
Level 25 Imperial
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Torrent Tricktail
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Imperial
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Crimson Aviator Scarf
Crimson Aviator Helmet
Crimson Aviator Boots
Crimson Aviator Satchel
Crimson Rogue Gloves




26.82 m
18.25 m
6163.5 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 15, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level




  • none




Due to a conflicted past, this Imperial acts as a parental figure towards all hatchlings that pass through, quickly stops squabbles and puts a halt to bullying and infighting within the clan so that no one suffers the way he once did.

He can be overprotective of runts and dragons that were unwanted elsewhere, finding the sensation of not meeting expectations all too familiar...
Original Bio, considering what to keep

There are expectations of every single dragon. Theo would be no different. When he was born, his parents expected him to be great. Imperials were supposed to be towering, awesome creatures that roamed the land with no fear and great power in every step. They were supposed to be the most regal of dragons, no matter what the pearlcatchers said and the most beautiful of creatures. They were supposed to command attention, affection, supposed to command clans and armies to lead to victory and glory.

Theo ended up being none of those things in his birth clan.

While his body was strong and great, his wings were not. Too short for his body and too short to allow him to fly very far, Theo was a disgrace to them. He could not roam the lands as easily as they did and could not fly as well as was expected. He could not be a royal, regal Imperial for his lack of wings meant he was inferior.

For years he was bullied and tormented, also pushed to do more, do better in everything else in order to make up for his short-coming. He found joy in training, over and over again to be stronger. He could be found day in and day out stretching, lifting boulders, doing laps around the clan perimeter. Most found this amusing, as even though he did stretches with his wings, they hardly seemed to grow.

Theo was given the task of being the first line of defense, given his strength and his diligence in working out. He was often tasked with patrolling the perimeter, glancing around to ensure no one was encroaching on their land. More often than not, nothing happened.

One day, something did happen. A wildclaw attempted to burst through, desperate for food and attempted to steal some of Theo's clan's. Someone else was on patrol and managed to subdue the wildclaw, beating it back and earning praise.

Theo's parents sniffed, telling him that he still could do nothing, even when he was given a task. He had not been the one to subdue the wildclaw and he had not been the one to ensure the clan was safe. Why, he just paraded around, without a care in the world.

Eventually, however, Theo was tested. A great Imperial was seen lurking around their borders, hissing and spitting, occasionally moving forward only to dart back. Theo was on patrol and quickly went up to face the other Imperial.

The beast attacked, howling in rage. Theo fought back using his bulk and his claws, snarling and scratching. The two fought heavily against one another, striking blow after blow. In the end, Theo managed to win.

After this, he was declared a hero by the clan. He found that many males, who would have otherwise ridiculed him, were quite interested in him now and his strength. His confidence grew and he flirted with them shamelessly, enthused at the attention and basking in the praise.

His parents weren't as happy.

They called him shameful for celebrating and hurtful to their lineage because most of the dragons he entertained could not provide a clutch. They called him foolish for celebrating when he should have been working and they pushed him.

Soon, Theo's victory was overshadowed by someone else's and he found himself alone again, with no one in his company.

One day, he had enough. He knew where his strengths lay, literally, and he would stop at nothing to prove to those that mocked him how strong he truly was. He gathered up what little belongings he had and flew off, refusing to turn back or look back.

He flew for days and days, spreading his wings and traveling over the large landscape that was Sorneith. Theo found his skills as a fighter useful for many and intriguing for others. On the road, he found himself as a bodyguard, an escort. He found that his tongue could be sweet and that many males would be eager to snuggle up to someone like him, with great strength and great power.

But every now and then, Theo would find himself with a shortcoming. Perhaps he could not have protected a caravan as well as he could have. Perhaps the dragon he was escorting became injured.

Sometimes, he failed completely; a bandit would raid a trading post, the dragon he was protecting would be kidnapped or worse killed.

And he would remember his time back in his old clan, a time where he was never good enough and never well enough. So he would work harder the next time around, work faster and more diligently.

Theo finally found a great floating island during his travels. Intrigued by it, he settled there and asked if they needed another guard. He found a human, a curious being that seemed to live among the dragons. Theo found himself drawn to the strange being and found himself constantly on guard, protecting him.

On this great floating island, Theo was put to work guarding the items they deemed most precious. He found himself well-liked here, not just when he become victorious, but when he simply existed. He found friends, found family.


He often thought back to his family, the first one, the ones that had brought him into the world he roamed. Theo often wondered how they were, if they had changed. Some days, he was wistful. Some days, he was sad. Very rarely, he was angry. Angry that he was never good enough, angry that in the end he had to leave, angry that no matter what, he couldn't have made his place there.

But here, on the floating island, he found his place. The coatl Kendall quickly became a friend and the Ferret that became his companion when he worked was amazing as well. Theo found himself with a companion that he named Henderson, a companion to watch the borders and train, a companion that seemed to understand him.

Theo found a home on that floating island and while some days, his mind hearkened back to older times, he knew that the place he had settled would forever be where he would find a home.
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Exalting Theo to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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