
Level 1 Fae
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Energy: 0
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Light icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Fae
Female Fae
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Personal Style


Teardrop Citrine Necklace
Gold Aviator Gloves
Gold Aviator Satchel
Alchemist Eyewear
Luminous Legguards
Ember Sylvan Headpiece
Privateer's Seaspray Kerchief
Gold Aviator Helmet
Gold Aviator Coat
Gold Filigree Tail Guard
Luminous Halo


Accent: Faerie Lights




0.94 m
1.11 m
1.9 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 15, 2016
(9 years)


Fae icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245


By Tulmultuous! The marvellous and wonderful artist who has done justice to Goldentop so beautifully and with such typical flair! Thankyou so much!

Chuchuana's perfect capturing of Goldentop's cheekiness, also Goldentop cheekily capturing your entire birthday cake.

Snowquail's art of Goldentop giving her second favourite facial expression (her favourite is the trademark wicked grin), and looking fantastically glittery!

StayingBehind's Art of Goldentop in her second most uncommon activity, sleeping (her most uncommon activity is apologizing)

A beautiful sparkly artwork by JackdawShark!
A gloriously glittery Goldentop, delicately reaching for cake- a cake made of solid gold, on a pressure-sensitive plate, atop a fragile temperature-sensitive ice pillar, in a booby trapped spike-lined cave at the bottom of an active volcano. Cos that many locks and spells and wards and traps and signs saying 'NO! DO NOT TOUCH' just HAS to mean the cake's gotta be delicious, right? Or else why go to all that bother? It's practically *asking* to be stolen.

Goldentop Hoards: Anything That Glitters, Eats the Rest
Goldentop starring in a Journey to Snowspire Caverns wrote:
Dragon Name: Goldentop
Dragon ID#: 20170450
Dragon's Pronouns: She, Her, That Blasted Glitter/Cake Thief

Please answer the following questions in-character for this dragon
Choose carefully! Your answers to these questions are what determine your success in the event.

Choose either [Curious] or [Cautious]?
"Danger? Ha! Like anyone could catch me! Happen they did I'd be outta there quick as a mirror with two heads! Now, never mind the traps, that just means there's Treasure!! There's gotta be sommat fancy buried around here someplace…"

Choose either [Cooperative] or [Independent]?
[Independent] except when it suits her not to be:
And also,
"Help! You… dragon-person! Whatever your name is! Help me out, willya? We're on the same team, right, which means you can't jus' leave me here to rot, right…?"

Choose either [Fight] or [Flight]?
"Eep! blow this fer a game o' soldiers, I'm outta here-!!"
*vanishes in an explosion of glitter*

Why do you descend into these caves?

Choose three of the following skills:
Stealth: Quiet and near invisible, this dragon can sneak up on anyone and hide from anything.
Flying Ace: If there is a place that can be flown to, this dragon will get there. Dodging falling rocks? No problem! Weaving through the grasps of an enemy beast? Smooth sailing!
Light Magic: Caves are dark, but this dragon can make them bright. Very bright! You don't ever have to worry about losing your delver's lamps - and you might be able to blind an unsuspecting passerby who is not accustomed to this kind of glitter. (Must be of the Light element.)

Choose either [Heads] or [Tails]?
Flip a coin. Decide your fate…

Quote: "It wasn't me!"
Quotes about Goldentop from other dragons: "Stop, Thief!!"
"It was her, officer! I'd know her anywhere!"
"Of course it was you! You're just hiding it behind your back! And yes I can see it, because it's bigger than you are! You can't have unscrewed it 'accidentally', it was welded on!!"
A story by the marvelous Caelyn (formerly known as vOceanic)

I stole my own freedom.
Deception and magic runs through Goldentop’s blood. Born to an illusionist and a bruja, she grew up in a magic shoppe high on the Sunbeam Ruins. Her earliest memories are of dried Manaweed hanging, swaying in the window, and cauldrons bubbling in the basement.
She could have had a happy life, but her mother had other plans. Her mother wanted her children to be better off, and so urged them to toil hard on alchemy, to become apprentices to the Great Baldwin himself.
Goldentop hated it. While her brothers mixed potion after potion, she burned her fingers, got bored, and stole her father’s magic-trick kits to amuse herself. It was during these long, tearful days that she learned to steal.
She also learned the art of vanishment – how to fold her wings and disappear in a puff of shining golden dust.
The dragons of the Sunbeam Ruins often found little things missing – a pair of Footpads, a Heartred Croaker. No one knew who could be responsible. Goldentop sat on her own minor hoard at night, hidden deep in a closet, cackling.
When the day came to be apprenticed to Baldwin, her brothers succeeded and became minor alchemists. But Baldwin rejected Goldentop, and her mother was very angry. They returned home; her mother threatened her with exile; and Goldentop decided to run away.
That night, when she cast one final look on her secret hoard, the door opened and startled her. There was her father, a kindly gold Fae like herself. He took her by the shoulders and whispered, “Your mother and I both want what is best for you, though we do not agree. I say you go now and make your living how you like. Only free will you find happiness.”
Goldentop agreed and, with one final hug, left her father. He watched her go and creep into a shadow –
Then vanish, in a puff of golden dust.

