
Level 5 Coatl
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Spirit of Ice
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Coatl
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Personal Style


Red Rose Flowerfall
Pink Protective Eyewear
Pretty Pink Neck Bow
Pink and Purple Flair Scarf
Pretty Pink Tail Bow
Pretty Pink Arm Bow
Mage's Walnut Bag


Accent: A Little Universe



7.88 m
10.05 m
771.09 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 20, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Coatl
EXP: 554 / 5545




  • none



Messenger • Messenger




"Rather be eaten by someone else, or rather be eaten inside out by myself?" - Soaren

"At this point, she felt dead already."


When little Soaren was just a hatchling, she was had such determination. No matter how many times she was told she'd just be exalted, she was destined to fly. When one raises a hatchling to be exalted when their older, they clip their wings, so they don't fly away. Soaren didn't believe in doubt. She refused to be like her siblings. A sacrifice for the lair.
Of course, when one isn't allowed to fly, they aren't taught how to fly. When Soaren saw other dragons fly over her training grounds, she'd easily be distracted. Oh how she wished to fly. The sky, unlike the ground, was free, never tainted by the cold wet snow. She'd always hated snow, which was bad for an Ice dragon. It was cold, wet, and wasn't the sky.
"Pay attention!" her trainer would command. "If you're gonna get exalted, you gotta be skilled. The Icewarden needs a good soldiers."
"What a lie," Soaren would mutter. "Soldiers would be better if they could fly." Of course, no one would listen, only brag over who's the best fighter.
When it came time to be exalted, Soaren was the worst of them all. She never paid any attention to any lessons, she was always distracted, and all she wished for was to be able to fly. The trainer sent them out of the lair border. "The Icewarden will come to pick you up. Good luck, my students!"
After about ten minutes of waiting, or for the others tussling, the sound of heavy wings on wind drew everyone's attention. The Icewarden was here. Her trainingmates were cheering and shouting, while she was doubting the stories she's been told. He lowered down and down from high in the sky.
Unable to stay put, Soaren couldn't handle it. Before anyone noticed, she slipped away, out of the clearing. What fools they looked like, dancing around a giant monsterous beast. His feet were fur, his spines are ice. He's bigger than any thing imaginable! What fools, oh what fools they are!
Soaren scrambled away and hid behind a mountainous tree. Silently, she waited. She didn't want to cause trouble, but no matter how much she wanted to dance and fight with the others, she couldn't help the feeling of how bad things looked like they were gonna get.
When the beautiful beast landed, they all swarmed around his clawed feet. No way was she going to get that close... But they were having a great time. The Icewarden's eyes were kind and gentle. She lifted a foot to walk over there, when in a blink of an eye, he scooped them all up, and he ate them.
He ate them.
He ATE them.
Horror was the only emotion she felt. Her foot quickly retreated back to her side. No. No. No. No. No. NO! What?! How?! How could this be? He just ATE them. A pit formed in her stomach. She'd just escaped her own destiny. Her destiny was picked for her-to be eaten. Soaren then realized he may see her, so she quickly dug a deep hole into the snow. The ground is never ground, just always snow. She dug and dug until her toes were numb. Carefully, she packed the top of the snow down on the top. He'd never find her here.
Hope was all she had now. For all she knew, he could have heat seeking eyesight. Because of that, she waited. Waited for her life.
When her stomach couldn't take another second without food, she decided, "Rather be eaten by someone else, or rather be eaten inside out by myself?" She struggled to climb out of her tiny hole, but when she reached the surface, the Icewarden was long gone. His heavy footprints were practically filled with snow already. It seemed like he'd've been gone for hours, but she never heard him leave.
