
You can't really know until you've lived it.
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Wandering Surgepriest
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Imperial
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Ferocious Banner
Crane's Wing Fans
Crane's Breastplate
Crane's Leg Armor
Crane's Arm Guards
Crane's Shoulder Pads
Crane's Tail Guard


Accent: Oxyacetylene Flames



22.09 m
15.77 m
8990.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 20, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level
Wave Slash


.Add as many dots as necessary to center it! need better method. please


Warrior | Teacher
"I say the best way to learn is to experience the world."

** + Compassionate
+ Lively and spirited
– Impulsive
– A little too spontaneous
• Likes to take students on field trips
• Has good metaphors

Crane's Wing Fans
Ferocious Banner
Bluespot Weather Loach
Lagoon Guppy

Having lived in it for many of her younger days, Moonlight knows that there are many different types of water. The calm lake, swallowing pebbles with a few ripples before returning to its perfect sheen; the gloomy sea, with gray clouds and seabirds crying a warning; the ocean on a summer day, splashing and exploring the land.

She is the last.

Graceful but energetic, Moonlight grabs life by the horns... and then decides to try riding it, because that sounds fun, riding life. If one of her students happens to come across life as well, she's definitely going to grab a saddle and toss the poor dragon on life's back.

Moonlight is not, however, insensitive. Should the dragon start to get scared and cry while riding life, she will bring her student back to safety and comfort them, while finding a way to teach a life lesson as well.

And this whole thing was a metaphor. That's how she operates; Moonlight is a teacher at heart, and the best way to teach is to put things a certain way, so everyone has to think a little to understand it, but when they do start thinking, they most certainly understand it.

To everyone, she has a fiery spirit, which comes especially handy when she fights as a warrior alongside her teammates. Towards her family and closest friends, she is a little calmer, a little gentler. She, unlike the usual distant Imperial, forms strong emotional bonds with those she is closest to, and isn't afraid to show affection.

Sometimes, she can go a little too far, especially when a great idea strikes her and she just has to do it. But, all in all, Moonlight is loved by her clan, as the dragon who's not afraid to try new things, and the fun teacher that everyone loves learning from.

Moonlight was born into a cozy life in the Tsunami Flats, where food in the form of reptiles and first was always abundant, the Tidelord protected his dragons from outsiders with great tidal waves, and neighboring clans were peaceful fortune-tellers. When she was just a hatchling, she was a stranger to fear, hunger, or strife.

However, this was soon to change. The clan's leader, a Pearlcatcher well-renowned to the world of prophecies, foretold that the next generation would become lazy and useless from lack of conflicts and struggles. Because of this, the leader chose to send all of the clan's hatchlings, once they became of age, off on a journey to explore the world. They would not be allowed to return unless they brought an item that could not be found in the Sea of a Thousand Currents.

Most of the young dragons were reluctant to leave their comfortable home into a world that they had always been taught was full of danger. Some were quite excited; a few even intended to leave for good. Moonlight was intrigued by the notion, and was one of the first to leave.

She was met with a surprise before she'd even left her den. A pudgy-looking caiman was basking in the shallowest end of the tidal pool in which she'd chosen to reside. Its colors told her that it was a Tropical Caiman, found mostly as this one was: drinking in the sun, laying in a pool.

Moonlight paid little attention to it. She chose to walk onto land instead of swimming in the oppodite direction, and ended up travelling to the Shifting Expanse, domain of the Stormcatcher. Here she explored the dry deserts, collecting bits of metal and wires, trash that her clan would never have allowed into the great sea.

She discovered the everlasting succulents that littered the sand; she learned that prickly pear cacti made for good food; she filled her head with new knowledge as she traveled.

But it was quite lonely. She knew she would be lost if she traveled past the desert and into the heart of the Lightning flight's land, so she braved the hot winds and dry sand, the opposite of her home. When she could no longer withstand the isolation and the lack of water, she returned to her clan with a satchel full of copper wires and rusty tools.

The clan leader approved of Moonlight's items, and she was free to go back to her normal life. When she approached her tidepool, the Tropical Caiman was still there.

Feeling slightly at odds with the older dragons who had never left the sea in their lives, and the younger ones who hated the journey —for, despite the harsh circumstances, Moonlight had liked the change of scenery—, she sought friendship in the reptile, and it became her familiar.

The dragon and the caiman often wandered from home. Moonlight was not yet brave enough to leave her homeland, but she was increasingly distant from it every day, after she'd seen a glimpse of what could be, of the other worlds in Sornieth.

On one of these adventures, she came across another dragon, who bore the mark of one of these worlds. Hailing from Dragonhome, his scales were pale with dust, his muscles hardened from living in a world of stone. The back of her mind was very interested in this handsome, rugged dragon, but when they met, she was mostly concerned about how very skinny he was.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her, for he had gone through a long journey without seeing anyone. He explained that his clan was suffering through a famine, and he was searching for food, if the water clans would let him fish.

Horrified by the idea of starving dragons when her clan had an abundance of food, Moonlight took the tired dragon back to her clan, where her clanmates all pitched in to help. Some dragons weaved baskets; the clan leader offered food from their stores; Moonlight herself let him sleep in her pool and nursed him back to health.

In this time, she fell for him, hard. They shared many conversations throughout the days. She learned his name, Abraxas, and the reason behind the haunted look in his eyes.

But he had to return to his clan. She bid him farewell and watched him leave with as many baskets of food as he could carry, feeling a great urge to go with him.

After this event, she stayed mostly in her pool, pining away, wondering if she should have followed Abraxas. She fell into the abyss of her own mind, of things that could have happened had she just made a single different choice.

Weeks passed, then months. The last dregs of her once bright spirit were draining away.

And then he returned.

There was another layer of shadows in his eyes now. He told her the story of how his leader's child was stolen when he and another were meant to protect her. He told her about how they had been training so that it would never happen again. How it was hard, fighting monsters with only two dragons... so would she join them?

Only he didn't get the entire question out, because she'd pressed her snout to his and answered.


And he didn't pull away.

She left her clan at last and joined his, quickly feeling more at ease in this new, ragtag group than she ever had before. Moonlight found a fast friend in Cybc, who was the other dragon training with them.

The three Imperials mastered the art of fighting. Moonlight enjoyed the thrill of battle, but not nearly as much as Abraxas. Mostly, she enjoyed being in a team, working seamlessly together with the others. She liked companionship.

She settled down with her mate, and they had a family. Moonlight found that she enjoyed being with hatchlings, and soon found herself becoming a mentor to all the children born to her clan. She was officially named a teacher some time later, and teaches Apeiron's next generation to this day. It was she who suggested to her clan leader, Glorin, the tradition of sending off young dragons on journeys.

Instead of items, like her old leader had chosen, Moonlight placed an emphasis on learning new things and befriending strange dragons on the adventure. She always made sure to teach the hatchlings to look beyond Dragonhome, into the lives and lands of other flights as well. Some children chose to leave for one of these flights, feeling more at home there. Those who stayed in time for their coming-of-age journey always came back. The teacher ensured that they did not feel out of place, as she did, once they returned.

Always at the ready should her combat skills need to be called on, Moonlight spends her day spreading her knowledge to the young ones of the clan, and helping with the usual duties.

Every day, when she awakens, she sees her clanmates beside her, instead empty sand and a lonely pond.

And they make her feel, finally, like she is home.






Abraxas | Mate, team

Cobalt | Son
Cybc | Friend, team

Junga | Friend


Art et al

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