
Level 15 Nocturne
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Nocturne
This dragon is currently listed in a Crossroads Trade.
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Personal Style





4.54 m
6.33 m
688.16 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 01, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 15 Nocturne
EXP: 2277 / 60881



I am a traveling Dragon! If you no longer want me, send me back to my original owner, @GwiazCo.
Uh-oh, looks like this grumpy lady wandered a little too far from her home lair (226976, GwiazCo), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but s/he would be very grateful!

Owners I've Had:

  • toastings
  • GwiazCo
  • Izukura

While not inclined to stay forever, if you desire to keep Shyrza in your clan permanently, you can feel free. You may alter her lore or personality in any way you feel fit. Just remeber, if you no loner want her, give her to someone else or to me. This is a link to a traveler's hub where you can drop her off if you no longer want her.

Her Story
Shyrza had entered the light clan when both she and the clan where young and small. She ran from her original clan. Her mother had abandoned her and the clan had started to starve and rot. To be honest she was more of a wanderer, and would have continued travelling if she hadn't encountered a young male skydancer, who she named Picus. The two traveled together, hopping from clan to clan, leeching off their charity until they were no longer welcome. That is, until they came across this clan. There was a young imperial there, and though he was solemn and quiet, he gave off a trusting and noble aura. Both the young dragons were enraptured with him. Not only that, but there was a ridgeback there who gleamed like the clear waters in the sea of a thousand currants, who Picus was completely enraptured by (He grew up to be very charming and flirtatious. The gender of whomever he was interested in didn't matter, neither this the other party's interests in him, to Shyrza's dismay. sShe often watched him flounder in front of the eyes of those who were annoyed by him). She agreed with Picus that they could stay here for a while, but would leave as soon as the leader Timaeus, the young imperial prince, got annoyed at them. But he never did.
They managed to make their own place in the clan. Picus and the ridgeback fell in love, and the clan rapidly grew thanks to their leader's wisdom. One day, though, a young mirror with aged eyes and his loud guardian companion came to visit. The guardian was a spectacle, being easily angered and sassing anyone and everyone, but she wasn't to out of the world. It was the mirror who changed things. He was small, with large wings always wrapped to his side, and he was clearly young, as no patterns had developed on his scales. But he walked like he was much larger. He kept his hunting eyes closed out of politeness. He knew multiple languages fluently and knew of history from that would only be found in the oldest books of the library. He wasn't stand-offish, but wouldn't speak unless spoken too, and spoke with such eloquence he made Shyrza feel like a young dragon conversing with an adult who used big words to antagonize her. He was never threatening though. In fact, he seemed to sense her annoyance and attempted to be kinder. If she was honest, she'd have to say she didn't mind him. No body was sure about him, but no one seemed to fully hate him.
This did not include Picus, of course. Picus was completely sure about him. In fact, Picus was so sure, he was willing to drop his mate at any moment just to make himself noticed by the mirror. Once again, he was totally enraptured. His charming nature activated, and he flirted at every instance. The Mirror remained polite and distanced, but never outright turned him down.
Eventually the mirror and guardian were leaving. They said they were making a new clan in the ice territory. Of course, Picus just had to join them. He and his mate broke things off, and he was ready to get out. And, of course, Shyrza had to go with him. They were family, and even though she was comfortable at this clan, she still felt drawn to travel. So they left.
The new clan started off rocky, but it quickly developed and grew. The Mirror continued to show more odd traits, and Picus continued to attempt to charm him. It did work, eventually. They were a couple. Until, a few years into their stay at the clan, Picus made the mistake of cheating on the mirror. The mirror was out visiting Timaeus' clan, keeping good relations with the clan's main ally. Picus was stressed from training new mages and helping the boisterous guardian protect the clan. He was charmed by a young imperial theif who didn't knowof his intimate relationship and eventually two of the mirror's students found out. They sent him a letter, and he came back with an anger that could shake mountains. He broke it off with Picus, and this was the first time this happened. Picus had always deserted his 'loves' first. He was devastated, and Shyrza realized he had actually loved the mirror.
She expected Picus to come to her wanting to leave, but he didn't. Instead he came to her and told her he didn't want to leave this place until he died, despite his heart break. He admitted to her that he felt welcome and comfortable at the clan, like the people actually cared for him. They were his family. She did not feel the same.
The same night she was approached by the mirror. He seemed to sense her restlessness. If Picus wanted to stay, it did not mean she had too. That's what he said to her, and gave her an aged and knowing look. In the spur of the moment, she decided to ask him. How is it that he looked so young but acted so old. He chuckled and joked that maybe he had a past life. The look in his eye made Shyrza question if maybe he did have a past life. He interrupted her thoughts by telling her she can leave whenever she wanted, and they would supply her with whatever she needed. And if she wanted to come back, whether it was to stay, to take a break from travelling, or to visit Picus, who was basically her brother at this point, they'd welcome her with open arms.
And she decided that she'd follow her instinct for once. She'd travel, like she'd always wanted to. She went wherever she wanted, with nothing to tie here down. She felt like she finally had a home in that way the wind belted across her face as she flew across Sornieth. She had home in the beating of her wings, tirelessly working to get her to her destination. Sure, she stayed at an occasional clan, but they were just vacation spots, away from home, because sometimes her wings were tired. Sometimes the wind didn't blow in the right direction. But she always left again at some point.
She even visited Picus a few times. He only ever had one thing to ask. Are you happy? He'd ask this with a charming smile playing across his devious face, already seeming to know the answer.
And she was. She was happy.

Shyrza always has a grumpy expression on, despite whatever she actually feels. She's happiest left alone, and is very easily annoyed by others. One wrong word and she snaps at them until they leave her alone. She does enjoy occasionally company, though, and likes to sit nearby people who are quiet and read or gaze at the sky. She's always thinking about where she should travel next, and has gathered a large amount of random facts about all the places she's been. If one coaxes her she could ramble on about her journey for hours, though she'll wear an annoyed expression. Despite her demeanor, she is always content as long as nothing ties her down. She happy, even when kicked out of a new vacation clan.

Shyrza's Travels-feel free to write about her time in your clan

Inventory-Any items you want her to keep can be written here.
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Exalting Shyrza to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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