Hunger attacked her from the inside. She let out a small sigh. Being trained to fight, never taught her how to eat food. Worst of all, Coatls only eat seafood.
Soaren trudged along, wishing she wasn't bound to the ground. Or snow, as she labeled it. After the half hour (or four hour as Soaren says) travel, Soaren finally made her way to the edge of her home- The Sourthern Icefields. She was sick of snow. Ready to leave any second. With all her might she wanted to leave. One problem....
It's an island.
A moan made its way from her mouth. "The water is practically ice, but it's million degrees below zero, yup it'll break with a single step. If only I could fly."
At this point, she felt dead already. The only way out of this horrific place was over icy water. Flying wasn't an option, and swimming would kill her faster than anything. Though getting to The Windswept Plateau was her only thought at the moment, it seemed impossible. Until she laid down under a tree was only when she realized the sun was no longer up. Maybe in the morning she'd be able to think straight.
When she finally lifted her heavy eyelids, she wasn't alone. A long snout was in her face. Feathers and snout. A dragon pulled his face out of hers. This type of dragon wasn't familiar to her. His face was covered in stripes, and his feet were striped with white as well. It was the strangest thing she'd ever seen.
"Who are you?" Soaren asked, her heart beating rapidly.
"Who am I? Well, my little deary, I'm Mardel. Least, that's what I've last heard. Who, my dear, are you?" Mardel's face was so distracting, she didn't realize he said anything.
When he smiled instead of becoming angered with her when she realized he'd asked her a question. "Soaren," she stuttered. "I mean, that's what I like to call myself. I can't.... actually fly...." She was so ashamed, yet even when she avoided his eyes, she felt his eye staring at her, but with kindness.
"It's OK, my dear, Soaren. It's not your fault. The cruelty of this world is quite intimidating. I know what your situation is. I'm heading to Dragonhome. I'll help you kindly across the vast water."
His words were blurred. Not understanding anything, Soaren nodded instinctively.
"Oh dear Soaren, you aren't paying any attention." Mardel laughed softly when Soaren shook herself out of her daydreaming.
"I'm sorry, Sir-"
"I'm sorry, Mardel. I just thought the Icewarden must've sent you to kill me. He really must've known I wasn't there... Oh no.... Please don't tell him!" Now that she'd told him she was a runaway, her heart sped up a million.
"No, my dear Soaren. I guess you could say I'm here to save you. I noticed you here with your clipped wings. Only the determined breeding lairs clip the hatchlings' wings. It's quite evil," Mardel whispered, shaking his head. "Now come on out! I've let you sleep long enough! We have to move quickly, if we're gonna make it across by tomorrow morning."
"Tomorrow morning!?" Soaren was surprised by the amount of time it'd take. "I thought it'd be a lot quicker."
"Well, my dear, you haven't got the ability to fly. You're lucky I spotted you last night. I made a contraption that'll help us quite fine." He pointed a claw at a wooden wingpiece. "Pretty well made, I do say so myself."
Words wouldn't come. All she could manage was, "For me?" Would it let her fly? Oh please, she'd hoped for it so long.
Mardel understood her amazement. "Pretty good, I say, not to brag. It'll hook up to me, letting me help hold you up while I fly. You, of course, would need to flap, too. Whether or not you can fly, I can help."
Even though it only allowed her to fly when attached to Mardel, she loved it. The sky is her home. She just knew it.
Without a second to lose, Mardel pulled her out from under the tree. The cold air hit her like a bullet, but excitement kept her from hiding back in her warmed hiding spot. He took the wood, outstretched them across her wings, each blade spaced apart, but it fit neatly. It fit on her shoulders, then Mardel strapped things around, up, down, looped, around, and all the while, Soaren couldn't help but just a little with excitement. "All set!"

