroundings hardened him. His scales became immune to the freezing grip of the cold, expelling heat that roiled off the fire that burned within. His stubs of claws sharpened into razor talons with deadly ripping force. His heart grew cold, and he transformed into a harbinger of death. And this was only the beginning.
He soon became enamored with a female dragon that had a soul as emotionless as his. For the first time in his life, his lifeless heart was stirred by this creature. If only she felt the same. She used him, playing along with his foolish endeavor to win her heart over. Finally, she said that she would love him forever if he accomplished one simple task: kill the Icewarden. She said that he had murdered her family with his frosty winters and indifferent winds of snow. He agreed ecstatically, completely convinced that he had a chance against the god.
He traveled the land, trying to find the Icewarden. Years passed, and it became his only purpose in moving forward. His only motivation. His only drive. It was through this burning desire to find the creature that he discovered the Ice deity. It was at the Fortress of Ends that the battle ensued.
He fought with nothing but his claws while the Icewarden used the landscape around himself to fend off the mad dragon. It was an easy win. The deity told him to leave the Southern Icefield, and to never return. Having no other choice, Camalus left what had been his inhospitable home.
He decided to make his new home in the Tangled Wood. He wanted to disappear into the shadows forever; his heart was shattered. He cried out his frustration at losing his beloved, and never being able to tell her goodbye. Each night, the stars received his anger and sorrow at the world. He had nothing to live for anymore. But, he continued through his day-to-day life.
He slowly got back into the swing of things, and left behind the dragon that never loved him back. He honed his claws and his battle skills back up to the perfection where they had once been. He became the ghost of the Shadowbinder's territory.
It was when he was traveling far from what he had established as his territory when he met Anubis. The two fought viciously, but Camalus couldn't land a single blow against the willowy opponent. After almost being defeated, Camalus asked to join Anubis's clan. Although he was worried what he would do to the other dragons within his mate's clan, he allowed entrance.
Anubis began rigorously training Camalus into a much more refined pace of battle. Instead of being the terror that blasted through the woods, he became the nettles that hushed against the wind. His fighting skill was sharpened to new heights. He could finally hold his own against Anubis, and he savored every moment of the stalemated battles.
He now is deployed on missions across Sornieth, stepping as silent as a tiger and fighting just as hard. He gathers information, works in teams to eliminate an opponent, or goes into head-on fights. He is the ultimate weapon, and although he had doubts before, Anubis is grateful that he decided to take in the rage-filled dragon.
Camalus is a sword, honed to the sharpest he can be. He fights with a deadly precision that is difficult, if not impossible, to match. His claws are like steel daggers, and his wings alone could knock even the largest Imperial around. He uses no magic, yet the way he moves indicates that he does. He is as fluid as water, but as steady as a boulder.
A clear head replaced a hot one when he was taken under Anubis's wing. He was trained in patience, and soon, it began to show. He was slow to strike, but once he had the upper-hand in a fight, his opponent was as good as dead.
Of course, this isn't to say that Camalus gave up on risks. No, he is still a daring dragon, but now he fights, knowing that each could be his last. His childish ways of fighting have been left behind in the dust.
With the change of thinking, his heart, once so icy and barren, thawed into something new. There was no pretending that he was a friendly dragon, but he soon learned to smile every once in awhile, maybe even give a hearty laugh.
His years of searching for the Icewarden, though long ago, still affect him today. He cannot speak properly, and underneath what would be a rich baritone of a voice is a rasp of an old dragon. He doesn't mind, just believes that it makes his voice more imposing.
While he doesn't have a thirst for blood, no one can say that he is a merciful dragon. He doesn't care whether his target is a dragon that is downright evil, or just a smidgen bad. If seen in battle on the opposite side, he will hone in on that dragon until they are dead.
He is known for his intellect that has evolved since he joined Athena's clan. He loves to read battle plans, though not much outside of that. However, instead of attacking blindly, he is now known for taking measured risks, and killing with a plan in mind.
Anubis gave him a code of honor to live by to prevent the bloodlust he once had. Though Camalus believes it unnecessary, he follows it, though his views on it are a little more... flexible than Anubis's. If he believes that something will win him an important victory but goes against the code, he will gladly do it. Justice and valor are not developed traits within him.
Though he is not a particularly honorable dragon, he would never turn against his clan, even if he believed it would do him well. He has nursed a sense of loyalty that just started out as a nagging shadow of a feeling, and developed into a passion that he didn't know he possessed. He feels protective of each and every one of the dragons in his tribe.
History Snippet:
Meeting Anubis
The silent breaths of Camalus whispered through the darkness of night as he prowled through the undergrowth, searching for the unfortunate creature that would become his dinner. His footsteps were silent along the darkened grass.
Suddenly, a twig snapped. His head whipped to the side, and he crept forwards. A dragon with glowing red eyes was rustling through the bracken. As Camalus laid eyes on the dragon, the other Nocturne froze. His voice was a low rumble as he growled, "I feel your eyes on me, creature of death. What is it you want with my clan?"
Camalus silently stalked forwards, replying with a hoarse voice in the Draconic tongue. "I need food tonight."
The opposing dragon studied him with disdain. "You are far from starvation while there are others eating the bodies of their clan mates in the near vicinity of my clan, yet you talk as if you are on the brink of death. Pray tell, are you an entertainer?"
Camalus hissed angrily. "Your clanmates will do nicely." With that, he launched at the dragon, claws outstretched in razor talons. His opponent seemed to disappear and was suddenly behind him, slicing a thin cut down his back. He tsked as if chiding a small child. "This angle is quite unflattering for you."
Camalus roared and leaped back, snapping his wings out. He dwarfed the other Nocturne immensely, and in theory, he should have been able to easily overcome the dragon. However, this was not the case. The other dragon melted into the shadows, and reappeared on his weak points, stabbing fast and lightly, but wearing him out. Camalus relished every minute of the fight.
He skidded away from a particularly powerful blow from the other dragon, pausing. He shook his head and gave a wicked grin. "You fight well."
"You fight like a Tundra." Was the other dragon's shrewd reply.
Camalus shook his head, as if throwing away the insult. "I would like to join your clan."
"I would not like that. Besides, it's not my clan."
"Fine, I would like to take part in the clan that you reside in. I can tell you need a good fighter."
Of course, this was a bluff and a chance that Camalus needed to take. The desire he had felt for his lover reemerged, but this time directed towards joining the clan of such a worthy fighter.
The Nocturne cocked his head, inspecting him with beady eyes. "It's true, we do need a skilled fighter..." He sighed. "I would have to train you first, to not be so aggressive. That is where you are flawed. You are so used to dragons underestimating you that you don't know what to do when one overestimates you."
Camalus gave a single nod, ignoring the anger that burned red hot underneath his scales. He would need to deal with that later. "I understand."
Bio Written by AwkwardAngel(#226373)

Camalus fell in love with Airmid’s free-spirit and how she cared for all the injured and sick.

Relationships Written by blackflamewolf(#15007)
Filigree Rapier

Swiftfoot Warrior's Belt

Cragward Custodian
Other / Art
Code Written by Noctiferous(#175953)
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Exalting Camalus to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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