
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
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Rockback Charger
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Pearlcatcher
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Glowing Gold Clawtips
Simple Copper Bracelets
Simple Copper Wing Bangles
Classy Spats
Ornate Copper Necklace
Ornate Copper Bracelet
Copper Steampunk Spats
Copper Steampunk Scarf
Forest Green Leg Wraps
Forest Green Arm Wraps
Forest Green Tail Wrap
Veteran's Leg Scars




7.65 m
5.06 m
713.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 11, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
Max Level
Blinding Slash




  • none


Commoner • Shade-infected
β Corvi
Being left alone
Vin's herbal tea
Other Pearlcatchers, usually
Curt, negligent, and a little cynical. Most dragons look the other way, whenever Kraz is nearby. He doesn't have any manners, and can be upsettingly blunt, or needlessly confrontational.
Years ago, he was a Jarl in Light territory. He wasn't a tyrant, but he wasn't a kind leader, either. He was arrogant, and ordered everything to be done for him. He couldn't fight, and he couldn't cook or clean. But he knew how to lead the right way, and he had enough power and influence, that even Imperials stayed at his side. Most, wouldn't even think of sharing the same lair with a Pearlcatcher. But even if he was overbearing, they respected him enough, to remain as his bodyguard. If nothing else, he wasn't forcing them. What would a horse-sized Pearlcatcher do, to stop a whale-sized Imperial? Nothing, if they were smart.

Eventually, the Jarl wanted to expand his reach, and ordered for an expedition over the Sea of a Thousand Currents. He would go himself, along with two guards. One Imperial, and one Guardian. As if he was a target from the beginning, the Shade rose from the water, and struck him and his bodyguards down. His pearl had been struck numerous times during the attack, and eventually, he blacked out.

As a result, he lost all of his memories of being a leader, and washed up on the shores of the Crystalspine Reaches, bloody, and with a badly damaged pearl.

It was Lesath that found him on the beach. The Pearlcatcher was weak, and drifted in and out of consciousness. At first, Lesath thought that he had been in a shipwreck. And judging from the way that black sludge, what he thought was just for curing his pearl, kept dripping from his mouth, that he was just sick, too. He gave the Pearlcatcher the name Kraz - a star whose name origins were unknown. He thought it would be fitting, for a dragon that couldn't remember his own name.

In the end, Lesath took him back to the Hold, where he was given permission to live. At first, it was only to be until Kraz recovered enough to be back on his way. But when Lesath noticed that he wasn't getting any better, that the pearl sludge still dripped form his mouth, and his memories weren't returning, he decided to let him stay. At first, he lived in Shelyak's inn. But because of the mess that his pearl sludge would sometimes make, she kicked him out.

He ended up living in a small shack on the outskirts of town. It was barely large enough for him, and he couldn't stretch out. Lesath tried to do his best, to get him into a better place to stay. But his own home wasn't large enough for a second occupant, and he didn't have enough money, to have one made. The best that he could do, was provide food for the ailing Pearlcatcher.
His unreliable memory often led him to forget where he was, or where he was meant to be. As a result, he sometimes wandered away from home. One way or another, he usually managed to find his way back, but not always without injury. One of the times that he wandered away, he ended up on the shore of the Sea of a Thousand Currents. The closer that he got to it, the more ill that he felt. His vision blurred, and he got more, and more dizzy. Until finally, he collapsed.

He didn't know how long he was there. But the tide rose around him, and he soon found that he was stuck. At first, he just thought that he was too sick to move, and that it was because he didn't have the energy to. But it was more than that. Maybe he was hallucinating it. But there was something in the water, and it was holding him down. It tried to reach for him. Images of two broken figures falling from the sky into the water, flooded his mind.

Just as he was beginning to panic, a Guardian came down to rescue him. It was Hadir, and he drove off the Shade. Kraz lost consciousness, and Hadir carried him to safety. But because Kraz was too weak to find his way home on his own, the Guardian accompanied him back to the Hold, where he stayed. It was the second time that he would be carried away, unconscious, from a beach. But this time, he would return with someone that had saved up enough money, to get him into a proper home. Hadir was appalled by his living conditions prior, and had a new home built for the two of them.

At first, Kraz thought it was peculiar. Hadir was a stranger. But he wasn't going to complain, about having a real roof over his head, and space to stretch out. Hadir was also quick to tell him, that he wanted to claim him as his Charge. Eventually, Kraz agreed. He was getting too sick too often, and too weak, to argue any more. Over time, the two of them grew inseparable. Kraz wouldn't admit it, but he was beginning to rely on the Guardian, and all of his help. He knew that without him, he probably wouldn't be able to live on his own any more. He was getting worse, experiencing nightmares, and he didn't know why.
Months would pass. Kraz and Hadir, were leading a more comfortable life together. Even if Kraz's condition had worsened. But then one night, the Hold's courier, fell ill. In a single night, chaos erupted inside the village, and without their courier, they had no way of asking for help.

Something malicious had managed to track Kraz down. It grew as a dark cloud beneath the Hold, in deep caverns where crystals glowed above a shallow pool of water. It soon manifested as a misshapen mix between a Guardian and an Imperial, and mercilessly slaughtered anything that tried to stop it. Numerous dragons and guards were slain by it. But it seemed to have only one goal in mind. It made its way recklessly through the Hold, and stopped at the residence of Kraz and Hadir.

