
Level 12 Ridgeback
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Gold-Throated Sparrow
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Ridgeback
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Celebration Sage Tassel
Celebration Sage Cover
Celebration Sage Lantern
Celebration Sage Sash
Celebration Sage Shawl
Celebration Sage Sleeves


Accent: Glow Away



17.67 m
19.87 m
6269.31 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 26, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 12 Ridgeback
EXP: 25719 / 38956
Boulder Bolt
Rock Slash
Obsidian Hybrid Fragment
Obsidian Hybrid Fragment


The innkeeper of the Hewn City Inn
Once a traveler, Medea has settled down and started the Hewn City Inn to assist other travelers.



45393 ◘ Spooner (home lair!)
71349 ◘ SnowAnubis
46576 ◘ Auxiliaria
146755 ◘ Aey
17018 ◘ Blaireau
210409 ◘ SylvrFox
198529 StormDragon21
45393 ◘ Spooner (home lair!)
59556 ◘ ToxicViolets
87443 ◘ Zandelion
82137 ◘ Ethiera
208844 ◘ CelesticLeo
240457 ◘ PhantomKing
152513 ◘ FreezingDragons
51967 ◘ Hisscale
49205 ◘ Miraear
219487 -- CrypticCat12180
264448-- Livelikelivi

XfNM8lu.png Medea carries a jar of soil around with her. It hangs on a leather thong around her neck.

Apprentice-Level Alchemist


Medea's life as a hatchling was a struggle. She struggled for space, she struggled for enough food, struggled for attention, for rank, even for her very life. Medea learned early, often, and often with a swift bite or scratch, that anything she needed she had to fight for, tooth and claw. No wonder, then, that she fled the nest the moment her wings could carry her as far as the horizon. She now searches for... something. She doesn't know what it is, but she'll know it when she finds it. In the meantime, she accepts the hospitality of clans she hardly knows how to trust in caves, along cliffs, under the sea, among the glaciers.. anywhere with a warm nest for a short time before she's off again to continue her quest.

Medea visited a lair on the southern continent before the snow fields, among the glacier flows. Here she bedded down with several other wanderers in a deep tunnel dug into the side and insides of a huge glacier floating among the floe. She met a wildclaw with huge, ungainly wings named Larimar. He asked for help with a bit of record keeping, which sounded like a humongous bore, but she agreed to be polite. She found, incredibly, the she is incredibly good at lists. Making them, memorizing them, writing them, organizing them... Larimar suggested that she use the rather odd affinity to dabble in Alchemy. She attempted a few things while with the clan, with sometimes explosive results.. but she found that her list making helped immensely. She promised herself to continue her experiments during her journeys when she could.

From the ice fields, Medea traveled north to the windswept plateau. The warmth was a pleasant change, but she missed Larimar and the other dragons from his clan. Fortunately, she was able to find a new alchemy tutor, a blood-red imperial with prosthetic arms named Keahi. Keahi's safety standards were stringent, leaning heavily towards not blowing things up, but she was all too glad to have Medea's help creating and organizing lists. The two of them exchanged notes and information, parting on good terms.

She next visited Mithrandir's Clan on the Zephyr Steps. This clan had no alchemist or even the supplies for her to practice. Still, there were interesting things going on. She was most fascinated with the project she accidentally caught Glaze, Nadine, and Odile working on in a corner of the wind garden. They apparently thought Malkier needed a better familiar that could actually help him out rather than the snow streak he'd had, pretty but useless. They swore her to secrecy then showed her the spellbound golem they were making. The thing was pretty neat and it was obvious that it would be of use in his work. She secretly suspected that Nadine was just getting tired of being asked to hand him his *fill in technobabble term here* tool whenever they worked together to on their flying devices.

After spending about a week at this lair she moved on again still wanting to improve her alchemy and it certainly wasn't going to happen here. *sigh*

After quite a bit of traveling, Medea met a wild clan in the Highland Scrub. The clan leader, a fae that could have perched on the tip of her nose, viewed her as harmless and took her into the clan. The clan was hard-working, and she mixed goo and fought battles like she never had before. She even took notes on the behavior of familiars! Medea also met Chrysalis and Freeze, two other traveling dragons that were staying around to help. After about a month, Medea left for more sights.


Medea made her way across the Shifting Expanse, where she discovered that selling cold drinks (or, as she knew them to be, 'possibly toxic chemical concoctions that reacted endothermically') could make her a pretty penny. For nine days, she flew as fast as she could, pausing only to sell her wares - the clans she met were mostly kind, but Medea couldn't exactly take advantage of their hospitality if she had just maybe kinda sorta poisoned them a little. Dragons with tummy aches were generally not happy dragons, after all.

This went on, until she found Mercy - a tiny dragon, practically a hatchling - passed out in the desert heat. Taking him under her wing (literally, she had to shade him somehow), Medea decided to travel with him at least until he could look after himself. The Pearlcatcher claimed he'd been travelling about a month, and was battered enough to have done that, but his survival seemed to have been mostly luck up to here. Medea vowed that there would be no more luck with her around; just the certainty that no matter what, Mercy would live.

...Was he what she'd been looking for? Someone to protect?


She found herself and Mercy in another wind clan, where she studied with the alchemists and got to know Mercy better.


As close as she and her new companion seemed, Medea and Mercy found themselves halfway across the Sea of a Thousand Currents before the Pearlcatcher spoke. He said that he wanted to go his own way; no offence to his rescuer, of course, but his breed's ego dominated his gratitude. Medea grudgingly agreed, and watched as Mercy plunged into the sea.

Without the young Pearlcatcher as a companion, Medea found herself unmotivated to take the long flight across the Water flight's domain, and so turned back and flew the way she came.

