
Level 1 Tundra
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Tundra
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Personal Style


Silver Steampunk Vest
Pearl Flourish Eye Piece
Navy Tail Wrap
Silver Steampunk Gloves
Simple Darksteel Wing Bangles
Celebration Sage Tassel




4.36 m
4.13 m
234.5 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 02, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245


Elite Scribe

Reserved and peaceful, Odea is willing to impart his knowledge on any who seek it. He is neutral in most clan affairs, simply watching from afar and collecting events, culture, and change into his numerous journals.

Odea was the first tundra, and tends to be the only tundra in the clan. It isn't that tundras are unwelcome, some simply find the climate unpleasant. Odea is considered a highly valued member of the clan, as he is in charge of collecting and writing all clan lore.

Meaning: "a hall, theater, or other structure for musical or dramatic performances."
Pronunciation: "Oh-Day-Uh"

Clan Ranking System:

★★★★★★ Six stars. For the King and Queen of the clan only. Their word is law, and they are respected leaders. The clan would crumble into disarray without them, though sometimes the roles for these positions are fought over and the dragons who rule may change.

★★★★★ Five stars. Princes, Princesses, and Elite members of the clan. The Elite are prized for their immaculate skills and appearances. They often get the best perks, opportunities, and meals in the clan. Many dragons of five stars and up are given small tributes in thanks for their services.

★★★★ Four stars. Just below the Elite, these dragons symbolize a middle class. They are well known for their skills, essential in roles such as guarding the lair, watching hatchlings, hunting, foraging, and more.

★★★ Three stars. Lower middle class, these dragons are likely those that have not yet realized their true skill or profession. This rank consists mostly of hatchlings and young adults.

★★ Two stars. These dragons are new to the clan and have not yet established themselves. They are not the lowest rank, but still must be very watchful of higher ranking dragons who may needlessly order them around.

One star. Absolute omega. These dragons aren't common. They are mostly dragons that have done wrong against the clan or clan leaders in some way but still wish to remain in the lair. They have no say in clan affairs and are commonly the victims of other dragons' aggression.

*Coming of Age*
When a hatchling becomes an adult, it is a time of trial. They know not if they will remain in the clan, and must quickly establish their value and status or leave of their own will. To simply wait idly is a risky move. The coming of age traditions within the clan can be vicious and brutal, siblings tearing siblings asunder to fixture a place for themselves in the clan.
When their fate has been determined, a piece of apparel will be left near their den space in the night. A dragon's first piece of apparel is deeply treasured, and the young adult will don it proudly as a sign of their success, often envied by the other youths. Even with age and new apparel, a dragon will keep their first item of clothing to wear beneath or lock away to be treasured.

*Shadowy Habits*
A bit of shady behavior is considered normal within this clan. After all, they are of the Shadow Flight, and it often comes naturally. These dragons will happily let others fall prey to their tricks and deceptions, feeling accomplished when they pull off a successful stunt. Each dragon has its own habits of trickery, some more unique than others. Sneaky as they are, these dragons work together with their clanmates to take down targets of other lairs and dragons belonging to them. It is rare a dragon will work against members of its own clan, as they all share an intertwined bond of trust.

*Rulers of the Clan*
There is constantly a leader of the clan, the role changing to different dragons over time. In the beginning, it was easier to overthrow the leader, but since the ruling of Marina, a royal family and order has been established. King Amiri was recognized as the wisest and most powerful leader, being most fit for the role, even since Chantra ruled as the Clan's Mother. To overthrow him was thought to be nearly impossible, requiring a team of more than five level 25 dragons, and a certain cunning possessed by very few. However, with dark magic, Rourke has now claimed the throne.

*Royal Blood*
Members of the Royal Family are forbidden to breed unless they ascend the throne, in which case they may breed with their mate alone. If unsuitable heirs are bred they must be cast from the clan. There may be only one Prince and one Princess within the clan.

Since the rise, and ever present ruling of Ruarc, these rules have been bent into disorder. Many dragons within the clan, male or female, are prone to the King's advances, largely against their own wills. Not only does he do this out of cruelty, but greatly because he has been unable to breed a satisfactory heir. The offspring of these encounters are usually slain.

> Clan Mother Chantra and Hathor - It was Chantra in the beginning who first founded the clan after meeting Hathor. They nested only once before he took his leave. Chantra ruled the clan alone and raised her daughter Kamala to be future queen.
> Tyrant Draco - Overthrew Chantra, feeling envious of his childhood bestfriend Kamala's success as a future heir. Ruled as a tyrant for a very short period of time before being slain.
> Queen Marina and Queen Maximilian - Marina was a skydancer within the clan, her identity not well known before. She seemed to rise from the shadows, quickly assassinating the tyrant Draco in the night and taking leadership over the clan. They rejoiced at the fall of the tyrant and celebrated her victory.
> King Amiri and Queen Zuras - Amiri was chosen at birth to become the future heir of the clan, successfully being raised to adulthood to fulfill his destiny. Even since being a hatchling he took his future as king very seriously. He is considered the wisest, most honored ruler of the clan to date. The future heir to the Wispwillow Bandit Clan was to be Aniram. She was much more sensible than her power hungry brother. When her father retired, she was to take the ruling of his kingdom upon herself.
> Tyrant Ruarc - The son of Amiri, Ruarc possesses many admirable qualities. However, he is arrogant, power hungry, and merciless in his rule. He is stern, demanding complete loyalty from his subjects.
Amiri and Aniram are missing. It is assumed they have been slain or banished. The mention of their names is worthy of a punishment of the same fate. Zuras remains, albeit shaken and in a state of shock. The surviving members of the clan look up to her as a sort of 'beacon of hope'.
Clan Status
Not long after Ruarc ascended the throne, many dragons with good still in their hearts fled if they were able to. Malicious, or otherwise unconcerned dragons stayed. The clan went through a famine that lasted several months, picking off even more of the clan. Recently, a spark has awoken them into life. Hunters and foragers are being dispatched, and new roles are slowly being appointed. A new role has been created: Snatchers- dragon's whose job it is to alleviate other clans of their spawn deemed worthy. Day old hatchlings are swept out of their mother's nests and returned to live in their new home, here.
The dragons without this job are usually unaware of these new hatchling's origins, but are instructed to bring them up correctly. If they knew they were stolen, they would likely be revolted.
More and more dragons are becoming accustomed to this new, brutal way of life that the era of Ruarc has brought. Several are even embracing it; letting malice into their hearts and darkness into their souls. They encourage many corrupt tasks.

A new, noble pairing has arrived, a new reign of nobility. King Yves and Queen Lilith have created a pact with King Ruarc to rule their Kingdoms together as one; Plague and Shadow brought together. King Yves and Queen Lilith are thought to be even more cruel than King Ruarc, however, they are more refined. They are slowly modeling the clan into an organized, well oiled machine.

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