
Level 8 Nocturne
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Sunspot Clouddancer
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Energy: 41/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Nocturne
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Alchemist Eyewear
Silver Steampunk Wings
Brass Steampunk Scarf
Black Linen Wing Wraps
Black Linen Leg Wraps
Navy Tail Wrap




3.92 m
7.67 m
540.76 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 25, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Nocturne
EXP: 4411 / 16009
Bright Bolt
Shining Might Fragment


Sunspot Clouddancer; Silver Steampunk Wings; Navy Arm Wraps - Tail Wrap; Black Linen Wing Wrap - Leg Wraps; Alchemist Eyewear; Brass Steampunk Scarf.

Name: Nimper
Class: Light, housed under Ice
History: I don't remeber when I was first hatched, but I do remember being warm.
There was someone there, not a dragon, but a person. It took me to it's lair where many other dragons, and my parents, live together in peace. It fed me and played with me and made sure I was alright. I got to play with my brother and sister and many of the other hatchlings, too.
One day, I saw my Care Taker talking with another person. The other person picked me up and smiled warmly at me. She put a bag of coins into my Care Taker's hands and then took me away from my Light Lair.
I was a little upset to be taken away from my sister and my parents. But there was something about my new Care Taker that I liked. She was sweet and playful, and something in her eyes sparkled with adventure!
When I got to her Lair my scales closed together to keep heat in; it was cold. "This is my Ice Lair, your new home!" My Care Taker said. "My name is Tundra and these are my dragons."
She set me down at her feet and I looked around the ice capped land and saw many dragons, and hatchlings, that looked friendly enough. One dragon that I took a liking to very quickly is named Kacazi.
Tundra soon named me 'Nimper' and we started to train. Training is fun, but hard.
After about a week or so, my sister came home with Tundra, I was so excited to see her again. Tundra named her Nimphy and let us reunite. Nimphy handed me a note that was from Doomed, our brother. He said that he had been exalted and was serving under the Lightweaver. He said he liked the training here and he vowed to become a great warrior. We are proud of our brother, but we are sad we wont be able to see him for a long while.

Daily Journal: 10-1-2015
Me and my sister wrote a note to our first Care Taker today. We miss Demoraca very much. But we are also having fun with Tundra and her friendly dragons. We went swimming, did some fishing, and also a little fighting in the Coliseum! We have grouped with a Pearlcatcher name Castor; she kind of scares me. Castor and Nimphy seem to get along well though, and I don't want to fight so I guess it goes very well.
Tundra gave me a Familiar! I don't think it likes me very much, in time however, Tundra said he'll warm up to me. I have to do a little more training and then I can hang out at the glacier falls with Kacazi, so I'll write later. ~Nimper~
P.S. Tundra is teaching us to write, I'm not really into it, but Nimphy loves it!

Tundra let us go to the fair today, the games there are really fun! I did some more training and I'm progressing nicely; Tundra says, anyway. I've noticed the weather getting a little colder now that it's October. I don't mind it much now, I keep myself warm with simple training and playing with the other dragons.
Kacazi is doing well, she likes to read and make Apparel things out of furs and other stuff. She gave me the arm wraps that I wear, they keep me a little warm in the cold nights.
I sometimes wonder if she likes me at all, I admit that I like her but, I'm not sure. I tried telling Nimphy about it and she said I shouldn't worry about it, but how can I not worry? Well, maybe she is right, I shouldn't worry, I guess.
The glacier falls was fun yesterday, sorry I forgot to write. We had fun and I even did a little fishing.
Well, I have to go help Tundra with something, I'll write later. Bye! ~Nimper~

My Familiar is getting a little more relaxed with me, I'm glad I might have a chance at being his friend for life.
We went to the Trading Post today and Tundra let me pick something from the pile, it was nothing impressive but I thought it would make a nice addition to my side of the Lair.
Tundra is going to take me hunting later and then she will show me and Kacazi how to skin the hide off of bunnies. It should be interesting enough.
I still have training to do so I'll have to write later, bye! ~Nimper~

I finally found it! My note book! *ahem* Let me explain.
So there was this big snow storm that passed through the tundra land, it hit us hardest, at least from what I've heard. We all had to pitch in and help rebuild some of the nests and dragon sleeping grounds. I lost my note book when it happened and I was so busy helping out that I forgot to look.
I have also been too busy to train, Tundra had to leave for a while to bring back some tools, and Kacazi was really upset with the storm because her hoard was completely destroyed. Korazick was helping her gather more things and he has started to come by her grounds more often; I'm curious about them.
On other notes: I guess Tundra is splitting me, Castor, and Nimphy up from the Coliseum. Tundra said that I need different dragons to fight with, but she hasn't decided who I should team up with now. I do think it will be better this way, seeing how I train in combat and defense, I think I need help with getting my quickness and agility up, so maybe some more skilled dragons would help?
I guess that's all the news I have for now, I'll hopefully find some time tomorrow to write.
Bye! ~Nimper~

The celebration of the Riot of Rot, the whole lair got together and danced around a huge bonfire!
We ate well, sang songs of good cheer, and laughed to our hearts contempt.
In the midst of all things, chanting, singing, and hatchlings running around, some of the older boys handed me a mug of Fire Nectar. I was hesitant to drink it at first, but they insisted on it, saying I would become a real dragon after I had tasted it's burning flavor. I did drink it, all of it.
Unfortunately, the side effects are little, tipsy I should say.
They put me with a sweet dragon named CottonCandy and everything is blurry after that.
I woke up the next morning and Nimphy slashed me across the face with such scorn and disappointment. I now have a nest of two eggs, and CottonCandy is the mother.... ~Nimper~


Kacazi is leaving us for a better world in the Icewarden's home. She asked me to write this note of her and Zack.
Her Lover Korazick: History: Was born not far from here, he got lost in a blizzard and found himself here.
Since his name is so long, everyone just calls him Zack.
He doesn't mind living here and helping with the dragons of Tundra's Lair. In fact, he has fallen in love with a beautiful PearlCatcher named Kacazi. Her soft scales of charcoal Iridescent makes him feel warm inside. He adores her and her skill in apparel making.
He wants to have a sweet family here in this Lair of kind souls, he enjoys the sweet faces and game play of everyone here.

