
Level 1 Skydancer
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Burnished Gold Boots
Ebony Filigree Banner
Maroon Neck Wrap




5.49 m
3.66 m
363.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 20, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


"Some sort of quote or line of lyrics that represent them."
Trait One • Trait Two • Trait Three
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Nicknames: None
Original Name: Degenerate
Age: 26 human years
Allegiance: To Lulu and her Clan
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Crush: Lulu
Family: Shurann, father
He gets along well with most of the clan, but only cares for the company of Lulu.
Familiar: Not chosen yet

Nash grew up in the Plaguelands under the clan The Wasting Disease.


Likes: Sculpting, being alone
Hates: Fighting, though he can if he must
Fav Food: Strawberries and Grubs
Hoards: Tiny bones, a habit from his youth
Theme: No theme song yet

Open for RP
Traded from StitchedinIce
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He was never made for the harsh life of a Plague dragon. Survival was ground into his brain from a young age, taught by his father to endure no matter what. The skills were there--if they weren't, he wouldn't have lived as long as he had. He would have been forsaken and lost as a hatchling, but necessity kept him going even if his heart said it wasn't right.

It had to be better out there. There had to be others way to live besides hoping day to day that you weren't killed by another or picked up a disease.

When given the chance, he used all the skill his father taught him to leave the Scarred Wasteland in search of a better life. One where he wasn't constantly fighting and giving up his own morals to continue existing. He didn't want to be the vicious and savage survivor needed to live in the Plague lands.

Yet, all anyone saw of him was the Plague and he was treated with mistrust and fear wherever he went. He gave up one wasteland for another, finding his way to Ice where he came into contact with the Clan of Fragments. They understood his plight and though the mirror known as Shatter was suspicious, the fae enchantress Lulu spoke for him. She knew was it was like to be hated for what you were.

She asked him to join the clan, to strengthen their numbers. They were so few, and they had vendettas against the Gods themselves, choosing to isolate from the rest of Sornieth.

Nash was going to say no. It was another fight for survival out in the frozen wasteland of the Icefield. He had hoped for a stable life where he could relax and live out his days doing what he loved most--creating fine sculptures--but they needed him. Even if they didn't ask, the Clan of Fragments was a scrawny bunch of dragons. They needed him to show them how to survive.

And Lulu. . . . She had caught his fancy. He wanted to know more about the fae. There would be time for sculptures after he had built the clan up. And anything to get to know Lulu a little better.

So he accepted, and found joy in the fact that Lulu seemed so happy to have him.

Nash is a soft dragon at heart, content to spend his time alone with raw material to sculpt with. In the Wastelands he used what was available--bones and rocks and carrion. Others seemed to enjoy his works, but he found the macabre creations distasteful and longed to work with other materials--stone, ice, clay, something with class.

But, as a dragon born and bred for Plague life, there is more to him than quaint sculptures. He was taught to fight to survive and is confident in his skills when it comes to a battle. He's won his fair share of disputes, but he's also lost some. Scars pepper his hide from both wins and losses. His father taught him to stand strong, to work through pain and strife to earn his place in the world.

He spends his time in the clan doing his best to teach them how to survive in a place with little food. They are a capable clan, Shatter and Frostbite both worthy warriors in a fight, but they had all previously lived in large clans that didn't struggle for food or against dragons trying to encroach on their territory. Nash had not the same talent for strategy as his father, but does his best to help fortify borders and log the best places to hunt.

When he has the time, he practices molding ice and wood into the works of art he enjoys making. They are a hobby, something to keep his hands busy when he is idle, but Lulu takes great interest them, and for that reason alone he would make a hundred thousand if it pleased her.

Lulu. . . . Nash was smitten when first he laid eyes on her. He enjoys every moment with her, learning her varying fae mannerisms and speaking on all subjects. One day he might work up the courage to tell her how he feels--imagine, a Plague dragon who had fought off enemies and survived against all odds, afraid to confess to the prettiest dragon he had ever seen. . . . What would his father think?
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