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Dess-o | Original | Destiny

Main Clan | Clan Warrior | Mated

Female | Pansexual



Desso had been born and raised in a Light clan, where she had always felt out of place. Her home clan was full of scholars and gentle dragons that praised kindness and intelligence. While Desso could certainly be both of them, she wasn’t a gentle dragon. There was an aggressiveness to her personality and a love of fighting she had been born with. She would often play roughly with her clutch-mates, biting and scratching, which would often get her into trouble.

The clan didn’t nurture her fighting nature, and practically forced her to act all nice and kind. It wasn’t a part of her so she often acted stiffly, but it seemed like no one else noticed. When she was old and strong enough, she simply ran away from a home that rejected her born nature.
Living in the wild was good for her, and it definitely nurtured her fighting spirit. Beastclan would often try kill her and she relished the challenge of the fight. She got wounded but she learnt to tend to them herself, though this resulted in many scars – both small and large – scattered across her hide.

She then decided it was time to create some armour, and she managed to create some rough armour from stealing some from the Beastclan and from making it herself by roughing skinning animals with her own clan. She probably looked stupid, but it was better to protect her vital areas than go without it and get killed.


During one of her hunts, she came across other dragons, a large imperial and a pearlcatcher. They were attacking some Beastclan, looking to drive them away rather than hurt them and she watched with curiosity. She had seen some dragon but never had she see them cause Beastclan to flee rather than kill them. It piqued her curiosity enough that she decided to approach them, something she hadn’t done before with strange dragons.

The Imperial must have heard her coming because his head snapped around to face her and he growled at her for a moment before relaxing once he realised she was a dragon. He then turned to the Beastclan who had retreated to the little pearlcatcher at his feet who was looking at her warily.

“I mean no harm. I was just curious to see you drive them off rather than kill.” Desso said to them, gesturing her snout towards the fleeing Beastclan.

“While I would have loved to kill them, it wasn’t my orders.” The Imperial said back to her. Desso could see his glowing red eyes, plague dragon. Of course he would have wanted to kill them.

“That’s what you get for being attached to the chain and collar that is a clan.” Desso said smugly, sitting with her tail curled around her feet.

“Better to have permanently safe shelter and food rather than being out in the wild.” Altair said, approaching her slowly, also giving her a look. She laughed at him.

“I do feel rather safe and I’m well feed. Maren are an acquired taste, I believe, but they’re filled with a whole load more nutrients than the fish your clan feeds you.”

“Maren are certainly a good meal.” The Imperial mused for a moment.

“Would you like to have one night at the clan with us?” The Pearlcatcher finally spoke, still between the plague dragons legs.

“No. I prefer to roam where I want without the anchoring roots of a clan. I like my freedom too much.” Desso said with a grin. She had started to love her freedom. It was nice after spending years locked up inside a clan, miserable.

“Come on Rachel. We should be getting back. I’m Altair by the way.” The Imperial said and the pearlcatcher hopped onto his back.

“Desso.” She said as Altair flew off with his companion on his back. She stayed there a moment, watching him fly before she decided it would be fun to go track those Beastclan they had driven off.


She was sat tending her wounds, wiping all the blood away and wrapped them up. The centaurs she followed managed to spot her and give her a few nicks into her hide. They were just mere cuts, nothing that would scar, but she still needed to wrap them up to prevent an infection from getting into the wounds. So finished up and her handiwork was always good. The spears had ripped through her shambled armour so she had discarded it. She was just laid bare, with all her hide exposed – she had no other choice at the minute. She would either have to steal or craft some more armour at some point.

It was getting late so she was getting comfortable and settling down for the night. She was laid in a clump of trees, to help disguise her lightly coloured hide with the darkness. She was ready to sleep when she heard a loud rustling noise that set her on alert. She tensed up and slowly raised her neck up to look around.

For a moment she saw nothing but then she saw the glinting hide of Altair, the Imperial she had seen earlier, and approach the clearing carefully. Obviously he was looking for something, so she decided to reveal herself. She shimmied her way out of the trees carefully and he immediately saw her and came to her.

“What are you doing here?” She hissed at him, annoyed was even out this late. Especially since his scales glittered more brightly than hers. He was like a sun in the darkness of the night.

“Looking for you.” He said softly. “I might be a plague dragon. And you might think me heartless but I can’t bare it when others are in need of some help.”

Desso snorted at that. “I don’t need help.” She said confidently.

“You don’t have to stay. I bet you would appreciate being able to sleep under a safe and stable roof for once.”

Desso rolled her eyes. She didn’t really want to, but he seemed the type to not leave anything alone until the job was done.

“I suppose it would be nice. But just for the night.”

Altair grinned at her, obviously happy with his small victory.

