
Level 1 Spiral
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Female Spiral
Female Spiral
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Ornamental Sash Ultramel Amphithere
articulate peacemaker

GENDER; female
PROFESSION; mediator

xxx by juunebugs | xxx by Mobian
xxx by nogsix | xxx by MurkyDepths
xxx by ThirtyOne | xxx by Unyko


The first spiral dragon, as well as the first wind dragon, to join the Dawnling Cadets. Despite the fact that Winter grew up as the only spiral dragon in her clan, she was surprisingly welcomed warmly by the rest of her faction.

Every army needs a mediator, and Winter is just that. She doesn't much like the taste of blood, and she has never felt the burning passion for battle that seems to course through the hearts and souls of the rest of the Polarfrost Faction. Instead, she is tasked with the role of finding a happy medium between two groups, before any battles have ensued. It's a difficult job, and doesn't always work out in her favor, but someone has to do it.

Despite being particularly skilled in solving other dragons' problems, Winter has been known to be quite dissatisfied with her personal relationships. The young spiral has never had a single mate for more than a year, and has difficulty showing close affection to any one dragon. She loves all of her clanmates the same, and even her own offspring do not receive any special treatment over her peers. Though she has the reputation of a powerful wordsmith, any male suitor has been warned not to attempt to get close to Winter, as her tendency to switch between mates is news that traveled fast throughout the clan. If she currently has a mate, it is expected that they wont be together long.

Aside from that, Winter is generally a very easygoing dragon. She is polite, believing that all dragons older than her are her superiors, and speaks to all of her superiors as such; 'yes ma'am' and 'yes sir' are her custom, and has never raised her voice to a level higher than her normal speaking voice with any dragon. Many of her clanmates even wonder if her personality is evidence that she is a descendant of a Light oriented dragon. Perhaps this is why she makes such a good negotiator.
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Exalting Winter to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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