The beast, made up of the Shade and the remains of a certain Guardian and Imperial bodyguard, cried out in front of the home. It pleaded to know why it had been abandoned. Inside, Kraz was suffering more than ever. He was trembling, ill, and in an immense amount of pain. The voices emanating from the amalgamate beast outside, sounded familiar somehow. But he couldn't place it.

In a fit of rage, it tried to demolish their home, in order to get to him. Hadir stood guard. Lesath and his friend, tried to stop the beast. Even Beid had been badly wounded by it, and Lesath followed shortly, the wind knocked out of him. His old friend, an Imperial named Adhara, was the only one left to stop it. He succeeded, but at the price of his own life. The Hold suffered an immense amount of loss and damage, but it was safe again.

Following the incident, Beid pinned the blame on Lesath, and later, Kraz. It was clear, that the beast of the Shade had been after the Pearlcatcher. If Lesath hadn't brought him to their Hold, then none of this would've happened. But Hadir and even Lesath himself, defended him.

Kraz spent most of the following day unconscious. In all of the excitement, and from the ill effects that the beast had been having on him, he'd blacked out. But when he woke up again, he knew more than he ever did. The images that he'd seen in his mind, when he was trapped in the Sea of a Thousand Currents only months prior, were beginning to make sense. He didn't remember everything. But he knew the basic gist of his past. Caphir gathered up most of the village, and Kraz delivered his story. He even explained that with Hadir's help, he'd learned that the overproduction of his pearl sludge, was a sign of the Shade still lingering in him, after it attacked him years ago.

There were mixed reactions. Some, who had travelled from Light territory themselves, recalled rumours about a failed expedition that went down over the Sea. No one knew any exact details. But even if some of them were wary, no one blamed Kraz for the attack that the Hold had suffered. Lesath made it clear, that no matter what happened in his past, Kraz was Kraz. He was part of the village now, and he was no more of an enemy now, than he was when he first showed up.
With all of the excitement subsiding, Kraz's life has returned to normal. He still isn't as healthy as he used to be. But the nightmares happen a little less frequently. He isn't as forgetful any more, and knows where his home is, and who his allies are. Unless he chooses to do it himself, Kraz doesn't wander away from the village any more. He doesn't try as hard to remember his old life, or who he used to be, either. There are some things, that might be better left behind.

Some of the other village residents, are still a little wary about him. Especially now that they know that he's Shade-infected. But they can just as easily avoid him, and don't start any trouble. Others, even if they assumed it meant that he was just sick, still try to check up on him. Lesath and Vin are among the minute few that do.

No one knows for sure, if being Shade-infected is only making him lethargic, or if it's slowly killing him.
Unlike most Pearlcatchers, he didn't value his pearl at all. After he was attacked by the Shade and found by Lesath on the beach, he never added any memories to it. He always thought that there were no good things to record, and that it wasn't worth the trouble. Rather than carry it securely, he would roll it on the ground next to him, drop it occasionally, or even leave it behind for short trips. As a result, he's always been resented by (most) other Pearlcatchers, who find his negligent behaviour repulsive. He thinks it's mutual.

The same day that he was rescued by Hadir in the Sea of a Thousand Currents, he lost his pearl altogether. He doesn't consider it a loss. In fact, he's almost thankful for it, because it means that he can have a fresh start. But he and Hadir, have spoken about possibly finding another base, for him to form a new pearl around. Kraz argues, that he would probably still neglect it. They have yet to make a decision.
He can usually be found scowling, or baring his teeth. The reason for this, isn't because he's always angry. It's to let the Shade-tainted pearl sludge drip out, so that it doesn't collect as much in his stomach, and make him sick. This isn't always avoidable. But by letting some of it drip out, it lessens the frequency of his illness. When it does collect beyond a certain point in his stomach, he doesn't have a choice, but to expel it.

Some days, it can be a little difficult for him to eat, due to the natural increased production of it during this time. It's messy, and it took a little experimenting, but he eventually managed to make things work.
Due to the attack from the Shade years ago, he has a scar behind his right shoulder. Its respective wing is sometimes hard to move. The scar on his back left leg, happened during one of the times that he wandered away from home, before he met Hadir. He had stumbled into a lair of nameless Mirrors in Plague territory, which they defended.
After such an overwhelming and panic-inducing experience when he was trapped on the beach of the Sea of a Thousand Currents, he exhibits mild symptoms of PTSD. It manifests the most, when he's around water. It contributes to why he doesn't like baths. If he spaces out while sitting in the water, he sometimes forgets that he's somewhere safe, and mistakenly thinks that he's trapped by the Shade in the Sea again.
He doesn't seem to consider anyone his friend. But he shows more respect to Lesath than to anyone else, and tolerates visits from Vin.


He isn't very mobile any more. Mostly, he just stays inside at home. Usually, he tries to nap off the discomfort. Other times, he convinces Hadir that he's strong enough, to wander around on his own. Since his memory has gotten a little better, he knows where to return to, at least.


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Bio layout by: CityTurtle
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