
Level 3 Skydancer
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Skydancer
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3.92 m
6.62 m
499.17 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 05, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Skydancer
EXP: 633 / 1401


“U-um...Manly McBro likes to hear from his 'bros'. M-maybe you could write to him for me?"

Owners I've Had:
• 45393 - Spooner
• 175046 - Woogie
• 187312 - CrepusculeCraft
• 66110 - DigitalElf
• 121299 - Celes
• 40606 - Illy
• 177846 - AngryJ
• 210258 - Abogado
• 146777 - Minxwolfie
• 107881 - OfficialEspurr
• 107084 - SilentWiccan

Pretty Purple Arm Bow

Vida is small for a Snapper, with pale eyes and shadowy colours. She has a big heart, she really does, she's afraid of the dark, she doesn't even control the shadows - but unfortunately, she looks enough like trickster material that most dragons who see her immediately want to walk the other way, and she doesn't have the courage to tell them to wait. Maybe that's why Vida has never seemed to be able to settle down; others simply don't take well to her. Even as a hatchling, she was put up in the auction house by a clan she doesn't even remember. No-one likes her enough to keep her around.

But of course, that's a terrible thing to think about oneself! Vida's excuse, when eventually coaxed out of the introvert (she really doesn't talk much), is that she simply can't stop travelling. She can't help it, she really needs to spread the glitters all over Sornieth, if that's okay with you of course, don't hurt me - and in a sense, this is true. Vida has an odd obsession with all things sparkly, the glimmer gene in particular, and will frequently wander out of a clan in the middle of the night simply because something caught her eye.

Curiosity has ruined many a place in a clan for Vida. She learns fast, remembers well, and her intentions are good. She is a valuable source of trivia, and thanks to her travels, knows a great deal about the unique customs and subspecies of various elements. She is not mean-spirited; she follows orders; she is fit. But her mind quickly turns to other, more interesting things, and for some clans that's just not good enough. For others, she's simply gone at dawn, with no explanation and certainly no permission asked.

If she could just find someone patient... Someone who didn't mind her colours... Someone who would stay at her side, no matter what...


Dear Journal,

I may be young and I may be bashful when it comes to socializing with other dragons, but what I want most in this world is to travel and learn everything I can. I hope to break out of my shell and maybe even find new friends. I am excited to start my journey, I can't wait to see where the winds take me and tell my family all about my adventure when I come back home.

~ Vida (11 / 08 / '15)


Dear journal,

Today was my molting day, and now that I'm no longer a hatchling clan subrosa is offering to let me apprentice here. I still miss my family, but I feel like I'm starting to fit in here. The floating islands and crystals all around are so pretty, though if I watch them too long I feel sick. Letrisse said that's normal for other elementals, I hope I get used to it.

~ Vida (02 / 02 / 16)


Dear Journal,

After a very long and busy stay in the last lair I decided to move further up the beautiful starfall islands and get to where the magic really happens. Its very busy up here and the dragons are forever coming and going, I hope I manage to find someone to talk to.

~ Vida


Dear Journal,

I have arrived at the Cloudsong, where a very large clan of dragons has taken me in for a few days. They've all been kind to me - I even encountered another of my kind! A Snapper by the name of Krijger used to travel, just like me, before eventually settling down. I wonder if I'll ever find a home like that - not my old home necessarily, but a place where I just truly feel as if I belong.

I'm moving on today. This clan has been very kind, but I still want to see more.

~ Vida (02 / 09 / '16)


Dear Journal,

My, time has flown here among the Scrollseekers. There is always something to do here- dusting tomes, arranging leatherbound books, foraying into unknown territory to bring back knowledge, and spending long, lazy days bundled up against the ice-storms in the vast libraries, reading. I have learned so much here, but it is sadly time for me to move on. Aesari has given me a carrying case for my journal to take with me. I love the time I had with these beautiful scholars and seers, but the world is vast and I want to see it all!

~ Vida (04 / 26 / '16)


Dear journal,

After a long and strenuous flight, I have arrived in the plague domain. A coatl scribe named Krein, from a clan known as the
Revenant Affliction, taught me how to better organize my journal so that it looks much more neat and interesting! As a coatl he isn't the best with speaking, but boy can he write.
I should be going soon. The matriarch of this clan has a particular dislike of Snappers.

~ Vida (04 / 27 / '16)


Dear journal,

After flying through the icy wastelands I stumbled upon the clan of Abogado for an Ice clan they were surprisingly warm towards me. They allowed me to stay in their clan for several weeks, it was quite fascinating! The clan was mostly comprised of Pearlcatchers, it was quite interesting seeing them interact with each other. Sadly I'll have to leave soon, the clan has becomes quite crowded, I'll be sad to go though.

~ Vida (05 / 2 / '16)


Dear Journal,

The wind has taken me to the Sunbeam Ruins, where I stumbled across a dragon starting his own travels! He said he came from the clan of Minxwolfie, and if I'd like to stop by there, he would tell me where to go! So here I am. I was welcomed by a couple of friendly dragons, and have a lovely Scarlet Serpenta to accompany me. I've been here for a few days now, and have had a wonderful time! I've only gotten the time to write in my journal now, as you can see! Though, after a while of thinking, I've decided to have a rest from travelling for a little while, though I'll defiantly be continuing my adventures soon enough!

~ Vida (05 / 21 / '16)


Dear Journal,

I've returned to the Starfall Isles for a stint, with a new clan this time! Their leader is of the Ice Flight like I am, though she doesn't want to talk about our shared heritage. She leads a small group, about half of whom are permanent. They call themselves the Nothing and I'm still not sure whether or not it's a joke.

~ Vida (05 / 24 / '16)


Dear Journal,

Today I've ventured into the Southern Icefield, and was mesmerized but how well the wildlife thrive here. I did not expect this from such a suposedly harsh region. I met a fe clan dragons who've since brought me to their home. They call themselves Vlan Aglis, and run on a Matriarchy-based system with a council that seems to make any and all large decisions.

Their matriarch, Lady Thalasa, as I've been told, has been very welcoming to me. I look forward to the adventures that are sure to ensue from here on out. Until next time...

~ Vida (05 / 24 / '16)


Dear Journal,

I... I have returned home. There was an incident with a... Beastclan... which I do not wish to write of. They were sparkly - I could not help myself. They were exciting, they were fascinating, they were zipping about every which way, but... I was stupid to think they were good creatures.

My clan leader says that I am to stay with his clan until a suitable travelling partner - a 'buddy', as he calls it - is found for me. As much as I do not want to travel for a while, given what happened, I... also do not wish to stay here long. These dragons are friendly, but very noisy - and worse, they all know what happened to me in the Crystal Pools. They ask if I am 'awright' every day, and though I know they mean well, it is not helpful.

On the other claw, I am terrified to even step outside my clan's caves. My clan leader has had to arrange that possible partners come to visit us, which is just embarrassing - but that embarrassment is still not strong enough to coax me outside.

What am I to do?

~ Vida (06 / 04 / '16)

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