
Level 1 Imperial
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Journeyman Satchels




24.47 m
20.8 m
6104.61 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 15, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 105 / 245




Uh-oh, looks like this sly bandit wandered a little too far from his lair (207952, dimsum), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here.

A young Imperial grinned as he swam through the currents. He had returned to the Tidelord's territory for only a week, but had lucked out. Two Tundras that were obviously newcomers to the area had moved in and started a clan. The Imperial, named Idlin, advanced onto them upon seeing that the female was wearing a beautiful Ornate Pearly Necklace. He approached them with faked kindness and introduced himself as a long-time resident. Idlin asked if he could stay to help the Tundras settle down, and was welcomed with open arms.

It usually took more time, more patience, to find goods worth pilfering. This time however, the Imperial didn't have his usual patience. He had lost everything from an unfortunate gambling incident and needed money. After staying with the two Tundras for a few days, he successfully managed to swipe the necklace away and escaped into the dark waters of the night, where his body camouflaged perfectly. Idlin didn't know where he was going, but he knew he needed to leave, and fast...


After quickly escaping from being found out, he found himself in the land of Windsinger, eager to search to satisfy his... financial situation. Eventually he'd be looking for piles of treasure and loot, waiting to be put on the gambling table and be whisked away by Lady Luck's hand. As he pondered on the thought of treasure, he quickly noticed a nimble Skydancer, adorned with armour and bandages, wrapped with an air of importance. He chuckled softly.

His treasure hunt couldn't get any better.

He decided he'd follow the same strategy as the tundras; show the clan some fake kindness, become a 'long-time' resident and take what he wanted. He didn't eye anything he wanted in particular on the dragon he saw, but he assumed that by following this dragon, there would be something that tickled his fancy.

Approaching the skydancer, he activated his plan. He talked to them—actually a her—and she took him to the clan's lair. He was introduced to most of the members and found that she was one of the Royal guards that protected the clan's current sovereign, who wasn't in the clan at the time. He was wary of the high soothsayer and the advisor, seeing as they both held suspicion for him. Fortunately for them, he wasn't allowed anywhere near the hoard — he didn't even know where it was! Fortunate for him, he managed to nick 5 gems and 10 000 treasure from pickpocketing the clan members. He attempted to take more, but was caught by the scholar. He knew it was time to run, and dashed out of the clans territory, escaping from the clutches of angry dragons. When he knew he was far enough, he stopped to rest and sighed. Where to next?


He ended up not very far away, in another Wind clan. Idlin convinced them to let the weary traveller stay with them a while, and began to scope out the lair.

The main hoard, alas, was well guarded, and he knew a dragon of his size would be unable to sneak past the many guards. He turned his greedy gaze onto easier prey, individual dragons and their lairs. To Idlin's great annoyance, this clan's dragons tended to be of an artistic or scholarly bent, and old pots and historical tomes did not interest him much. He picked up a few items to his taste, and headed out before he could be caught.


After wandering the Starwood Strand, Idlin came across the recently resettled Subrosa Veil. The Imperial took this opportunity up in a heartbeat, smooth-talking his place in with the migrated mages. The clan, as it turned out, had quite the collection of spare jewels. Idlin swiped a few beads and baubles, surely no one would miss them if they were not even using them!

It was only the next day after Idlin's pilferage that he noticed something went terribly wrong.
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" There was another Imperial, female and her green-blue hide covered in smoke markings. "In case you didn't notice, that collection was under my claim." She wound her way ever closer, only a hair's breath from him now.

Idlin had to think his way out of this fast, but surprisingly the female had in the blink of an eye shifted away. "I think it's best if you leave these woods now." He wasn't about to argue with her now.

It was only once he was nearly out of the woods did he realize she'd taken back the jewelry.


Having failed to steal from the Subrosa Veil clan, the imperial decided it was time to cash in on his wares. The pot he had taken early on his journey worked as a makeshift storage place for the jewellery and treasure he stole. They were hidden from view under the glowing tail of a cave animal and some phytocat toys, but was noisy and a hassle to carry. It would be best to obtain something else to store his goods, something less conspicuous than a pot. A bag, or even a small sack would work.

Idlin travelled east toward the border of the Starwood Isles and Scarred Wasteland. He knew of a ridgeback there that had a liking for shiny objects, and perhaps may even be interested in the glowing tail. Idlin was no stranger to the ridgeback known as Vragos. Once the imperial had reached the plague dragon's lair, greetings were cut short and business was dealt swiftly.

