
Level 1 Coatl
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Ravenous Cauldron
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Coatl
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Dusklight Alchemist Tools
Gold Amulet of Alchemy


Accent: Gilded Elegance F



7.45 m
8.69 m
989.87 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 29, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245


Vial of Mysterious Toxin
Ravenous Cauldron
Lightning Runestone
3rd Tier: Security

"This one makes poisons that burn bellies, blind eyes, deaden limbs, and stop hearts."
Nightfall uses her knowledge of alchemy to mix poisons, mainly for Abalone... but, worryingly, not always. Perhaps the most tame things her poisons are used for is in Mirage's greenhouses, where he uses Nightfall's insecticides to keep off plant-eating bugs from the crops. Perhaps the least innocent use of her poisons is the ones she hands off to Dracula, in the dead of night, sealed in a thrice-locked metal box.

Mate: Daybreak. The two do both love alchemy, if for different reasons, and any two Coatls are bound to like each other for the simple ease of speaking to each other.





Nightfall's quill crossed out the latest entry on the scroll of parchment with two lines in an X. The letters were straight-lined but with soft curves, twisting over each other and forming one long, unbroken thread that if pulled at each end would straighten out perfectly: the written form of Coatl.

She turned her head at the rumble in her skull. No Coatl had eardrums; Coatl language, with its screeches and hums, vibrated the bones and chest cavities of the listener just so, enough that one
felt the differences in the sound. Standard Draconic, and indeed sound in general, was less thoughtful in minding its pitch. Still, the skittering of hatchling claws on marble floors formed a particular sort of itch on the inside of the eyes.

She saw the little purple-and-black Nocturne at the doorway, bony wingtips touching the ground like a third set of legs. His eyes were wide as saucers as he took in the sight of Nightfall illuminated by the sickly glow of the cauldron. "The Golden Child is busy with lessons, this one supposes?" Nightfall said, odd construction not seeming to bother the hatchling, as he nodded. "Come then, little Cerin. This one can give this hatchling a lesson as well." The hatchling's mouth fell open with surprise and glee, and he bounded forward for a better look at the cauldron.

"Does this hatchling know what this one does?" In case it was unclear, Nightfall gestured to herself at "this one".

Cerin shook his head "no".

"Mm. Does this hatchling know what a 'poison' is?"

Cerin nodded.

"This one makes those. It is alchemy, but this one makes brews that harm. This one's mate makes brews that help; 'potions' they are called. This one makes poisons that burn bellies, blind eyes, deaden limbs, and stop hearts." Nightfall stopped then, watched Cerin for the response.

Cerin seemed to think, front right hand touching his mouth, eyes down. When he spoke, to Nightfall's great surprise, he enunciated every consonant and pitched every vowel just as Nightfall had: "But you only harm bad guys, right?"

For a moment, Nightfall thought to ask how Cerin had thought to use his tone like that; she had never understood another non-Coatl so well. But, she remembered, Nocturnes at heart were mimics, and young ones especially. Instead she answered his question: "This one harms those who harm the clan. Also weeds, and bugs who would eat the clan's food. These are bad guys, yes?"

Cerin laughed, nodding enthusiastically.

"This hatchling would like to learn how?"

Cerin nodded.


Long after dinner, Nightfall rubbed her fingers, a spark lighting between them, and let a zap of lightning jump to the surface of the liquid in the cauldron. The mixture agitated into a fast boil, and just as quickly calmed again to a low simmer. Her work complete, she began to decant it into small bottles, stoppered with cork. When she heard the clattering of claws on marble, she didn't turn her head.

"What brings this dragon all the way to this one's den?"

"You know full well! Teaching the boy poison-making! When you know as well as I that Rosdor suspects-"

"Mm? This one has heard nothing." She tapped the side of her head, where ears likely would have been had she had any, and gave the dragon in the doorway a cheeky smile, showing plenty of teeth.

Serenity let out a long breath through her nose. "Cerin doesn't need to know how to mix a poison. Surely you can at least agree that a hatchling shouldn't need to know such a thing?"

"The Golden Child learns. Cerin learns nothing. It is cruel. This one teaches him when others will not. That one speaks in ways that this one's Coatl head can hear. Serenity cannot. To this one, this makes Cerin smarter. Go now, this one is busy."

She turned away, but the
click-click tickled behind her eyes.
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