
Level 25 Skydancer
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Undying Featherback
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Witch's Staff
Witch's Hat
Plague Tome
Witch's Herb Pouch
Witch's Cloak
Unearthly Onyx Grasp
Witch's Cobwebs
Forest Rogue Mask
Forest Rogue Bracers


Accent: Boneyard Empress


Scene: Witch's Kitchen


4.87 m
5.13 m
589.8 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 16, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level
Flame Bolt


Witch turned Wanderer


Born of Thranduil, a dragon who's heart rests in nature, and Accadia, a dragon who's soul is of pure light; one might think that Beraneth would be like minded. This is not the case. She never really fit into the light and grace of her family. And despite being one of Thranduils oldest heirs, Beraneth shunned the responsibilities. Instead she turned her attentions to her own desires. Desires that one would never imagine ran through the mind of a dragon who was so light of scale.

Even as a hatchling magic fascinated her. Not the light and graceful kind, but witchcraft, alchemy, necromacy; and all of the things that were disapproved of. Her father never spoke ill of her, but she knew deep down that he was worried her practices would reflect badly on him as a lair leader.

Now, after years of living in the dark corners of the lair, practicing her craft and learning what little she could, she's had enough. This wasn't the first time she'd travelled. She was old enough to remember moving from the firelands to the naturelands. She still remembered the Ashfaull wastes fondly. But this was the first time she was to travel alone.


adopt by Hexephra - shop

Awesome art by: DawnAuroua
Art by AET

Art by Shanora

Quiet and lithe, the skydancer slipped out of the clans caves before the first light of dawn. She was never one for goodbyes, and not just because any goodbye would be an awkward one. She wondered if anyone would even miss her, or would realize she was gone at all. Then again, that wouldn't be entirely their fault. She did after all, disappear for days at a time whenever she came across some interesting thing to tear apart and study.

Stepping across the well kept court yard, she took a few hopping steps before taking off. No use dragging it out. She had nothing here holding her there after all. Out there though....across the expanse of earth and sky....was knowledge beyond her imagination.


Beraneth continued to soar, watching as the lushish green feilds where her lair lay hidden, turned to shades of brilant red. Her shadows only gracing the ground below, allowing for a breath period in time for the shade to cool the rocks, sand and dust. Looking bellow she watchs as something caught the corner of her eye. It was strange to see something shine from this high up, even in the plauge lands which seemed to be nothing but a sea of red; decorated with blotches of corrupted green.

there was only one way to find out.

Allowing herself to glide down lower, her feet scrapped on the ground for a moment before coming to a long stop.Standing tall she looked upon her feet, noticing and noting how the rust red dust stained them. looking toward the ground, she noticed the pair of goggles laying on the ground. It looked like it was recently placed, there wasnt much red dust on it. Hearding a growl, she raised her head to see two skydancers. sizing up the dragons, she noticed one was hidding behind the other. both there skins shimmered like crystal, One as white as the clouds; the other Red as blood.

"What do you want here, Skydancer! especially one of fire!" The red one growled angerly. taking a few steps back, Beraneth lowered her. "My apologies, i meant only to speak with you." keeping her head low she could see the white one peeking her head from behind the male. Just as the male was about to speak, a quite voice spoke from behind. "Garnet....I dont think she is here to attack."

Looking at her, Garnet sighed. "you make it difficult to defend you Quartz..."

Beraneth looked at both of them, slightly confused. Quartz moved beside Garnet, bowing her head. "Im Quartz, this is Garnet, we are gatherers and protectors of our home. your not from here, we can tell. Welcome, Embrace the Outbreak." Beraneth Smilled slightly. "that obvious?"

With a nod, Quartz moved closer with watching Garnet close by. "what bring you here, Skydancer of fire?" Sweetly she asked, picking up the goggles and wipping them clean. the feathers on her head, slightly bent from where the goggles used to sit.

Beraneth watched as Quartz smiled at her. "Im actually from Nature, but those details are for later. I want to learn more, so i left to find something new to learn."

"clearly..." Garnet rolled his eyes, only to have Quartz hush him. "Quite! do you at least know the basics? wondering out can be dangerous..." Beraneth felt slightly annoyed. "I can handle myself." SHe squinted as the wind picked up dust into the skydancers faces. INstantly the plauge dragons responded, Garent rasing his wing to sheild both quartz and himself. however Beraneth wasnt fortunite. Crimiscing as she wiped at her eyes, she could hear someone shifting. finally cleaning her eyes enough to see form the red dust, Quartz was holding the goggles for the new skydancer to take.