The imperial sold both pieces of pastel jewellery and the pearly necklace he had stolen. As expected, Vragos was indeed interested in the tail. He saw the ridgeback grin and mutter something about "distasteful decoration". In exchange, Idlin received 31,000 treasure for the jewellery and 14 gems for the tail, but there was one more thing he needed before he left.

"Hey. You got anything that I could carry stuff with, like a sack? You know the situation I'm in..." Idlin hated to admit that he was broke, but hoped that he got the other dragon in a good enough mood for a generous enough deal.

The ridgeback smirked. "Yeah, that pot I saw ye carry everything in is quite sad. I do got somethin' but it'll cost ya."

"How much."

"For you? 5k gold, tops."

"Fair enough."

Upon supplying payment, the ridgeback tossed a leather satchel over to Idlin. It was tattered and worn, but it was better than what he had. He placed his remaining loot and treasure inside of it. Upon leaving Vragos' lair, Idlin took one last look at the worthless clay pot he had to use as storage for so long, then threw it against the ground before setting off one more. It shattered into unrecognizable pieces.


Idlin soon found himself in the Shadowbinder's territory, joining Clan Vervain on the rim of the Obscured Crescent. Eager to begin compiling new treasures, he quickly took to the challenge of seeing what he could sneak or swindle from the flight most known for tricks and slight of hand.

When he found himself ready to move on, he was pleased to be in possession of two haunted stone orbs, a pretty lapis lazuli necklace, and a pouch full of reflective fish scales. He even managed to sell his phytocat toys to a pair of tundra hatchlings for 3 shiny gems.

However, the clan's matriarch, Corrinne, considered turning a blind eye to be suitable collateral for the two beautiful little skydancer eggs Ildin left behind with her in the shadows.


Leaving the Tangled wood Idlin flew South to the Southern Icefields. By the time he go down there he was very cold and wounded from a yeti. Fortunately for him some a hunting party for Clan Verwald were close by and they killed the yeti and brought him back. For a little while Idlin just got better and scouted out the clan. As far as clans go they were very trusting with there members and he was able to steal a helmet, wing guard and tail clasp before the guards started to realize he was visiting the hoard a little too much. The next time he was trying to take a chillspike and frigid crown when he was caught. The guards took away 1/3 of his treasure and the teardrop lapis lazuli necklace. Then they let him go with a warning. After that he could see that they watched him when he came close to the hoard and were extra cautious about were the vault was. Maybe they would leave him alone once it has been a while, he though. Clan Verwald did not keep many things in their vault, most valuables were in the hoard and Idlin knew he could sell them for a good price.

Idlin waited for a couple months, he just pick pocketed other clan members but they did not have that much money on them. He couldn’t wait that longer and that night he made a dash to the hoard to see if he could steal any festival apparel or goblins. He made it past one of the guards but as he went in the other saw him. After a quick meeting with the clan leader, the head of the guard took some more of his money and threw him out of the clan.


Idlin had not made it out of the Southern Icefield before he chanced upon a hunting party of Mirrors being directed by a black and white female he came to know as Internecine. They were distrustful of him, but he was able to convince them to take them back to their clan - that which they called The Tempest Order - back in the desert.

Most of the clan refused to speak with him, but that was fine by the Imperial. He went to work subtly pick pocketing each of the members he came across, and was dismayed to realize that the dragons carried almost nothing on their person. The closest he'd gotten was finding a very, very dead skink in one dragon's satchel.

Finally, he made contact with the vault keeper, a female of few words and many, many charts and logbooks. He was able to figure out that none of the dragons carried anything on them for the simple reason that the entirety of the clan's gold was kept in a single set of caves. Upon discovering the location of such cave, a -REDACTED- came to him and took the black -REDACTED- from him and -REDACTED- until he had been chased out of the territory of the Tempest Order with nothing he had grabbed from the vault.


His time with Clan Almitas was uneventful to say the least. Sure the people were gullible enough but with so many guards around he never found the chance to do anything about it. And with that he decided to move on - maybe he'd find a clan with easier locks elsewhere.


He traveled to the Sunbeam Ruins, where he encountered the Free Proton Spirits. At first, he was sure his stay with them was going to be just as boring as with Clan Almitas; while they were cordial enough, they mostly kept to themselves. And their "treasures"... well. He didn't have much interest in the founder's library, and their archivist protected her stores with a rather disconcerting zeal.

But then he came across Zoraida: here was a rival worthy of his skills.

It became a game between them: who could steal the most from the other?

