
Level 10 Spiral
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Spiral
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3.2 m
2.62 m
124.28 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 01, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Spiral
EXP: 18296 / 27676
Charged Acuity Fragment
Charged Acuity Fragment




  • none


this dragon is in the Santa trade
In the Trio Clan (#165140), Santa was given a warm welcome by the Clan's three leader: Mint, Arelo, and Beautifly.
After being presented to the rest of the group, one of the "rebels", Grrarl, anxiously and angrily asked him why he thought he was so special, and why he visited so suddenly, which was followed by her taking a defensive stand. Santa jumped, surprised by the sudden agressiveness, but rapidly calmed down. He cleared his throat, slowly started approaching her with a smile, and explained:
-You see, friend, I am here to spread happiness, friendship, and peace amongst your clan. I am a spirit of love, and am in a mission to fill everyone's hearts with joy.
-... W-why do you think we need that here, then?!, don't you see we are happy here?!
Santa chuckled, and responded - Dear Mirror, I am not here to judge your way of living, I don't target specific clans, I just want everyone to feel the love, and feel nice...- And, as he placed his paw on her chest, finished saying -... Right here.
Grrarl was speechless; that touch felt... Magical? She felt much more calm out of the blue. She just stood there as she saw as he, even if he was a Spiral, accomodated himself in the lair, and slept. He had a long journey ahead, and needed lots of energy.
In the clan of hidden treasures(#121533), Santa was met with a warm welcome by the clans leader Sol. Santa was met with even warmer welcomes from the rest of the clan. Being nomadic merchants outsiders were more than welcome because they brought new items and stories. Everyone wanted to know one thing, why was a festive dragon such as him visiting their little clan. After hours of talking to the clan members about his journey a large imperial named Hebi spoke in a gruff tone "So Santa why exactly have you come here?" Santa chuckled and said, "why is just spreading happiness of all the clans of sorenith!" The other dragons roared with laughter and the meriment countinued late into the night. After almost everyone was asleep Santa was given Sols personal tent to sleep in for the night, after all, he had a long journey ahead of him
Clan Brightclaw (#169370)
Santa was welcomed with open arms. Too open infact, It was kinda creepy... So creepy infact that Santa wanted to leave. Of course he didnt say that as it would be rude. The clan offered him some refreshing tea and after getting comfortable Mink decided to do a quick training session with Santa. When the two returned it was raining and Santa found a nice, dry spot to sleep.
Outpost of the Sea of Flames (#83368)
The Christmas themed dragon made his way into the fiery furnace called The Sea of Flames. People's reactions were all different to him. Some were quite enthusiastic of his arrival, others were more secluded. They were an odd, mismatch bunch. Some dragons were sweet, others were rude and some were loud and some were shy. But they were a comfortable bunch to deal with. Their clan leader had expressed his welcome towards the spiral. Eventually, he was introduced to the clan's head battler, a spiral like himself. Decked in a steampunk format, with white shimmering scales and red markings running along him. The green and red spiral learned to like this dragon. And for the day, he sat there, in the lair, chatting to his heart's content.
Wind Caravan (#1335)
He travelled from the heat and humidity of the fire region, before coming to rest in a land Spirals feel at home. And it was here that a windswept wanderer, Carinae discovered the festive dragon along the ridges of the Zephyr Steppes.
Carinae immediately took to the traveller, he had a sense for adventure, and it was obvious that this dragon had been to many places. He approached, gliding down to the earth in a slow decent before coming to rest metres from the spiral. Santa looked up at the icey nocturne and the two greeted each other.
"... so you're taking it apon yourself to travel about Sornieth, eh?" Carinae asked, to which Santa nodded
"I want to meet many dragons, and now seemed as good a time as any." He replied, with a jovial smile as the two flew inland towards the North eastern shore. Carinae spoke of how his clan were somewhat nomadic, wandering through the wind region. Santa and Carinae continued chit chatting about all the different regions only stopping when they finally touched ground at the Caravan. Considering the number of dragons, only a few were permanant residents, Many were only here until greater things called them. One thing that stood out to Santa were the number of hatchlings. The clans leader, Taworri approached the new comer, welcoming him to their temporary lair.
It was clear to most of the clan that Santa was a unique visitor, his demeanor was soft, and welcoming, as if the clan had actually stepped into his family instead of the other way around. The Hatchlings were especially excited about their new visitor, each clambering around the spiral to hear the stories of the places he'd been. The night was warm, and gleeful, many exchanges of food and story and more-so a comforting feeling washed over the clan.
Clan Gamma Ray (159086)
It was a rather warm day in the Shifting Expanse, so naturally most of the clan was enjoying it, lounging outside the cave, or in the hatchling's case, seeing who could touch the most electrical thing they could find and not get injured. When a green, red, and white spiral came out of the sky, everyone watched, cautiously. Nervous whispering broke out.Rain, the clan leader, approached the stranger carefully, surveying him.
"Who are you?" She said. The whispering stopped. Everyone was listening very closely, you could hear one of the other's machine whirring inside the cave.
"I am Santa." He replied, smiling."I come to bring happiness and joy to you all!"
Rain snorted. "I think we have enough joy."
"Are you sure?" Santa's eyes twinkled. "Now, lets get started!" He swept past Rain and came to the hatchlings who were watching him curiously. "Why hello there young ones. Would you like a treat?" They all nodded earnestly. The other dragons huddled around Santa as he took something out of his knapsack. He took out a handful of white hooks with red stripes. He passed them out amongst the hatchlings.
"Go on now, try it."
A bold sea foam Skydancer hatchling took a bite out his. "Oh wow! This is... Amazing!" The clan broke out in to chatter, everyone wanted to try some. Santa laughed and passed more out. He could pick up more later.
Once everyone was settled, happily eating the magical hooks, Santa cleared his throat.
"May I please have your attention!" He said to the clan. All eyes were quickly on him. "I see you all are enjoying you're christmas treats. But, these hooks are merely symbolic. You see, these represent friendship because I gave them to you. And they taste quite good do they not? Well, that symbolizes that kindness can work wonders, whether that be for yourstomach or your heart." He chuckled. "Tonight I will have to leave. But, I hope that I stay with you, not just as a spiral handing out candy, but as a dragon giving kindness." The spiral smiled, letting it all sink in.
He made his way off to the side to get some sleep before he had to move on. A pretty black and green Skydancer stopped him. She explained that she was a healer and warrior for the clan and that she would like to give him some training, saying that their were dangerous dragons out there that he would need protection from. He nodded his agreement and followed the Skydancer to the coliusium nearby.
When it was time to leave, he made sure to say good bye to everyone. "I shall hopefully see you next year if you all be good." He winked, and then was gone.
Clan of the Summer Squalls (#118584)
Anyone with a story to tell is more than welcome at the haphazard tower that houses the Clan of the Summer Squalls. And after everywhere he had been, Santa had more than a few stories to tell.
He stumbled upon a male pearlcatcher, Milost, training his mage son, Imona, and Naveed, a mirror. Unfortunately, the kelp tender saw him before he saw it.
"Watch out!" yelled the mirror, leaping at the kelp tender as the creature slashed at Santa. Naveed and Milost took care of the kelp tender while Imona healed the injured Santa.
"You need a few pointers," Milost told the spiral once things were safe again. So before the trio took Santa back to the lair, that was exactly what they did.
Once home, a pair of faes, Paderau and Cadfael, helped Santa put his tales to music for the entertainment of the rest of the clan. There was good food, tall tales, and merry friends all through the late night at the Summer Squalls lair and in the morning, Santa was ready to move on. His goal of bringing happiness was complete here.
"Good bye, Santa!" most of the clan called in unison. "Chase the wind and follow the breeze!"
Santa was off on his travels once again.