Goldentop wouldn't easily be considered a 'friend'. She is such a trickster, a magical vanishing kleptomaniac cake-fiend and glitter hoarder, that very few people would never trust her with anything not nailed down, let alone trust her enough to be friends. Mostly she engenders a sort of mild tolerance, sometimes comic relief, sometimes just plain annoyance. Her one friend, however, is Mephala- but cynical dragons like Leto sneer and say it's just that Mephala hasn't voice to deny it. Once Tigress growled that Goldentop should leave Mephala alone, because she was just taking advantage of the gentle Pearlcatcher's kindness, and was no friend at all.
Goldentop very nearly cried about that, later, when she told Mephala about it. Her eyes grew very wide and stung painfully so she pulled down her goggle disguise so no one could see. But for a dragon who couldn't speak, Mephala could be remarkably expressive in her dismissal of the idea, and furthermore hugged Goldentop until she squeaked.
In truth, they have a very close bond- Mephala is Goldentop's moral compass, her only confidant, and Goldentop is the embodiment of the impish fun-loving and rebellious child which Mephala never had a opportunity to be.
Romance: A Pirate King's Treasure (By Catkinstarchild) Part I:

Goldentop was not used to dragons considering her in personal terms. At all. Like a pest, a nuisance, a thieving child perhaps- at best, someone bemusedly tolerated.
And this was fine by her. She felt comfortable keeping others at arm's length; never relating to them on a deeper level. The closest friend she had was Mephala, whom she trusted with her life, but she was the exception. Mephala was mute, and had a heart of pure gold, and would never have let down or betrayed anyone, ever. Goldentop had once had a soulmate, her first love, Goldenglow- he and she seemed to be almost like twins, or kindred spirits- but they were too similar, it turned out. They fought like tigers, and both were equally immature and bloody-minded, and refusing to give in or compromise- they were too young, and had gone into it too quickly. Eventually their love spoiled to hatred, and Goldenglow left her, abandoning her and the clan in one night of furious cruelty. The things he said when he left, cut deep wounds in Goldentop's heart, and she swore she would let no one close enough to hurt her that much again. She spent her days instead hoarding things which made her happy; chiefly glittering objects, gold, gems, jewellery, fabrics, and cake- all trying to surround herself with things which made her happy, and fill the gaping hole in her heart. She had no respect for other people's property; why should they deserve a thing more than she? Often they hoarded things away, where they would never be seen, looked at, smiled over- instead, she valued them, treasured them, lined her spherical cave-nest with them, and made a hole where the sun would pierce during the daytime and make the entire inside of it glow like a furnace. The warmth made her smile, made her heart relax a little. But the full feeling of happiness always faded when the sun did.

So it was not her intention, to fall for Mal. But like many things around Goldentop, it came as a happy accident.

Romance: A Pirate King's Treasure, Part II:

Mal, when he awoke, he was blind. He blinked a few times, but could still see nothing. Every sinew in his body felt overstretched, every muscle ached, his blood roared in his ears when he tried to lift a hand, so he gave up. He felt the sun beat down on him, bare and exposed with the sea salt drying on his scales as the heat became almost intolerable- but then a reprieve, as a shrill breeze came up, and he could smell the change in weather- a storm, then. Like that which had driven him here. It was a Tidelord blessing that he still breathed; that his lifeless corpse was not now at the bottom of the ocean, torn apart by sharks or just drifting; dancing the slow gavotte of the drowned.
But was that better than the fate in store for him now, baking slowly on this unknown shore- hoping for a quicker death than dehydration and starvation.
He slipped in and out of consciousness awhile, and became distantly aware of a voice, humming to itself, growing louder- then it stopped, sharply.
"Shipwreck! Shipwreck!!!" It shrieked, and he felt something tickling near his left wingtip.
"Knew it! So much for punishment duty, one scouting run of the far shore and what do I find?! Pirates! Shipwrecks! And that means one thing- TREASURE!"
He heard the patter of feet joyfully dance across his wing, but he couldn't feel it plainly- finally he realised why he couldn't move; he was entombed in sand and debris. He yearned to call out, to beg for help- but he couldn't move his chest enough to inhale that far.
There was still the scrabbling noise though, as of sand being heaved manfully away with great enthusiasm.
A gasp. "Lightweaver's great glimmering baubles, Treasure!! Gold!! All mine-!" Something tweaked at one of his long whisker-ends. He couldn't protest, but the tug did smart- "Here, of all places!! Oh, the glitter- it must be big though! Big, big! Might have to bring it back in stages, don't want anyone else finding it… treasure, and it's all mine!"
Some weight was starting to shift from his chest. He heard groans and panting as someone made a large piece of flotsam slide sideways, freeing his lungs- they burned as he forced new breaths into them, and prepared himself to call out and request help-
At that very moment, a piece of driftwood was pushed off his face, and his eyes snapped open, to reveal a jaw-droopingly enormous fae.
The fae looked down at his eyes, still gripping the piece of wood. She was vast, a monster at least twice the size of himself, and her sharp fae teeth were like long katanas as she hissed instinctively and reared up in shock- he blinked, and goggled at her. She blinked. Then they both screamed.