In the end, Idlin left with a large clawful of Madame Snapdragons, Shimmering Pinecones, and Stellaria Media.


Idlin next traveled all they way up to Reedcleft Ascent, once again within Windsinger territory. It'd been awhile since he last visited. A rather good sized clan lived near to where he was resting, and they seemed to be an easy target. Idlin had been watching them for a few days, learning their schedule. It surprised him that they hadn't noticed him, but then again, Wind Clans were always lazy.
He eventually approached them, greeting the first dragon he saw kindly. The Female Pearlcatcher looked him up and down. A sly grin cracked her beautiful features.
"You look rather healthy... Around 25 meters in length yes..." She nodded to him. "Would you like to come with me dear?"
Something within Idlin said danger. He kindly replied a no and walked past her. Something about that one didn't feel right. A few dragons later, he'd hit the jackpot. The clan leader had accepted him into the clan as a traveler, allowing him to put any of his traveling wares into the several small caves they use as vaults.
A small fae guarded the caves- A fae! This clan was madness. Idlin grabbed his things, adding 50 gems to his collection. It was time to leave before they brainwashed him too.


As the Flying Dutchmen' vessel gently floated in the shores of the Starwood Strand waiting her newest cargo, Corsarie had taken into account something rather peculiar. The ship's food provisions were slowly diminishing. First, only minor snacks had gone missing, but as the thief grew bolder in his behavior, even meat and valuables were mysteriously starting to vanish. As long as the thief would leave the ship's precious cargo untouched, it didn't bother the ladyCorsarie. Though, as the lady captain she was obliged to catch the thief red-handed. Corsarie set a trap for the thief and waited in the shadows. The trap was a success but Corsarie couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the unlucky dragon who had been caught. It was Lullanueé, captain's own ward.

Crying her eyes out, Lullanueé had to confess the truth to the dragon she held as a mother to her. She told she was infatuated by this storm colored, imperial boy and she had only tried to impress him with her tricks. Corsarie was perplexed. She couldn't fathom why the girl had tried to steal the boy's attention by such low acts. Lullanueé was not willing to share her reasoning but in the end Corsarie managed to get the truth out. A cunning thief had infiltrated the Flying Dutchmen' vessel. They searched high and low until finally they discovered Idlin. Mere punishment for robbery was clear. Idlin's wings were tied as he was forced to walk the plank.

Lullanueé was crying and pleading her superiors to took pity on Idlin for she had done much of the stealing and not him. Before the boy went overboard, Corsarie gave a new order. They would leave him alive. They would not harm him. It was up to Lullanueé whose heart had been stolen by this fellow to choose the proper punishment.

In secrecy Lullanueé smuggled Idlin to the border. She gave him all his belongins that were stripped from him when uncovered. The only thing she was hoping to get back was not Idlin's to give back. Meaning, her heart and thoughts which had been disregarded. As the smooth looking dragon evaporated into the night, Lullanueé was left thinking "what if he had held the same feelings for her?"


Continue his story?


Current Loot:

Journeyman Satchels Iron Filigree Helmet Haunted Stone Orb x2
Reflective Fish Scales x10 Ebony Filigree Wing Guard Amber Flourish Tail Clasp
Madame Snapdragon x10 Shimmering Pinecone x30 Stellaria Media x20

icon_treasure.png 25 000
icon_gems.png 80

Past Loot:

Ornate Pearly Necklace Ornate Pearly Bracelet Venom Rogue Belt Teardrop Pastel Spinel Earrings Teardrop Pastel Spinel Anklet Glowing Tail Intact Clay Pot Phytocat Toy Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Necklace

icon_treasure.png 21 000
icon_gems.png 0


Clans I've Visited:

Dimsum - 207952
chiono - 190983
Evbay - 94612
Zandelion - 87443
CrepusculeCraft - 187312
Dimsum (home) - 207952
vervain - 32201
Verwald - 202749
Nightlilac - 136134
SevenEggs - 199993
QueenClam - 161167
sgkat - 158838
Hijax00 - 316089
Layenne90 - 266555
ToraAvanak - 301539

Note: It'd be great to see how his fictitious loot pile grows (or shrinks!). For instance maybe he stole from your clan, maybe he sold something, or maybe he failed to do anything at all. You are welcome to add as little or as much to his story as you want. Thanks, and please have fun! - Dimsum

Note 2: Due to some confusion, I just wanted to clarify that his loot is entirely fictional and he does not any have items that get passed around. Thanks again! I enjoy reading his adventures. :) - Dimsum

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Exalting Idlin to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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