Mardel leaped off the ground, and the wind felt like it'd snap her neck. They were already high up, but Mardel was struggling. "You still may be a youngster, but you're still my same size. Now flap!" he commanded, seemingly angrier than normal. Quickly and recklessly, Soaren flapped her wings. "Softly, my dear. Feel the patterns. Slowly, but steady. Feel the breeze. It's wondrous in the sky, my dear. Just marvelous."
"Dreams do come true," she thought. This wasn't exactly her dream, but it was pretty close. Flying away from the horrendous place she once called home.
After what seemed like hours, Soaren's wings began to burn with exhaustion. "I.... Can't....." Gasping, she tried to speak. Her heart pounded out of her chest. Flying was so incredibly tiring.
Mardel's heartbeat was at a steady, yet quickened pace. "Stay calm. It's just a little longer.. Hold up, please don't stop. You'll pull us both down."
Forcing her wings to keep flapping, Soaren tried to ignore the pain and just focus on the breeze. Only for about another hour did she hold up. Mardel seemed unfazed, but yet, he's doing most the work. "Don't.... Stop....." he gasped. "We're almost there."
Soaren's whole body was numb. Numb as if it were on fire, and it just burned to a crisp. Numb as if it sizzled to just nubs. Thankfully the sky was growing warmer. There was still a cold breeze from the south, but now the air was getting..... easier to breathe in? Windswept Plateau is the Wind Flight, so they have different flying air. The sky was calling her. Only a few miles kept her from her destiny!
After those few miles, Mardel crashed to a stop. His breathing was in heavy heaves. He had flown for an endlessly long expanse, and even though Soaren made it troublesome for him, he still was grateful to help. What a kind spirit. The sun was just peeping over the horizon, and Mardel was still struggling to breathe. Soaren decided, since she still had enough energy, she'd make a nice resting place. She sniffed around, sticking her snake-like tongue in every spot. When she found a nice place among some tall grass, she smoothed it out, and made it perfect for her and Mardel.
When she woke up, Mardel was still dozed off. She loved to see him peacefully asleep. He kept her safe, she will keep him safe... But the sound of songs and music was faint, yet tempting. That's when it hit her like a two hundred ton club. She hadn't eat in DAYS. Her stomach had been eating her from the inside out the whole time. They need food, fast. The music was calling her. Such peacefulness in the sound of woodwinds and strings. Guilt bit at her when she found herself leaving Mardel's side. Guilt felt bad, but hunger was worse. Besides, she'd be back.
Only after a few minutes, she began seeing dragons that would flood the air, diving though clouds and racing each other. Food was plentiful, everywhere, the dragons would share, and the sound of music made everything complete. Soaren made eye contact with a dragon holding a cluster of fish. With one claw, he beckoned her to the sky. A smile crept across her face when she saw the inviting invitation. She leapt from the ground, and with one forceful push-
She fell.
She couldn't fly. And everyone seemed to hate that. They squirmed around, and ignored her, no longer being the kind, inviting dragons they were before.
With hunger bringing tears to her eyes, she paced back to the nest she'd left Mardel in. When she returned, he was gone. Panic filled her. She ran around, searching frantically for her new friend. "Mardel!" she cried. The tears came faster. He was gone. "Livin' the dream," she muttered with a sigh.
"Why are you crying my dear? You scared me by disappearing like that." Mardel's quiet, yet clear voice calmed her down.
"I'm... hungry.... " The tears began flowing.
"I know." Behind him, Mardel held a basket of all sorts of seafoods. He held it out, generously with a kind smile.
"Thank you! I can not thank you enough." Now Soaren was crying with happiness. "You're like a father I've never had."
"Well," he grinned. "I guess you could say you're like the daughter I never had." His eyes were shining brightly. Tears were in his, which made Soaren wonder what he was thinking.
"Thank you!" Again she repeated, her mouth stuffed it fish.
"No problem, deary." Mardel sighed. "I'm afraid I have to go. I have family in Dragonhome. I ran away when I was young...." He stopped. His breathing was unsteady. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "I have to go. This is where you wanted to be."
Soaren knew not to push others when they're crying. She respected him. "Thank you," she said most sincerely. Her feathers puffed against his chest while she hugged him. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you fondly, my dear, Soaren." With that he stepped back into the sky reaching grass. "Oh." He popped his head back out of the grass. "I apologize, but the wing machine is broken." A tear dripped from his chin. "I'll miss you." He surprised Soaren by running back and grasping her within his front legs into a hug.
"I'm am grateful for everything!" cried Soaren when Mardel disappeared into the grass.
