
Level 1 Snapper
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Ironclaw Spearmaiden
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Snapper
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Copper Steampunk Vest
Copper Steampunk Tail Bauble
Maroon Neck Wrap
Simple Iron Bracelets


Accent: PlasmaBelly



4.47 m
2.66 m
5789.33 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 27, 2013
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Snapper
EXP: 0 / 245


Tigerstone, almost from birth, has been considered the 'happy enigma' of Riken's Clan. Without doubt one of the most physically powerful dragons of the clan, he could be a fierce warrior if he wanted to be. Keenly intelligent, he could study the magic of his arcane-inclined clan-mates. However, this always-jovial, charming, warm Dragon immediately put himself to taking care of his youngest clan-mates. Like a mother hen, even as a hatchling himself, Tigerstone was coralling and keeping his brothers and sisters safe, but in a warm, happy way. He turned it all into a grand game, making everyone laugh and play... in exactly the right place and right time.

His charm with young ones was quickly noticed by the entire clan. Before Tigerstone's time, the clan had cycled who watched over the hatchlings while the parent dragons hunted and gathered each day. Once Tigerstone was of age, he was simply officially adopted as the 'hatchling-watcher'--this was almost unnecessary, as he was always near the young ones to make sure they were safe along with whoever had been on the task that day.

Tigerstone took to his 'duty' with gusto. He seemed energized and happy, which the hatchlings picked up on immediately. So rarely does Tigerstone have to raise his voice that on the rare occasion he does, the entire clan notices. Far more often, he can convince a wayward hatchling to come back and play near him, draw their attention to something fascinating that's still safely within the realm of the clan. To encourage exploring, he goes with hatchlings on little journeys as well, climbing and flying all over the territory together. Eventually, every hatcling learns that they can do and learn as much as they wish, they just need to think of the others and be careful. With creative outlets, they always seem to adapt to Tigerstone's 'nanny style' postively.

Over time, whenever he brought the hatchlings to the river for play and drink, Tigerstone started to notice another dragon. She kept to herself, quiet and calm, and clearly just liked the river for drinking herself. Tigerstone happily smiled whenever their eyes made contact, but it was clear she preferred her own affairs, and he had no desire to annoy the dragoness.

She was an astonishing beauty, he felt. A wild, yet elegant mixture of crackling purple marks, with deep, dark scales, and brilliant crimson eyes. Sometimes he wondered if she liked keeping to herself just to appreciate her own magnificent form on occasion.

More keenly, however, he couldn't help noticing how sad she seemed. It struck his compassion, but he also knew marching up to her would cause more harm than good. She was peaceful, unharmed. Best to let her just be.

One day, this exotic dragon happened to actually come down to drink at the same time as him and the hatchlings. Tigerstone noticed her eyes were anxious as they glanced around at the little ones. It was telling that even the hatchlings had picked up on the fact that she should be left alone, as they just continued to tease and joke with each other.

Tigerstone finished his drink, and saw that she was standing up as well. He smiled at her, and simply bid her a good day. She was stunned for a heart-beat, then quietly reciprocated, and moved away.

The next day, it happened again. He greeted her warmly, not intending anything more. He did offer his name, and let her know that if she had need of anything, just let him know. Again, she was startled by the communication, but politely declined. She did offer her name back, however. Stormwraith. He made sure to compliment the lovely name. She blushed a little, and he let the conversation stop there, as it was clear she was sincerely caught, and didn't know what to do. He just smiled happily, and let her go about her business.

This became more regular. They shared simple greetings. The hatchlings started to join in, but kept it to just greetings themselves. Really they were just coyping Tigerstone, as they were comfortable with Stormwraith's presence, but didn't really know what to do with her. Stormwraith always reciprocate, and her manner gradually became easier with it. She even started to smile softly with the greetings.

One day, Tigerstone realized a group of hatchlings were starting to rough-house a little too hard. He hurried over, catching and nuzzling them apart, starting to suggest challenges of skill to each of them that didn't involve directly hitting each other. It was while trying to manage this little debate that he heard a strangled yelp.

He whipped around, the hatchlings around him freezing as they'd never seen him move with such power and speed. His eyes focused just in time to see Stormwraith pulling Tigerfrost out of the river by the neck, helping the little one catch her breath after nearly drowning.

Tigerstone flew over, frantic for Tigerfrost's sake. He first only gave Stormwraith a little nod, and quickly flew Tigerfrost back to the others. Once it was clear she was indeed alright, he flew back over to Stormwraith.

It was clear Stormwraith was anxious. She was expecting something to go horribly wrong. Tigerstone just bowed to her, thanked her for taking care of Tigerfrost when he was distracted, and because she had done their clan such a service, he would be happy to bring her to their clan's dinner meal as an honored guest.

Stormwraith was relieved and caught anew. It was clear that coming to a big dinner was not something that appealed to her. He affirmed she was under no obligation, he was simply grateful, and the invitation would remain open if she wished it. She accepted gently, and he let her be to avoid putting her out worse.

After helping Tigerfrost, Stormwraith opened up a little more. She started to come across the river, and help Tigerstone look after the little ones.

This was when Tigerstone saw how amazing she was with hatchlings. She almost seemed to read their minds, and knew when one was hurt or feeling sad long before he ever picked up on a problem. Usually, the two together could get a sad hatchling giggling and happy again in no time. Stormwraith seemed to think it was Tigerstone who did the best cheering up, but he saw how her gentle smiles and soft words soothed and pleased a hurting hatchling far more. His jokes and warmth helped, but she was a balm on the wound, he was just the lollypop from the doctor.

At last, Stormwraith let Tigerstone know that she would join for dinner, if the offer was still available. He happily confirmed.

That evening was a great success in his eyes. He stayed nearby, helped Stormwraith smooth over any social hiccups, but his clan was warm and happy, glad to receive a guest. He'd also spread the heroic tale of her saving Tigerfrost, which helped start things on the right claw. He was very happy to see Stormwraith and Shadowflash hit it off. Shadowflash was always an aloof sort, but he knew her well enough to tell when she was sincerely enjoying a conversation. The two would get along nicely.

At the end of the evening, Stormwraith thanked Tigerstone for the invitation. He could tell it meant a great deal to her, and he simply affirmed he was glad to invite her.

Though not immediate, it was not long after that Stormwraith asked if she might join the clan. Knowing that any kind of misunderstanding would break her heart, he promised he would confirm with Kalarakesh that day, and let her know with certainty. Stormwraith appreciated his care in the matter.

Of course, there was no objection. Tigerstone quickly delivered the good news. When Stormwraith broke down crying, he was terrified he'd handled things poorly, and started to apologize profusely, but she stopped him with one of her amazing smiles, and let him know she was too happy to control her emotions. They embraced as she collected herself, and they returned to the clan's domain to a warm welcome.

Since that time, Stormwraith and Tigerstone have bonded, and remain the strong, warm heart of the clan. They watch over the hatchlings of the whole clan, including their own, and the entire clan would fight fiercely to protect them.
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