Mal didn't actually remember much more of that incident, because Goldentop then proceeded to knock him out violently with the plank of wood, but ultimately help was summoned and a team of dragons excavated him from his living tomb with some degree of difficulty. It was a relief to find out Goldentop was not a monstrously large fae, but an ordinary-sized one; merely the effect of her being extremely and unexpectedly close had confused him. And in her defense, a submerged tentacled (well, whiskered) sea monster with enormous eyes blinking up at her, would have been quite off-putting to the most hardened sailor. Knocking it over the head was the best course of action, all things considered- though that didn't stop Mal needing head bandages for a few days, because it had been a tough piece of wood. He took a good week to get his legs working, and longer still to get his strength back. But all the while, the mischievous fae (somewhat subdued by guilt) served as a semi-constant companion, bringing him choice morsels stolen brazenly from the kitchens and fetching herbs to help with his aching joints. Most in the clan assumed this was lingering guilt, which was somewhat out of character for the kleptomaniacal fae, but not so unusual if she had been anyone else.
He was quite enchanted by her, in all honesty; her cheerful mischievous attitude he found very appealing, and her thievery and trick some antics reminded him of himself, when he was younger and carefree, back before he saw himself as unsatisfactory. She was beautiful; she fairly glittered like a handful of gold herself, and her eyes glinted like stars, especially while they spoke. He started engaging with her schemes, but also regaling her with tales of what he had gotten up to in his wilder days. She sat for hours, listening enraptured, eyes wide and glittering with awe at his tales of adventures on the high seas, being a pirate and the high jinks they got up to against the fat cat merchants and their hired goons. The odd couple became increasingly close as his strength returned, and it seemed that the two of them were amongst the last to predict what happened next.

Her lineage, made by Juri01:

Luka, Light Sprite and swashbuckling adventurer; they are the boldest and bravest of all pioneers.
(Exquisite engravings by Poisonedpaper:) XsD67do.png
And their much less well-known sister, Goldentop, as she was in her youth; Wte6giD.png

Goldentop Cameos in other Stories:

Travelling Dragon 'Braveheart' Pontus
Memoirs of a Travelling Dragon: Kryles
Travelling Dragon 'Windfall' Finlay

Goldentop Goes Trick-Or-Treating wrote:
Suddenly the air shimmers slightly, heralding the presence of a spell, well before the far-off sounds of gleeful laughter reach you. Then there is a sharp pop like a champagne cork, and an explosion of glitter that makes everyone sneeze heralds the sudden appearance of a tiny gold-coloured fae, wearing the most wicked grin you've ever seen underneath a slightly oversized pirate hat.
It's cute, but by the grin and the glint in the beady eyes, also trouble. Some of your clan guards are already nonchalantly edging over, and someone groans "Not her, I thought we set up wards against things like that…"
Ignoring them all, grinning from ear to ear, she clears her throat meaningfully. "Arr!" She growls unconvincingly in a squeaky voice; "-I'm a swashbuckling pirate queen- obviously- have you any idea how hard it was to get this outfit in my size?! Anyway-" She gestures meaningfully with an open sack slightly larger than herself, "Give me all your goodies or els- wait, no. That's robbery. Sorry, let me try that again, I mean- TRICK OR TREAT!!"
Glittering Hoard of Trick-Or-Treats:
Bright Bolt Fool's Gold Silver Horn Seeker Brooch Sacridite Impure Sacridite Infused Crystal Silver Ore Rose Quartz Ice Crystal Silver Muck Sparkling Blue Arm Bow Amber Flourish Necklace Golden Tail Bangle Rusted Treasure Chest Skipping Stone Red Linen Fabric Scrap Nickel Ore Silver Pocketwatch Teardrop Pastel Spinel Wing Loop Scholar Enchanted Candle Unicorn Dust Shining Acuity Fragment Amber Celestine Brown Wizard Hat Gold Muck Bright Bolt Diaphanous Sylvan Headpiece Sunspot Clouddancer Hide Berserker Illuminated Emblem Enamor Chrysoberyl Intact Parchment
Spotted Grasshopper Dwarf Mushroom Jumbo Shrimp Flameburst Waterstrider Sugarmelon Cicada Luminous Shortfin
Autumn Dryad Sundial Imposter Lux Spectre
Goldentop Art by Fellefan!

Complements on Goldentop from others:
GlitterDCMarvel from Prettiest Dragon Above You wrote:
I love how this pretty girl's accent matches with her genes! And, honestly, I would hoard the exact same thing she does. CAAAAAAAKE[/columns]
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