
Level 1 Spiral
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Tourmaline Vulstal
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Spiral
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2.9 m
1.89 m
75.68 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 25, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245


4e934250-00ac-4af1-989f-4a5dc43dc2ac_zps7fazzxnl.jpg 4e934250-00ac-4af1-989f-4a5dc43dc2ac_zps7fazzxnl.jpg Ripple
Put my heart where my head should be and light up the rest of me;
'cause the dreams; They won't fall
apart through the stars through the stars; When your life is a work of art
-Rachel Platten "Work of Art"

Immature but reliable, a strange yet wonderful mix that makes up Ripple's world. She strives for perfection to the extent that it drives not only herself, but everyone around her as well, mad. Her out-of-the-world ideas and impossible-to-attain imagination aren't a hindrance to her, but an opportunity to push herself to achieve such goals. Because her parents are both naturally gifted singers, Ripple had inherited a sweet yet powerful voice, high-pitched and bright. However, her gift is the source of her fear-the fear of being suppressed, forgotten and pushed into oblivion. Despite the odds, Ripple is bouncy and bubbly, too cheerful for the world's problems yet ready to face everything in her way.

The bard and his equally poetic mate found no trouble with their lively relationship, so it was no surprise the god of Tides blessed them plentifully on the first try. Now four eggs nestled soundly within the comforts of their barnacle-encrusted cradle, while fronds of seaweed waved with the current and bright anemone blinked in and out of view, pressed into the hollow grooves of the nest. Calliope had watched her eggs days on end, and today she knew by some motherly instinct, that they would no longer remain eggs by the end of the day. Of course, she was right.

First came the faintest of whispers, an almost timid push against the egg's delicate walls. The next push was stronger, more persistent, until one by one the eggs hatched to reveal precious Spirals, all a mess of wings and tails. They blinked their eyes slowly, wide nocturnal orbs as blue as the vast ocean. "They took after you," their mother purred as her mate nestled his head on her thickly scaled shoulder. The beam in her eyes were imminent, and from her spot in the tangle of bodies, Ripple peered up at her parents with an adoring gaze. All at once, the world was spread out before her, filled with so many things unseen. She had yet to learn the ways of the world, and how it truly wasn't as wonderful as she had thought that very moment, but as of now she had her time. Little did they know what she'd come to be.

She struggled to capture everything before her next blink.

She wasn't all that much of a handful-well, not as much as the others, so when Calliope learned she could put faith in at least one of her offspring, well-nothing got better than that.

"Children!" Calliope scolds, shepherding the hatchlings over to their father, who in turn sat rather calmly with lute in hand. He stings a melody, and the instrument belches out a tune that shuns the waves into silence-in the negative way, for his playing was simply...horrible. Ripple giggles as her mother shoots her mate a look of disgust. "You were supposed to see to it they weren't causing any trouble." Their father raises his brow, and prepares to strum another "melody" -which was what he told her it was called.

"We were't causing trouble, ma!" She squeaks, before launching herself onto her mother's back, tangling herself within the sheer fabric of silks draped across Calliope's wings. "Actually, pa was just teaching us how to play loof?"

Her mother smiles and shakes her head. "Did you, now?" She reaches back and untangles the giddy Spiral from her wing silks, before setting her daughter down and walking towards the sleeping quarters. From the corner of her eye Ripple notices the change in her siblings' expressions, and something told her they'd been up to no good. Predictable. Whatever it was, she'd find out later-always the one to distract the mother, she was.

"So, ma, what'd the council say this time? Did they agree we can have an annual festival in celebration of the Kelp Tenders? I think Pebble would very much like that, and Kibbles and Marley too!"

Calliope smiles ruefully at her daughter. "You know I shouldn't bother the council," she began, but quickly added "-for now," when the young Spiral hung her head in disappointment. Ripple cared very deeply for the residing kelp tenders, and a celebration in their honor would bring smiles to their pudgy-nosed faces. "Don't pout, child, I'll talk to Serephone about it tomorrow."

She fakes a smile, but not once had her mother stopped in her speedy pace towards the sleeping quarters. Ever the purposeful no time-wasting leader Ripple hoped to grow into someday, Calliope would not stop for anything unimportant. With her massive bulk, closing distances were no difficulty, and the Spiral found it rather hard to catch up, her hatchling wings still learning to hold her weight and glide through currents. "Ma!" She squeals as the older female gracefully lumbers her way into the family's own cave, and the mess inside.

"CHILDREN, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS." A cry sounds from within. "I SAID TO CLEAN UP, AND YOU DID THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF MY DEMANDS." A scuffling sound, and then: "Only Ripple ever abides to my wishes, isn't it?" The defeated faces of her three siblings stared grimly at the seabed, but a proud smirk painted the young Spiral's face.

"Shame on you guys," she giggles. "At least one of us did the job right."