"Yes but the plauge isnt an easy place to be, Perhaps Echo can help you. Its 'Dog eat Dogt' out here, different from the ways your used to perhaps. If you want Plauge knowledge, She can teach you. we have a very strong Caster, that might be more to your style of fighting, we are more then willing to teach you." the white skydancer nodded to her invitation and gift of the goggles. 'A caster, i wonder what i could learn here' Beraneth thought as Quartz smiled, turning and signalling for the other skydancers to follow her. "i learned a lot when i left Nature."

Beraneth paused, and stared at Quartz for a moment. "Wait...Your the small crystal skydancer they was sent to plague!?" Quartz smiled. "Come, Echo can help you with the knowledge you seek." Without another word, the Two took flight, Beraneth sprinting after them only to push up with her powerful wings to catch up with them.

Seven Moons later, After caught up with Quartz and all she had learned; getting to know Echo, and the other dragon she felt it was time to leave. Beraneth knew she had learned most of what she could, and still she thirsty for more. Echo, there cut throat leader seemed to like her, and told her if she desired to come and visit that she may. knowing she had a friend close by, she may come to explore the Plague lands again.

Waiting until the sun was just beginning to rise, she gripped her newly acquired goggles from Echo; She took back the skies; letting her powerful winds take her away. the winds pulling her away from the hot, red, plagued wastes..hopefully somewhere a little cooler then the scorching heat, and somewhere she could learn more then just fighting and surviving skills.


'Finally! Land!'

The flight to the Southern Icefield is a chore for any dragon. Beraneth's training in the lair she visited served her well though, and she made good time across the vast sea. She glided down to attempt a gentle landing, but to her surprise, she kept going for a little while once her feet touched the snow... because she went right through and landed deep within a drift. The cold quickly penetrated her scales, making her shiver. Her goggles kept the snow out of her eyes, but it didn't help her see. Everything was white. She writhed in teh snow for a while, trying to clamber back to the surface, but the powdery fresh snow acted like quicksand, all the snow around her falling on top of her as she tried to climb.

"Hey there, take a few breaths. Everything is alright. Compact all the snow beneath you first, you can force the snow to be more solid. It will help."

Beraneth paused, startled by the sudden friendly voice. However, she quiet did as she was told, taking a few breaths, and then beginning to stamp at the snow beneath her. At first, she only sank farther and she started to panic, but then she started to see the difference it made to make the snow under her more solid. Now, she was able to stand properly, and move around in circles. She moved her way outwards, slowly compressing a ramp up towards the surface. There, she was greeted with a pair of bright green eyes staring out from a mound of fur caked in ice.

"See, it gets easier. Lay low and try to spread your weight out on the surface, you're less likely to fall under again." the nature dragon smiled a toothy grin, a few leaves still stuck in her teeth from her last meal. "I'm Rosynglaw. You alright?"

"Uh, yes. T-thank you for your aid." Beranth tried to suppress her urge to shiver, but a few chills still racked along her length. When Rosynglaw saw this, she quirked her head and stretched out her own length in a stretch that turned into a shiver halfway. The little tundra was very lanky, and her tail lashed in the air for a moment throwing ice crystals everywhere.

"I agree. Let's go warm up." The tundra shambled off into the snow, and Beraneth awkwardly followed.

After sharing a meal around a fire with a few others of the clan, the skydancer properly introduced herself and explained her journey to her new companion. With a hearty chuckle, the tundra took the information and ran with it, going off on a tangent about a similar adventure she once had. The two talked for hours, sharing experiences and asking each other question upon question. Eventually, they came upon the topic of Rosynglaw's colouration.

Intrigued beyond compare, the skydancer was enthralled with the idea that Rosynglaw used to have blue fur. Looking down at herself, Beraneth was enthralled with heh idea that she didn't have to stay this colour for the rest of her life. It's not that she didn't like how she looked. It was the thrill of something new, of exploring uncharted territory with even the colour of her own scales... Nothing seemed more exciting. Immediately, she began asking questions, quizzing every dragon in the lair. Eventually, she ran out of leads, besides the two leaders of the lair. She was nervous about approaching them, and avoided it for a while.

Nearing the end of her stay, Llelwyn appreached Beraneth quietly with a smile. What he untucked from his wing was a scroll. It swirled and sparkled with energy, magics flowing through teh air around it. He placed it in her claws. "What is it?" she blurted, forgetting courtesy in her enthusiasm.

"A gamble" he grinned, "You're interested in how a dragon can change it's colouration, yes? This is your chance."

After a few days of recovery, Beraneth unfolded her beautiful green wings, adjusted her new matching gear, and took off into the sky.

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Exalting Beraneth to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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