
Level 1 Spiral
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Spiral
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Personal Style


Fiendish Emerald Clawrings
Fiendish Emerald Forejewels
Fiendish Emerald Grasp




2.7 m
2.54 m
58.2 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 07, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


"Why do you format your forum posts like that?"

I have OCD and I format things with centered text and lots of spaces between lines because it looks cleaner to me and I like it. I also always make my text a color that fits whatever flight my clan is in. Since joining earth, I stopped using colored text because I'm lazy and black text works for Earth anyway. I also stopped doing it after receiving complaints. Sorry if any of my older posts are hard to read :(

"Why did you exalt the dragon you bought from me?"

If I bought a dragon from you for under 10,000 treasure, it's probably going to be exalted. Sometimes I hold onto a dragon for a while before exalting, but other times it may only be in my lair for a few minutes. I often rescue fodder dragons if they're old, pretty, or have things in their bio.

Occasionally, I may buy a dragon for a project and either give up, or find a better one. If I don't feel like saving or selling them, they will be exalted.

My fodder rescue thread is Right Here!

"Will you give my dragon back to me?"

Yeah, probably. I don't mind giving people their stuff back so long as they aren't rude about it.

"Will you sell a dragon that's not fodder?"

Short answer: Maybe.

While there are some dragons I will never sell, they almost always say so in their bio. I am sentimental, but I also like money so I can sometimes be persuaded to sell things for the right offer.

Nothing from my sand collection is ever for sale. Do not ask.

"Will you stud one of your dragons for my breeding project?"

Short answer: Probably not.

Once a dragon is no longer in my lair, I have no say over what happens to it. Generally, I'm too nervous about losing dragons I care about to lend them out.

"Why did you name a dragon you bought from me something strange?"

Most of the time, I use the random name generator. If I'm not in a hurry, I'll cycle through a few names until I find a nicer one, but when I'm in a hurry you get whatever the first thing that comes up is.

My generic fodder name for when I'm really in a hurry or just don't feel like using the name generator is "Hope." If I see dragons that are obviously siblings, I will name them Hope, Despair, Future, Luck, and Talent so they don't mess up the parents offspring list with repeating names.

"Will you rename a dragon you bought from me?"

This one hasn't happened before and I don't foresee anyone asking this, but just in case you're reading this because you were checking before you ask - sure. Just send me the scroll and tell me which dragon you want renamed and to what.

If I don't get your message before I exalt them, I'm sorry. If you don't specify what you want them renamed to, they'll likely be renamed to Hope.

"Will you un-exalt/recover my dragon?"

Sorry, but probably not. I don't like having my exalt recovery on cooldown, it makes me nervous in case I need it for a mistake or emergency.

"Why did you abandon the Spirit Maasks thread?"

I got a severe repetitive strain injury in late 2020 and ended up having surgery on both my wrists in 2021. Since then, I can't draw for more than a few minutes at a time anymore. That, in combination with my main drawing tablet dying, has led me to put that project on permanent/indefinite hiatus. I'm sorry. I genuinely loved that project and still miss it dearly.

That being said, I would love to restart in the future if my condition ever improves and/or I get another tablet.

"What happened to [thread/program]?"

I'm very flaky and have a short attention span. If I haven't touched a thread or program in more than 6 months, it's safe to say I lost interest and won't be coming back to it. If there's ever something you need, you're welcome to message me and I'll see what I can do! I have copies of most of my old badges and/or links to the threads they come from!

"Why did you block me?"

I Block:

- Any and all racists, terfs and other LGBTQIA-phobes.
- Anyone I see regularly being overly-aggressive or rude.
- People who are selling starving fodder and sometimes forget to unblock after.
- If I was blocked first.
- If I had a negative experience with someone.

Sometimes I block if you have DNI criteria that applies to me or you openly dislike something I like. It's not personal, I respect your boundaries, I just don't want to accidentally forget and make you uncomfortable. That, and sometimes it makes me sad when people don't want to interact with me, especially if it's because they dislike something I enjoy.

"Why didn't you reply to my message/reply/profile comment?"

If I don't reply to your PM it was either because I didn't think you were expecting a response, I had nothing else to say, or I told myself I'd reply later and then forgot. If you need my attention for something, feel free to poke me again, especially if it's important.

If I don't reply to your forum post, it may have gotten buried in my pings. Feel free to nudge me to get my attention if it was something important and I don't respond in a timely manner.

While I love and appreciate all profile comments, I don't always reply to them if I don't think it's necessary.

"You said or did something that hurt my feelings."

Chances are, it was not my intention and I'm very sorry. I used to do the playful ribbing thing as a way of being affectionate and old habits die hard. I try not to do it anymore, but if I said something dark or sarcastic to you, I was probably trying to make a joke and I didn't mean it to be hurtful.

You are always, ALWAYS welcome to tell me if something I did hurt you in some way and I'll do my best to clarify and work it out/apologize. I never want to hurt peoples' feelings.

"Something you said/did/wrote/etc is problematic."

Chances are if I did or said something offensive, I didn't mean it or wasn't aware of it and I'm very sorry. I always appreciate people educating me about things I wasn't aware of if they feel so inclined, it helps me to be a better person in the future!

(That being said, some of the media I enjoy is problematic. I'm aware of it. I do not consider problematic media to be inherently bad, so please don't come at me saying the fact I like something makes me a bad person. You can disagree with me about a piece of media without it being a reflection of my personal moral character.)

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Exalting Whattaps to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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