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Personal Style


Dented Iron Belt
Darkened Arm Scar
Veteran's Leg Scars
Raider Helm




4.2 m
4.4 m
315.56 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 19, 2013
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Tundra
Max Level





Mated for life with Naiavei.
Their love was forged in the fires of heated battle and diversity.

Starspirit was taken captive from his home in the Plaguelands by a wandering band of raiders. When he was spotted for sale in the market, Seramune decided to take him into the Dreamstar clan. As a young Mirror who had been through much, Starspirit was wary at first of his new home and the clan's leader, a quiet, thoughtful Fae who seemed to see right into him. Starspirit came to respect the quirky Fae and after a month at Dreamhome, he came to Seramune and asked how he could prove himself to the other dragons of Seramune's clan. Seramune gazed long into Starspirit's eyes and at last replied with a quiet tone, "By the claw". Starspirit understood.
The next morning, as Clan Dreamstar busied about preparations for the day, as the gathering party set out to dig up treasures and the scavenger party set out to hunt for stray eggs and trinkets for the clan's hoard, Starspirit donned the dented iron pauldron he'd found in the discards pile the night before and set out for the woods. He tested his claws against many creatures great and small. He began to feel that he was better-suited for this life than he had expected.

For many days, Starspirit ventured out to hone his skills, feeling still isolated within the clan's home and hoping still to earn their trust. One day, as he stalked into the scorched fields of Flamecaller's domain, he heard a screeching cry pierce the air. This was a sound Starspirit could not mistake; a female Mirror. He bounded into the clearing ahead to find a female of his own kind battling many foes. At first he was wary, fearful that he was in enemy territory. But then he noticed the female's pauldron; a small, dented, iron thing in the same make as his own, inscribed with Shadowbinder's rune. Starspirit darted forward and peeled a Red-Winged Owlcat off of the Mirror's back and joined the fight. These enemies were far stronger than those he'd fought before, but now he was not alone. With the female at his side, he felt stronger, braver. The fight was soon decided and Starspirit stood midst the spoils with the dark Mirror female at his side. She regarded him warily until he asked her if she was from Dreamhome. Conversation erupted between them as he learned from her that she too was new to the Shadow lands and wished also to prove herself to the clan. At this time, Starspirit realized that this female was the only other Mirror dragon in the entire clan, and together, they decided that they would grow as a team, fight for the honor and glory of the clan, fill the clan's hoard with the spoils of their battles, capture creatures to train as familiars, and prove to their home that they were worthy and that their loyalty was to their new clan, even tho it was not the clan of their birth.

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Starspirit and Naiavei became closer and closer. Their clan home had begun to regard them with less wary glances and more respect. In their struggles, they found love. When Seramune bid them welcome at last to join in the nesting grounds, they were proud to lazily share their days together for a time. Their nest was soon home to a pair of eggs which they found, to their surprise, looked really no different from the eggs in nearby nests. They felt that they belonged at last.

But when their son and daughter were born, they found their hatchlings simply did not fit in with the others. They were aggressive, vicious creatures who played too roughly and injured others around them. Seramune was concerned and asked them to keep their hatchlings aside from the others. Starspirit and Naiavei were no caretakers and while they cared for their children deeply, they knew they were not the right dragons to raise them. Yet raise them they did, doing the best they could. They could not give them the carefree life of other hatchlings who could play in the nursery with others. Instead, they took them into the forests and taught them the ways of battle. Nightside and Naiasta learned to tear with their claws and bite hard with their teeth. It felt like no time had passed before the hatchlings were strong young Mirrors now just as separate and different from their clanmates as ever. Naiavei and Starspirit decided to go to Seramune once more for advice.

When the two approached, Seramune regarded them levelly. Naiavei asked what was to become of their young who did not fit in with the dragons of Dreamhome and how they would find their place among those so different from them. Seramune regarded Naiavei thoughtfully before flitting down in front of her face to meet her gaze. "There is one place where you know they will fit in and always belong."

Starspirit new that Seramune spoke wisdom. To exalt their children... to offer them to the Flight's goddess, Shadowbinder... would be to give them honor, glory, and a home that would never make them feel as if they did not belong. Their viciousness would prove a boon to them as they fought for Shadowbinder's glory. This was the right path. Naiavei was less than pleased with his decision to agree.

When next the Moon was new, and shadow fell upon the land, Starspirit and Naiavei went with Seramune to the clan's altar with Nightside and Naiasta in tow. They were not alone, for others of the clan brought young dragons with them to send off to the great honor of serving the goddess. When they reached the stone, Nightside and Naiasta gladly stepped forth and stood upon the altar, pledging before their peers that they would serve the will of Shadowbinder and bring honor and glory upon Clan Dreamstar forever. As the shadows engulfed their only children, Starspirit and Naiavei leaned upon each other and quietly swore that they would never again join in the nesting grounds. The pain of losing their only young was too great.

As the two flourished in days to come, growing stronger and more terrible in battle, Starspirit and Naiavei were to each other, their only comfort. They mourned the loss of their children where they should have rejoiced for their honor. There were no others like them... And Seramune had admitted to them that he would not likely receive any more of their kind into his lair. They fought their way through many lands, even joining battles in the Arena and the Mire. When at last they returned from a long journey, Seramune met them at the edge of the clan's domain with a great gift. He extended to them each a scroll, a magical item which had the power to transform their bodies, to make their shapes anew to be like unto the others of their clan. Seramune decreed that it was their choice.

Naiavei and Starspirit knew the scrolls came at great expense and it was an immense honor that Seramune showed them in bringing them such a choice when he could just as easily have sent them both to Shadowbinder and spared himself the expense. They knew the little Fae cared for them and wished to see them happy. And this would mean... that their young would no longer be born different from their clan. They could join in the nesting grounds again. They could belong.

So Starspirit extended his clawed hand and took the scrolls with a respectful bow. Seramune guided them in the ritual that would change them both forever, reminding them at the last that they could never go back. Starspirit and Naiavei took one look at their scarred, war-torn bodies and they knew they would never look back from this moment with regret. Together, they stepped forward into the circle of shadowy magic and together, they emerged as a pair of beautiful, shimmering Tundra dragons. They beheld their new shiny fur and soft fluffs. They smiled at their still wicked claws and strong muscles. They knew that their time fighting together would not end... that was ever still a part of them... but now they would be accepted and their children would grow with the clan of their birth. They were happy... and they belonged... at last.
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