With practiced perfection, the Spiral rode the waves, without a sign of struggle or distress. She'd been going on, training to be better; smarter; now no longer the youthful hatchling that covered up the mess. Independence was a valued quality amongst her mother's faction, a gift that earned respect and adoration; proof of self capability-or something along those lines, that repeated in a ceaseless prayer to achieving the dragon she was raised to be. To unlocking her true potential.

Her siblings had been talking of moving out-as for the dragons of her age. They spoke of adventure and conquest, of new faces and a place beyond the endless sea. They spoke of raging fires and scarred wastelands, or twisted forests and crystal mountains. They spoke of the rocky earth beneath heavy claws, and of the pale sky-of dragons who used their wings for flight. She'd distractedly rolled her eyes at such preposterous rumors, at least before she began to think of such possibility. For almost all her life, the sea was her home-the curtains of kelp her shield, the shells of abalone her prized possessions, and the endless blue her surrounding. Whatever lay beyond the nest, she knew, would be dangerous. All those years ago, she made up her mind-she'd stay and someday hope to join the council, to be as great as her mother; an heir or even the true leader of a great clan. Her life, time and effort were dedicated to the sole purpose of improvement. Of not just being better but being the best.

If she ventured off, would she be good enough? Or would her leaders send her to serve for the deities in an ever eternal war?

Many times, she'd dreamed of simply walking up to her mother and proposing such idea. Many feared the thought of leaving home for the first time. Ripple may have been born in the ocean, with almost every crevice mapped into her mind, but the world outside was a different story. The dream would go two ways: sometimes, her mother's eyes would shine with pride and smile as she watches her daughter leave the water's comforts. Other times, her mother would shake in fury, and chide her daughter for thinking such.

"I want to be the best" she whispered to the waves at night. But for whatever reason, nothing happened, and that was as it should be.

Wild winds shriek, whipping past her gleaming blue scales in violent gusts. Her wings fill with a strange and unexplainable lightness. Was this...air? It felt foreign; unnatural, and yet perfect all the same. She breathed it all in. Mountains twisted towards the sky with pale grass-spattered spires. They reminded her of the color of her mother's eyes. Lanterns decorated the sky in an array of colors, bright shades of yellow and orange and red. Looking at the firmament was like looking through a hazy mirror, a perfect reflection of the ocean. The ocean, her homeland, now all but a distant memory...She remembers the uncomfortable silence that seized the atmosphere when she finally dared surface the dreaded topic.


Calliope sat in her crevice of the sleeping quarters, weary eyes glued to the newest stack of letters the messenger had just brought in. She frowned in concentration and scraped the surface with her scaled claws. The Imperial had been busy lately, with her plans of innovation and treaties and alliances. She had no time to spare, but Ripple could stand the constricting azure that stretched for miles on end no longer, and the curiosity of the outside world couldn't simply be ignored. "Hello" Calliope mused, her voice a melody that struck the waters. "Child, you have been straying there for quite some time. Is there something wrong?"

Startled, the Spiral crossed the threshold and swam to her mother's side. She hadn't realized she had been straying. It was a waste of time, effort and energy to let her thoughts get the best of her, and she chided herself for losing focus. With a heavy sigh, she nodded her head.

"Mother. I-Everyone, they're all on their way to 'greener pastures' so to speak. I know you have high expectations of me, but succeeding you...I..." The Spiral shook her head, her thoughts scattered, words not properly composed. "Mother," She tried again. "The Sea has always been my home, and there is nothing I could ask more of this clan. It has shaped me as you have, made me the dragon I need to be. But I know the world has more to offer than kelp beds and coral reefs. I want to see what lies beyond the Tide god's domain. I want...I beg for your humble blessing and permission to leave the clan."

She caught Calliope's attention at that. The graceful Imperial, ever a mask of perfection, dropped her façade with a look of astonishment; her face scrunched and eyebrows shot up, her nose flared and her eyes squinted. Her body tensed and the papers clutched in her hand fluttered to the desktop. "You...Want to leave?"

"Yes, Mother."

"I-" Then a small, sad smile wound its way across her lips. "My, this certainly brings me back. You know, child, I wasn't raised in this ocean. I was born in a place above the waves, in this place called the sky. Back then," she laughed, gentle and wholehearted. "All I had to worry about was birds. Watch out for them." A pause, and then: "you have my blessing. Do promise me one thing, however."

"Anything, mother."

"Visit the sky."

Ripple nodded. As she left to say her goodbyes, she heard her mother's voice from the open doorway. It was addressed to no one, but a sense of purpose filled her at the words of the mighty Imperial. "I've realized...I don't quite remember what it felt like; to fly."


"I want to learn how to fly" she said aloud. The wind carried her voice; a whisper of an echo. Still, a promise nonetheless, and one her mother would take great pride in. She turned toward her companion, a dark-colored Nocturne with eyes shining as brightly in eagerness as her own. She took a deep breath, savored the change of scenery and the new environment that would test her and mould her into yet an even better version of herself. Then she nodded to her companion. "Let's go find ourselves a clan."


I bought this beauty and decided to just keep her bio.
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