Level 7 Skydancer
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4.04 m
5.7 m
681.02 kg
Eye Type
Level 7 Skydancer
EXP: 3971 / 11881

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N A M E { pronunciation } Clan Role |
Nicknames: ??? m/f/x. name origin: name meaning • dragon's origin |
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Long have the waters of the Windstar Bay churned, far from peaceful. The tides are blown this way by the Crescendo, pulled that way by the ever widening rifts beneath the Arcanum. No dragon's land, or at least inhospitable to any seafaring vessel that might attempt her waters. And yet, when one approaches that greyed out spot in the Bay where the leylines clash, those waters are the only thing that will promise them safety.
The Transient Haze has been there in the Bay as long as any modern dragon can recall, a sparse record of it present but unembellished in Arcane records spanning until some short time after the end of the Third Age. And Lucania... She is the Haze. At the least, that is the mantle she bears now. Did one bear this mantle before her? She does not know. Time has slipped from her senses; an easy fate, when merely looking into the fog shows her dreams of then and now and tomorrow. At one point, was she but another dragon? She thinks so. Even now, as she walks among those that live here in the Haze with her, her followers- when was it that she became the stuff of leadership?- she tries her utmost to be just a dragon. But between what the Haze has made of her, and what these others have decided she is, being just a dragon is next to impossible.
► CHARACTER Duis vel enim ac dolor dictum vulputate nec iaculis felis. Sed hendrerit risus sit amet velit pretium interdum. Quisque consectetur ut quam ac ornare. In euismod tortor urna, nec aliquet diam tristique eget. Etiam nec nisl dolor. Proin ornare, justo ut consequat ullamcorper, urna erat fermentum dui, non porta tellus lectus vel mauris. Pellentesque nec est eget risus rhoncus congue id a enim. Quisque sagittis ultrices ligula eu rhoncus. Nam congue sapien in rhoncus finibus. Donec vel fringilla ex. Proin sed diam quis mauris vehicula interdum eu vitae enim. Maecenas eget sem gravida, porttitor libero sed, aliquet tortor. Aliquam mollis nunc et augue dapibus pretium. In elementum dapibus mi, vel pulvinar turpis aliquam a. Proin ac lorem vel libero interdum imperdiet. Sed tempor condimentum ligula. Nulla bibendum interdum bibendum. Cras et turpis at erat blandit varius. Sed est sapien, iaculis quis nibh eget, auctor tristique risus. Duis vestibulum dolor aliquam rutrum accumsan. Donec a augue ac dui placerat suscipit. Sed luctus lobortis laoreet. Nulla a nibh augue. Mauris hendrerit nulla neque, quis ultrices urna dignissim consectetur. In tristique magna at tellus lobortis bibendum a in libero. Nulla pulvinar, enim vitae ullamcorper dignissim, diam justo pellentesque tellus, in facilisis dui ante et justo. Proin eu arcu id est semper aliquam in sed mi. Etiam tempus in nibh sit amet dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc dictum a tellus nec efficitur. In ac odio ut urna sollicitudin iaculis. Sed dolor ante, posuere fringilla justo a, varius maximus risus. Sed eleifend fringilla venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. Etiam dignissim, augue non condimentum finibus, enim lorem vehicula lectus, sit amet tempor nibh velit ac metus. Curabitur egestas diam eget mauris convallis egestas. Praesent vitae ligula in ex viverra eleifend. Nulla faucibus sapien a mi mattis, quis malesuada nibh auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris maximus velit laoreet libero hendrerit, vel sodales est ultricies. Morbi pretium at turpis eget imperdiet. Quisque luctus mollis ante id elementum. Vestibulum tortor sapien, blandit vitae arcu sit amet, tempus dictum ante. Curabitur eu blandit risus, ut efficitur odio. Curabitur nec tellus at diam maximus blandit. |
Name | Relationship Sed tempor condimentum ligula. Nulla bibendum interdum bibendum. Cras et turpis at erat blandit varius. Sed est sapien, iaculis quis nibh eget, auctor tristique risus. Duis vestibulum dolor aliquam rutrum accumsan. Donec a augue ac dui placerat suscipit. Sed luctus lobortis laoreet. Nulla a nibh augue. Mauris hendrerit nulla neque, quis ultrices urna dignissim consectetur. |
![]() Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. _______________________________________ |
![]() Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. _______________________________________ |
![]() Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. _______________________________________ |
![]() Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. _______________________________________ |
![]() Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. _______________________________________ |
![]() Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. _______________________________________ |
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Coding and stat bars made by Disillusionist. Vista BGs are from Hazeledpoppy's FR blog.
"Theme" music graphics made by Diamondsuits.
"Theme" music graphics made by Diamondsuits.

The Trees Mourn
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Exalting Lucania to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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