Dragonhome was Santa's next stop. He settled down in a seemingly unoccupied spot among the Earth dragons, only to be found by Wintermint, a kind Plague Tundra. She informed him that the small number of dragons that she and her mate Terrorbolt oversaw were currently off training dragons to send off to fight in a great battle between Ice and Fire, so she had been left to keep the dens tidy for the hatchlings that were growing up. Santa peeked into the cave once she showed him where it was and to his delight that dozens of colorful eyes blinked up at him. They would all be great warriors soon, she informed him, but for now they were as innocent and childish as babies could be. Santa told the lot of his adventures in the other clans and he watched orange, cyan, and all other eyes light up as he told them of their homes and how wonderful it had been to visit there. After letting him rest his wings, Wintermint pointed Santa in the direction of his next adventure before Terrorbolt returned home. She knew he wouldn't be keen on a visitor that wasn't going to stay and help train the young ones or become a warrior himself. She bid him farewell and wished him safe travels as he pressed on, glad she had been home to welcome him and not her less-than-hospitable mate.

Dry Dens (192132)

Santa was now traveling toward the heart of dragon home from his past traveling spot. The eccentric spiral came across a small clan of dragons who offered him a warm den in their lair. The clans leader and her dragons welcomed him shyly." why are you here, to steal or ruin the clan?" A sketchy Skydancer said. In reply, Santa smiled happily. "To spread the joy and prosperity to all of course! " Suddenly the Skydancer's heart grew triple the size, sending her to the Healers room. After a rowdy dinner , Santa left promptly wishing them a fine winter.

The Zexphara Clan (#188267)

A silver Mirror dragon perched upon a shiny shard, one high up on a cliff. It was the perfect lookout over her lair, a crystal cave surrounded by many hooked rocks and other crystals. Her eyes searched for any dragons, and caught ahold of one. From a distance, it seemed very... Odd looking. She retreated from her post and headed toward the stranger, noticing they were approaching the cave. Luckily, she caught up quickly, halting them and questioning their motives.
Santa, a little startled, explained his reasoning. Christmas cheer, the holiday spirit, everything happy and full of gifts. With that, Syra let them in to meet her clan. Santa's gaze shifted from dragon to dragon. A few held faces that showed their anxiety, others appearing frail and weak- yet, happy.
After meeting each dragon individually, noting how small the clan was, the silver Mirror and her guardian companion called everyone to gather around. "My dears, my lovely dragons, tonight we have a fine guest in our home. For this, we shall feast with the great Santa!" Cheers roared throughout, but were silenced quickly by the flick of a tail. She glanced at Santa, and with a claw, beckoned him to speak. He laughed, and said "I am glad to visit here. May everyone have a wonderful Christmas!" More cheers rang, and this time, nothing stopped them.
With the clan gathered about, they ate and ate until they could not fit anymore, a rare occurrence among the petite group. Food in winter was scarce, but Santa provides many gifts of food and materials. Everything was appreciated.
Once they finished, a brown Skydancer prompted Santa to stargaze with them. "It's more fun than it sounds." And so it was. While taking in the beautiful sky, chatter passed around them. Stories, theories, gossip, much was shared. Eventually, though, sleepiness creeped over all the dragons. Heading back to the lair, the Skydancer and Syra halted Santa at the entrance. "Where will you wonder to next?" One asked. He merely smiled, and replied "Wherever the spirits take me." He stayed the night with the clan, but before any of the members were up, he left the very next morning.

(DonutQueen's clan) 198200

Santa finally made it to his final destination. the Donut Clan. He would stay here until next december. He supplied gifts to this clan and would bring happiness and cheer all year round to different people. "in order to spread christmas cheer you must sing loud so all can here"
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