Level 1 Wildclaw
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Personal Style
4.21 m
5.53 m
503.28 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245

You are the only exception...
This is a story of a young dragon far from home. This particular little fellow had grown up all his life under a rigid social structure, centered around his family, who he believed could do no harm. He blindly followed the instructions of the elders, firm in his stance that his clan was the right one. They were above reproach and it was their job to either civilize or shun those around them. After all, if they chose to ignore the obvious superiority of his clan, then wasn't it their fault for getting the cold shoulder?
He was young, he didn't know any better, and he'd been promised that if he fulfilled all the wishes of the elders and maintained the traditions of his clan then the Great One would reward him for his efforts.
But year after year past and nothing changed, as he grew older he began to question the teaching handed down to him from on high. At first he questioned them in secret in his own heart, taking time to actually talk to the dragons form other clans that they were given the holy order to "civilize." He found out they weren't that different from his own friends and family, he questioned the righteousness of shunning those who served a different deity.
While he meditated on this disturbing new reality, he had many suitors from his own clan. The female dragons were devoted to the Great One and sought after a mate that would lead them in the same traditions and ways of the clan. The young dragon tried to entertain them, but they had no time for his questions and had no thought for anything otehr than what they had been raised. He grew jaded adn cold to his own clan. He feared to leave what he knew, but he knew that thsi could no longer be his family. For a long time the young dragon withered away amongst his people, too different to join in, too afraid to leve.
Then one day, he met a beautiful wildclaw from another clan. The only clan they had never been sent to, the only clan that the elders had spoken outright war against.
But the fates drew these two together. She spoke life into the young dragons heart, his wings were vibrant and from his lips she drew music so sweet.
Those in his clan noticed the change in his right away, they praised the Great One for His gift to them, until they found out the true reason.
The young dragon was then given an ultimatum. He could stay within the clan, doing a harsh penance for his sins in hopes of earning his place back among them, or he could leave and never return. Not a member of the clan would be allowed to speak his name again.
Now this is a story of two young dragons far from home.
I'm on my way to believing...
This is a story of a young dragon far from home. This particular little fellow had grown up all his life under a rigid social structure, centered around his family, who he believed could do no harm. He blindly followed the instructions of the elders, firm in his stance that his clan was the right one. They were above reproach and it was their job to either civilize or shun those around them. After all, if they chose to ignore the obvious superiority of his clan, then wasn't it their fault for getting the cold shoulder?
He was young, he didn't know any better, and he'd been promised that if he fulfilled all the wishes of the elders and maintained the traditions of his clan then the Great One would reward him for his efforts.
But year after year past and nothing changed, as he grew older he began to question the teaching handed down to him from on high. At first he questioned them in secret in his own heart, taking time to actually talk to the dragons form other clans that they were given the holy order to "civilize." He found out they weren't that different from his own friends and family, he questioned the righteousness of shunning those who served a different deity.
While he meditated on this disturbing new reality, he had many suitors from his own clan. The female dragons were devoted to the Great One and sought after a mate that would lead them in the same traditions and ways of the clan. The young dragon tried to entertain them, but they had no time for his questions and had no thought for anything otehr than what they had been raised. He grew jaded adn cold to his own clan. He feared to leave what he knew, but he knew that thsi could no longer be his family. For a long time the young dragon withered away amongst his people, too different to join in, too afraid to leve.
Then one day, he met a beautiful wildclaw from another clan. The only clan they had never been sent to, the only clan that the elders had spoken outright war against.
But the fates drew these two together. She spoke life into the young dragons heart, his wings were vibrant and from his lips she drew music so sweet.
Those in his clan noticed the change in his right away, they praised the Great One for His gift to them, until they found out the true reason.
The young dragon was then given an ultimatum. He could stay within the clan, doing a harsh penance for his sins in hopes of earning his place back among them, or he could leave and never return. Not a member of the clan would be allowed to speak his name again.
Now this is a story of two young dragons far from home.
I'm on my way to believing...
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
Meat stocks are currently depleted.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting YouAre to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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