My Familiar is now very acquainted to me, he follows me everywhere I go.
I took him hunting, he caught plenty of bugs while I helped forage with Castor.
The lair is getting more friendly, I'm meeting new dragons almost everyday, it seems.
A few small snow storms came and set snow about 2ft deep, so we are working hard on new shelters and storage barns. I'm still not in a new team for the Coliseum and I don't think I will be for a while, with all these new dragons I think Tundra has enough on her hands to deal with. I'm alright waiting, gives me a chance to help out here and train a little harder, Nimphy also doesn't mind. She plugs hard away at her books when she can.
Everything is going well, not much has happened so I guess this is all I can say, for now.
P.S. I over heard Tundra talking to Hitch last night, something about a game for the whole IceFlight, I don't know what it is but I think it will be fun.

My daughter BlueBerry has gone off to serve the Icewarden today, I couldn't be more proud of her.
I told her about our brother, her uncle, Doom. She was excited to go and meet him and to train by his side. CottonCandy was a little upset about her leaving the Lair, but CocoDrizzled will stay and keep her company. It's a hard family I have, seeing how neither Cotton or I love each other in such a way, and our daughters are still equally ours, it feels awkward at times. However, the Lair has gotten over our tripsy nest and now everyone is groaning at RoyiTomiki.
Royi challenged CloudTomb for his mate, no one would have known that Royi was so good in battle. He defeated CloudTomb and then made him watch as Royi did away with his mate. It made everyone sick, Hitch especially.
RoyiTomiki will be cast out and exalted when the nest hatches, no one will miss him once he is gone. We are all concerned about the babies and Castor. I only hope nothing like this ever happens again... ~Nimper~

Ah, Merry Christmas! That's what Tuundra said to us all when she came in to check on us. She brought us all gifts and cooked something special. Then she told us a story about a boy that was born a long time a ago, his parents called him Jesus, savior of the world. It was beautiful!
I'm a little upset I cannot celebrate this time with my sister, I miss her and I hope she is doing okay away from here.
A few nocturne eggs were found and they don't have any parents or place to go, Tundra adopted them and they are fun to be with. Tundra sees potential in these three little nocs, one she found in a pile of rocks, the other two she adopted from some other Care Takers. I'm curious as to how they will do in the Coliseum. Many dragons have come into the lair, I'm not sure if many will stay, but they are here now and they mean well. I haven't done much these days, I help out with gathering and keeping the hoard in order. Making sure the Hatchlings are in their rightful lairs is something I do often, and my familiar has awakened today! He has been great through all these days.
Castor and Cloudtumb got offered to serve in the Icewarden's Lair, they are now living there happily, they write to us on occasion and they are doing just fine. I miss Castor however, and I'm worried what Nimphy will think when she comes back. It will all work out, I'm sure.
Merry Christmas, goodnight!

I received a new Familiar, a Magma Embear. My old pal had to leave for a better life in the after world! No he didn't die. He is actually going to do some traveling!
Speaking of Traveling, I haven't heard from Nimphy and I hope she is doing okay. I miss my sister tons!
Tundra just came into the lair and snuggled up with DeathStain, she was crying. We kind of all gathered and asked what happened. She is upset about this really nice guy, she just found out that he is with another girl and Tundra just broke down. She really likes this Bolt guy but, oh well. She feels a little "left out" from the love world. Of course she always has us! But, maybe that's not enough. We love Tundra very much, she seemed to feel better after we came and cared for her. I hope she does okay tonight, I think maybe one of the Hatchlings will sleep at her place tonight.
Well, not much has really happened since last I wrote, the snow hasn't come in a while and it's been warm. It gave us time to build up our huts and Lairs, clear out nests for new eggs, and hunt and forage a little more. We are all doing well! And it's all thanks to Tundra.

Nimphy is back!!
I missed her so much, she told me all about her adventures in traveling and all the dragons she met.
When she returned with Tundra from the CrossRoads the ones that knew her all celebrated and we all had a grand feast! Nimphy told stories to the hatchlings around a camp fire, she told Hitch and Tundra about the friendly clans, and she shared her splended new things with other females.
It was a good refeshing time, the lair felt complete when she came back.
I told her about Castor and Cloudtomb leaving to serve the Iceworden. She was a little upset but was glad they were together.
She told me about this one fellow that traveled with her for a while, she misses him a bit.
We slept in the same hut together like before, except this time we were snuggling a few hatchlings.
I would take in hatchlings to keep warm since my hut was better constructed, so we had two of the spiral babies sleep with us. It was a good time and it truely felt like home. Well, we are all at peace now that Nimphy is home, Tundra has one less worry, and Hitch knows more about the world.
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