
Level 1 Coatl
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Coatl
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Personal Style


Red Healer's Beacon
Red Healer's Mantle
Red Healer's Reference
Red Healer's Vestments
Red Healer's Calling
Red Healer's Slippers
Red Healer's Trail



Scene: Arcanist's Domain


8.55 m
9.78 m
1076.2 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 05, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Clan Vikan
"Um, y-y-yes, Wait no I mean...."
1 of 22 Color Combo
1 of 3 Not Exalted

Beloselhi is a very shy and nervous dragon and he is often stumbling on his words when he tries to talk to anybody. He often tends to avoid people because of this and hates it when people go over to talk to him or ask him any type of magic related questions. Normally he makes up a hasty, and often jumbled, response and flees, or he just flees. He hates talking to people with a passion but he knows he cannot completely avoid it but he tries to the best that he can.

The only dragon he cannot get away form his Bullet a guardian dragon who has taken him as her charge. She often spends a lot of time with him but she isn't good with helping him get over his shyness and instead she often forces him to race thought he sky with her as she is determined to become the fastest flier in the clan. He is often to shy to say no to her and often does what she says. He doesn't mind racing with her however and he often finds it a lot of fun.

He is very skilled in magic, however Tao is by far the best magic user in the clan. Biloselhi often focuses his practices on healing magic but he still has a lot to learn. He often wonders why Tao doesn't really use healing spells on injured dragons when he is asked to help other dragons when the healer is away. However he isn't to keen on asking him as he avoids talking to people however he can, besides for the fact that Tao really frightens him, as he does with most other dragons anyway. However at the same time Biloselhi rather looks up to him as Tao is one of the most skilled wizards in and outside of the clan.

Things would go nicely for awhile until his friend Bullet was killed in the uprising that was caused by the former healer's son, who blamed the clan for his dad's death even though they had nothing to do with it. He blamed them nonetheless. Biloselhi would have been killed in the uprising if Bullet hadn't taken the killing blow, she somehow managed to kill the attacker before she collapsed to the ground. He stayed by her body until the battle was over, he didn't know what to do.

Once the fighting had ended he helped with healing the other dragons, but he felt so lost without Bullet by his side. He hadn't realized how much of a constant in his life she had become and he fell into a depressive state that he just couldn't seem to snap out of. For a long time all he did was lay about with no energy to do anything whatsoever. Other dragons tried to snap him out but nothing worked. He had lost his best friend and he just didn't want to feel better.

He eventually tried to find ways to bring her back to life, and Tao noticed what he was trying to do and convinced him to stop. Bringing back the dead doesn't work, it never worked how one wanted to. The person he brought back might not even be the person he knew, she might've been reincarnated by now, or had passed on. It'd be selfish to do so for his own self interest, it wasn't what was best for her. Biloselhi felt terrible, he felt so lost. Tao had trouble trying to comfort him, since Tao tended to have trouble interacting with people, but he did his best. Biloselhi decided to go on a journey, to clear his head, and he was gone from the clan for many years.

When he returned he wasn't the scared timid dragon he used to be and he was surprised to see that the clan had changed so much while he was gone. The clan, of course, accepted him back with open arms and he became the primary healer of the clan. He takes a lot of pride in his job and he is always trying his best to learn new things in order to better help people. It was what he was always meant to do, and with his newfound confidence he has found it much easier to do so.

Friends: Bullet

Story by Skylark wrote:

“Hey, Biloselhi! Where are you?” Bullet called, her booming voice weaving between the tall, silvery trunks of the Starwood Strand. The coatl flattened his lavender crests against his neck, groaning inwardly. He wanted nothing more than to be left to his own devices, but it appeared that the sizeable guardian was not going to allow that. He briefly considered hiding under the lacy bushes, but before he could decide whether or not to, Bullet had already spotted him. “There you are!” She exclaimed, easily cutting a path through the underbrush.

“Hey, Bul-l-let.” The coatl stuttered in a quiet tone, tucking his head back against his neck. He slanted his gaze off to the side as the massive guardian bounded around him, her body crackling with excitement.

“Hey-o, what do you say to a race?” She nudged him suggestively, making him shy away even more. It was cool and cloudy outside, and he just wanted to curl up with a dish of something warm.

“I-I dun-no,” He responded noncommittally, his voice dropping until it was barely audible. “I d-dunno if-f I-I really w-want to . . .”

“Why, of course you do!” Bullet said enthusiastically. He tipped his crests uncertainly at her, his vermillion eyes watching. “You want to help me beat Galaxystorm, don’t you!” The way she said it didn’t even make it sound like a question.

Biloselhi lowered his feathered crests, unconvinced. “W-well, I g-guess s-so . . .”

“Perfect! Come on then!” Bullet laughed easily, stretching her wings in preparation to take flight. “It’ll feel good! I promise!” She crouched, her energy coiling in her muscular hind limbs. Before he could utter another word, she launched herself into the air, cutting a swath from the canopy with the force of her flight. Small, star-shaped blossoms drifted down, raining around him in a gentle cascade. Taking a breath, he took off, flying up through the convenient hole that Bullet had left behind.

It took him a while to spot her, hovering on a warm updraft in wait for him. “Come on!” She took off, banking sharply and beginning to flap her leathery wings to gain altitude. Biloselhi sighed briefly, fluttering his feathered wings hard to try to catch up. It wasn’t long before his breathing was labored.

He didn’t even pay attention to his surroundings until they had flown above the clouds. Once they had, however, his eyes widened with awe. The sun was just beginning to set, painting the sky with brilliant hues that raced across the heavens. The clouds were lined with gold fire, glinting in the amber light of the sun. Biloselhi gulped in a breath of cold, clear air. This sight was something he rarely ventured high enough to see. It was only Bullet’s races that drew him this high up into the atmosphere.

“Isn’t this great!?” Bullet called back at him, her wings beating fiercely at the air. She skimmed through it like an enormous bird, powering through the wind currents.

“It’s beautiful,” He agreed to himself, not a trace of tremor in his voice. “Thanks, Bullet,” he whispered, though he knew she was far too far away to hear him by then.



Art by BlueBird3
Art by ReikiMuroichi
Art by CassanovaArcher
Art by Maxw3ll


Art by FairyGeno

Art by terabyte
Art by valravne
Art by SkunkLover
Art by SplashFeather


Art by anonymousdragon
Art by MissFrizzle

Art by Me
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