Thoroughly exhausted from the wasted trip, the Ridgeback laid down in a quiet corner of the Zephyr Steppes, drifting off immediately.

She awoke the next day surrounded by oddly-coloured dragons. They were a small flock of Zephyr Dancers led by a Nocturne named Ilyana. The Nocturne told her that the flock didn't like to take in strangers, but seeing her exhaustion, took pity on her. Thus Medea was allowed to spend a day among them.

In the span of a few hours, the flock's miracle dragon, Caelan, had taught her how to mix two different kinds of potions using ingredients easy to find in the Windswept Plateau. He showed her how to crush the leaves with minimal mess, and how to check for impurities before using anything. By the time night fell and they were done practicing, Medea had accumulated a whole supply of energy drinks for the journey.

When she awoke the next morning, Ilyana was standing by her head, crossing her claws in impatience. Medea got the message. She thanked the Zephyrs once again, then spread her wings and took off again into the world.


As Medea was flying her vision started to blur, she handed some how flew into a great fog. As she made hault she found a clan on the banks, the Driftwood Crier's. It was lead by a male Fae dragon named Ander. He was one of the more basic dragons there but clearly one of the wiser ones.

As night fell, she was once again offered a place to stay, although they seemed as if they didn't care if she was here or not. The clan seemed very spread out, and antisocial. It made her even more home sick, always on the look for a place to truly call home. She decided she would leave with out a "goodbye" this time.

As she started to spread out her wings, a sea foam imperial dragon came up to her and asked where she was going? She said to her, "You're finally up during our hours. Every time we came to bring you food you were always asleep. Woah look at the moon tonight! Come on the others are waiting!"

As Medea followed the enchanting dragon, she was taken to a forest where the whole clan resided. The leader came up to her, looked at her deeply in her brow eyes. "Let's show you what we're all about, we have this challenge. Who ever can find the most glowing shrooms win!"
Medea lined up with the rest of the dragons, the count down started 3...2...1... They were off! Her heart started to pound she looked high and low, collecting as many as possible. When the day started to come they all met up at their clan to count. She was astonished, "How did they collect so many? I guess I misread them" she thought. However after a few more days she it was her time to depart from the clan that acted like owls, always up at night. She said her long goodbyes and was once again off to see the world.

Medea eventually made her way to Plague lands. It was filled with death and sickness. Surely the something missing from her life wasn't in this land of disease.

Suddenly, a black and white fae appeared in front of her. He smiled, but it didn't reach his crimson eyes.

"Heya traveler. Looks like you need a place to stay for a while, huh?"

When Medea was given access to a clan known as the 'Forgotten Clan', she had no idea what to expect. Well, one thing she didn't expect was such a close knit community where everyone cared immensely for one another, despite a rather frequent outburst of contestation between a few of the members. She got along particularly well with Magica, the dragon who had led her into the lair.

Medea was tempted to stay for a longer period of time in the lair, but she started to feel as though the rambunctious dragons might start to get on her nerves after a while. She thanked them for their hospitality, and went on her way.

When approaching the crack in the icy mountain, she was hesitant to continue. The rambunctious yelling and loud cheering was a little disheartening, but she entered anyways. The crack revealed itslef to be a massive cavern, filled with laughing and chatting dragons of all breeds and flights. The chatter died down the moment she showed her face, but an icy tundra made a small gesture and the crowd started right back up again. He introduced himself and showed her around, welcoming her to stay for as long as she'd like.

Medea stayed for a long two weeks filled with games and new found friendships. She was crowned champion of checkers, made snow dragons with hatchlings and learned more about ice then she ever thought she would. Even though she had enjoyed her stay, she knew she had to leave eventually. She gathered her things, said her goodbyes and took off, farewells following her into the icy wind

Medea faced a sweltering heat as she flew Northward. She had to stop for a rest--so thirsty was she that she didn't take full notice of her surroundings. The first pool she saw, she plunged her head into and drank deeply--but regretted it immediately! Two death screaming red eyes glowed from the pool and in a blink a huge guardian dragon burst from the water. Medea posed to fight, surprised and angry that she had drunk the bath water of a stranger; yet, no conflict came. The guardian made no move of hostility and seemed even more surprised than Medea. The two stared at one another, baffled. Eventually the situation calmed and Medea noticed how beautiful the guardian was. They spent the night together and Medea awoke blissfully rested, ready to continue her adventure.


Next Medea traveled the waters. She flew and flew and flew, until she ran out of energy and decided to land on an empty island. Well, it looked empty. Turns out, it wasn't empty. It was an island full of dragons. But no ridgebacks. They welcomed her, and gave her a wonderful place to sleep, a delicious meal (and some extraordinary tea). They were so kind. A young coatl, studying the law, seemed to be fascinated by her stories of her travels. His name was Prince Taro, grand-nephew of the leader Celia. He had never seen a Ridgeback before. He said that eventually, when his clan had enough money, he was going to study law abroad, and asked if she had any ideas of where he should go. Medea laughed and told him he could travel for free, and to go as many places as he could would help him best. He seemed so elated at this idea. They talked well into the night, and in the morning, he saw Medea off, wishing her best of luck in finding what she was searching for.

Then Medea flew to the sunny reaches of the Light Kingdom where she went to rest on a quiet grassy meadow. She woke to see a strange dragon staring at her. "Hi, I'm Hymn" the Mirror dragon said cheerily. "Would you like to meet the rest of my clan? They are all very nice... well except Mage who's a little mysterious and grumpy." Medea slowly got to her feet and followed Hymn along a well worn path in the meadow, towards her next adventure.

Uh-oh, looks like this sassy ridgeback wandered a little too far from her lair (45393, Spooner), and now
she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just
return her home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here.
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Exalting Medea to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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