He was gone. Just like that. A dragon who was the nicest one to ever help her was just gone in the blink of an eye. That didn't keep Soaren down. Sure, she cried for a few minutes, stuffing her face with food, but this was her dream! When she glanced over at Mardel's contraption that he left, she couldn't help thinking about him. His kind smile hung in her mind like it'd never leave. The contraption, though, was broken and in pieces.
Soaren moaned. The fish Mardel brought her was the best food she'd eaten in days! Mostly because she hadn't eaten in days. She wondered what he ate? What did a Skydancer eat? She shook her head to get him out of it. 'Boys. They always know how to get in one's head. Especially... Kind.... Helpful.... Gentle-' Soaren shook her head rapidly again.
"Liven' the dream!" she exclaimed to herself. Her eyes found their way to the sky, and they stayed glued there. The urge to jump up and fly around was unbearable. The light, cerulean sky seemed to tease her for her inability to fly. A few Spirals danced across the sky without a care. They didn't seem to notice Soaren, or if they did, they didn't care. Again, she moaned, the longing of flying not leaving her.
She sat there for hours, staring at the sky, wondering what to do next. Soaren had thought that when she got to her dream home-Windswept Plateau-surely she'd know how to fly, or someone would be willing to teach her. Instead, the dragons stayed in the sky, flying round and round with each other. They seemed like the greatest bunch of dragons out there.... But not from the ground.
Over the past few never ending days, Soaren was unable to take the feeling of being left out of the fun... In the sky... She'd run through the tall grass along the ground, racing the dragons in the sky, but they'd always fly off, away from the weird ground bound dragon. Her anger grew wild as she realized how wrong it is that she can't fly. SHE CAN'T Fly! And she's a dragon.
One day, an idea hit her. It hit her like a ton of bricks. Flying is her dream, but dreams mean nothing when one's unable to accomplish them. The decision had been made.
"Dragonhome, here I come!" declared Soaren. Her heart was set on a new goal. It was going to the Earth territory. If she was bound to the ground, why not go to the dragons who mainly live there!? Plus, she'd be able to find Mardel. Oh how she missed Mardel. No matter how rapidly she shook her head, he'd never leave it. Headaches would come before she could get Mardel to leave.
Without hesitation, she packed up the basket Mardel had filled with fish and other seafoods. Day after day, she trekked on by the edge of the land, so she could fish when her basket was low. She'd pass dragons flying merrily, and she'd call out, but they'd leave her in her own misery. Misery tried to take hold, but her thoughts of Mardel that she tried to push off, kept her going through.
After endless days of just walking, Soaren had made it to the Sacred Wasteland. The land was bloody red, soaked with blood, and full of monstrous, savage beasts of dragons. She knew carefulness would have to be her top priority. The dragons would eat up a dragon like her at any given chance. Her siblings would tell stories of Sacred Wastelands, how it was just a myth how the dragons would eat each other, but by the looks of the tainted land, the myths aren't just myths.
Catching herself just standing, Soaren shook her head-giving herself another headache-and went on. The land transitioned from bright, yellow green grass, to bloodstained, brown red dirt and grass. The trees-if one' would call them that- were trunks stretched with dragon organs, and tendons and intestines and all sorts of inner things.
Soaren couldn't help but gag. The land was awful. The thought of anydragon living there was horrid. If she heard any sort of sound, she rush behind a makeshift tree, hoping whoever made the sound wouldn't kill her. This wasn't the land she wanted to be in.
After weeks of walking and dodging, fleeing, and careful nights, there was a turn of events. There was a large, ever stretching lake. It had a cement bridge that stretched for miles. Knowing the travel over the bridge would take forever, Soaren continued towards it. Hearing a screech, Soaren frantically looked for a hiding spot. When she didn't find anything, she began digging as fast as she could. She heard the sound again, but then she realized it was a pleasant sound-laughter. Perking up, she carefully followed it under the bridge until she recognized a familiar face.
"Mardel!?" she squeaked. Mardel was standing beside two dragons, a Fae and a Tundra whose expressions were both very delighted.
"You must be the precious little dragon Mardel has told us about!" cried the Fae. "I'm SilverSky, by the way, and this is Venommaw," she explained.
Awe struck, Soaren was overflowed with emotions of joy and confusion. Tears jerked at her crystal, blue eyes because she couldn't believe she'd run into Mardel. The only other dragon who showed nothing other than love was right there in front of her. This time, she wasn't going to leave his side. She, without any words, ran into him, pushing her short, round snout into Mardel's soft chest. "I'm not leaving you," she nearly sobbed.
"Then I want to show you around your new family, my darling."

Name: Soaren
Gender: Female
Role: Messenger
Traits: Dreamer, Fast, Joyful
Family: Adopted Father - Mardel
Friends: Friendly to Everyone, Fiction



"Hope was all she had now."

Quote here


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