
Level 1 Wildclaw
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Sapphire Feathered Wings
Sapphire Tail Feathers
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Ring




5 m
9.33 m
517.54 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 27, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Project Feathers Dragon - "The Clairvoyant"
For I, too, am a dragon! Not a tool or an object!

For now, I shall be storing some of the lore/ideas I come up with for the Project Feathers dragons here. Note that nothing's final!
1. Sapphire - diplomat/peacekeeper and spell caster(leader of the Feathers)
8. Cloudy - scout and defender/bodyguard
2. Crimson - fighter(berserker class)
5. Sunburst - crafter and spell caster
7. Inkwell - assassin and thief
6. Wavespun - scholar/intelligence
3. Chestnut - fighter(tank class)
4. Lemongrass - healer(by means of both herbs and magic) and buffer
Brief History:
Sapphire - Found to be clairvoyant, passed from clan to clan and used, spoke her way to freedom
Cloudy - Lone hunter, used to stay out of trouble, inspired to action
Crimson - Used to run with bounty hunters, disgusted with some dragons' tactics and left
Sunburst - Owned a craftsmen's shop, shop was raided by bandits, joined Sapphire to take revenge
Inkwell - Assassin/thief for hire, was paid to kill Sapphire but ended up joining
Wavespun - Lived in Lightning clan, miscalculation killed somebody, proved worth with Sapphire
Chestnut - Lived in clan of gemstone appraisers, wanted to be fighter, defended clan with Sapphire
Lemongrass - Wandering herbalist, saved the group's lives, felt useless in battle, discovered magic

Sapphire dragged her claws, listening dully to the excited chatter of the dragons around her and trying to prolong the last moments of freedom she would have from this point on. Her frigid gaze slid over her now-former clan mates, ones that had sold her - nay, her abilities to another clan for money. Money! What was all the gold in the world when you had freedom? They had betrayed her.

And now Sapphire fully knew of what would happen to her. She would be used like some tool to be thrown away when not needed, to be taken advantage of without even recognizing that she was a living, breathing dragon. Those yellow-bellied, greedy fools in her clan... Argh! Her own mother had known of this, and yet all she had done was smile mysteriously and inform Sapphire that bad times are just a part of life's journey. Her thoughts came to escape. She could run, join another clan. And never tell anybody about her dreams... No, that wouldn't work. She'd be hunted down.

With a sigh, Sapphire resigned herself to her fate and walked away from her birthclan, never to return.
Over time, Sapphire's anger left her. She just felt... blank. The dragons usually kept her comfortable and well-fed for her troubles, and sold her in a month or so, after most of their problems were solved. One such clan even kept her in chains - the power of a clairvoyant was dangerous. This she tolerated.

She did it because as soon as she accepted being as one with the currents, flowing and shifting and flexible, she had a dream. Not a dream about what would happen to the clan. It was a dream for Sapphire and for Sapphire only.

7 lights came to her in that dream, the only light piercing the darkness: white, red, orange, dark grey, aqua, brown, and yellow-green. They circled her endlessly, and Sapphire then somehow knew that everything was going to be alright. She understood her mother's philosophy.

And one day, she knew that it was her time.

The dragons were going about their daily business as usual. Sapphire let her head lean down, felt the chains chafe at her fur. Then a small voice piped up.

"Who are you?"

Sapphire looked up with a great effort. Clearing her voice that was cracked from pain and exhaustion from having to stand in chains, she said, "Little one, didn't your parents tell you not to go near me?"

The hatchling looked sulkily down. "They did. But, I wanna know why they keep you locked up like this!"

She smiled. "I am Sapphire. When I sleep, I can see into the future. I can't usually control these dreams, but through them, I can see what most don't... I am clairvoyant."

The hatchling grinned. "That's cool. Why would they tie you up, then? You seem really nice."

"Then you are more perceptive than most... not many realize that I mean them no ill will. They are afraid of power, any power. And so they keep it on a short leash." Sapphire sighed. "Such is the way of world. Soon, you will grow up, and the paranoia of adulthood will take you."

"Well..." The hatchling puffed up his tiny chest. "That's mean! I think that you should be free to go where you want."

Sapphire said nothing. It was only when she felt a drastic loosening of her chains that she spoke again. "Hey, what are you doing?" she asked, slightly alarmed.

"Setting you free. Those meanies can't keep you tied up forever." The hatchling was surprisingly quick in untying Sapphire's chains. They clattered to the floor in an ugly heap. Sapphire rubbed her wrists. She knew it was time.

She slowly and boldly marched out into the light, perching herself on a rock. The hatchling followed her. Everywhere around them, jaws dropped. Some dragons even gasped in fright. Others readied their claws and fangs. Sapphire raised her claws. "Everybody! I mean you no harm."

The clan leader angrily walked over to her. "What are you doing here, clairvoyant?!"

She lifted her chin. "My name is Sapphire. I am more than a tool to be used at your whims. And I've decided - for once in my life - that I should have the option to be free if I want to."

She raised her voice angrily, but not dangerously. "What have all of you come to? Too afraid to face the future without having an ace up your sleeve, too afraid of my power to show a little kindness, too busy hiding under the wings of your leader to see that I, too, am a dragon?"

She took a step towards the other dragons. "Surely you don't all think that I should be locked up like a beast," Sapphire cried. They fearfully looked from her eyes to each other, and back to her. "I will beg if I have to. Please, please, please don't turn away from me. I have feelings, like you do. I have thoughts, and wishes, and dreams. If you have any heart, set me free."

The hatchling who had released her bounced towards the crowd. "Mama, mama, please set her free. All she wants to do is be free," he pleaded hopefully. Murmurs rippled through the crowd.

Then one dragon stepped forward. "I agree with Sapphire. Let her go."

Her words hung there, like a heavy veil in a terrible, terrible silence. Sapphire almost thought that no one else would join the dragon, but then two more stepped forward and agreed. Then three more. Then six more. Then almost all of the dragons were raising their voices in a beautiful din, leaving a few heartless dragons behind to hang their heads in shame.

The leader sighed, defeated before a single drop of blood had been shed. "Fine. You can go. But we will not welcome you anymore, clairvoyant. I am the leader of this clan, not you."

He withdrew tiredly, leaving the rest of his clan to fuss over Sapphire and drown her in gifts for the road. She thanked them all profoundly, then wished them well and promptly left.

Sapphire took a steadying breath, smiled, and headed for the surface.
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