“Follow me then.” Altair said and lead her to a wider clearing would let them have enough room to get into the air.


Desso in the end had decided to stay, they had needed more warriors and were more than happy to add her to their additions. Altair had been the one to train her some more and refine her fighting techniques, which helped her more. Altair had even managed to snag some armour for her to use, and teased her.

“Did you really use to fight in that laughable farce you called armour?” He had asked her, amusement in his tone as he helped her slip her armour on.

“It was better than being littered with more scars than I already am.” She had replied sharply.

“I guess.” Altair said, still amused.

“Shut up before I make you.” She growled at him.

“Do it.” He said with a smirk on his face. She finished slipping on the body armour before she pounced on him and they had a scuffle on the floor like that.

That had been the start of Desso falling in love with Altair.

It had been a slow and ongoing thing, and they weren’t the perfect friends. But it had started with them being the closest friends and slowly falling into a loving routine where they often cuddled up together, though neither of them at first had called it a proper relationship. It was only when Altair asked if they could be mates that anything came from it, and Desso agreed to it because she loved being around him and had been eagerly awaiting the moment they could had have their first clutch together and the moments where she could just constantly be around him. He had basically picked her up from the wilds and nurtured the wild and aggressive side of her that no one had ever liked before.

Sometimes the treatment made her feel special and it created a unique bond between them.


Like in any relationship, there would be some steps and stumbles. Though the hiccup in their own relationship had come form in a female dragon: Adha. Altair seemed to gravitate towards Adha like he had to Desso and it made her feel jealous. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her feelings by doing anything with Adha. But the nagging voice of jealous in her head didn’t hurt with accepting he could have friends and dote attention on them like he did with her.

The jealous had built to a point where Desso confronted Adha alone, which she knew was a terrible idea to begin with but she did so anyway. Adha had been about to speaking before Desso had pounced on and they had fought.

Adha was not a warrior like she was, but was good at being defensive. But Desso knew she’d probably the one to walk away in smug victory whereas Adha would have to walk away and lick her wounds. And hopefully leave Altair alone.

Desso couldn’t really control herself in a fight sometimes, but she knew she had gone too far when she had swiped Adha across the eyes. It had cut into one of her eyes and Desso cursed profusely and backed off. She started to feel ashamed and quickly fetched a healer before moving away.

She had a moment of indescision then. She didn’t want to go to her mate because he’d probably be mad at her. That was when she had the perfect idea was to ditch her armour and leave the clan for a short time, go live back in the wild like she had for the majority of her life. So that is exactly what she did.

The last thing she expected to wake up to, while staying away and in the wilds, was a very angry Adha stood over her who hadn’t attacked her yet. Any dragon would have taken her by surprise and attacked her while she slept and was trying to wake up. Desso tensed and used her wings to instinctively cover her spine in a defensive position.

“Is where you’ve been all week? Altair has been worried sick!” Adha scolded her, anger written into her expression.

“He was going to be mad at me. I wanted to be shameful in peace.” Desso said and slowly sat up.

“You were jealous, it was fine. Now come on. Me and Al have been worried something happened to you because you got jealous and then upset.” Adha said and turned, tugging her arm with her tail. Desso got up and followed after her slowly.

She’d been laid down on the ground a while and the moving at least started to sooth the ache in her limbs.

“What do you mean by you both?” Desso asked.

“Well I’ve been trying to see and track where you’ve gone all week while Altair searched the entire lair, including all the desolate and empty rooms we have. If you stayed out here any longer I would be surprised if he knocked over any hatchlings in search for you.” Adha said. Desso nodded, he was such a kind hearted dragon for a fierce warrior.

“I meant, why you worried about me.” Desso clarified to her.

“Because, Altair was. But also because I needed to talk to you about something. Here, we can talk here since we’re nearly home.” They were, in fact just outside the entrance. Desso could see Desmond and Lucy watching them as they approached before they ignored them and went back to talking amongst themselves.

“So I had a good idea for how to deal with you and your jealous and the fact that Altair is really smitten with me.” Adha said.

“Go on, tell me then.”

“We could… share him. He loves us both in his own way. That way he could get what he wanted and we both would be happy.” Adha said slowly. Desso looked blank at that, taking a moment to understand.

“You mean, sometimes he would have a clutch with me and sometimes a clutch with you?” Desso asked. She didn’t like the sound of the idea (yet) but it would definitely keep all parties happy.


“Do you love him too?” Desso asked, because if she didn’t she just wanted to make Altair happy but she wouldn’t allow that.

“Yeah… I sort of do. He’s a great dragon and I like being around him. I wouldn’t mind making a clutch or two with him.” Adha said, grinning. Desso knew that sort of grin anywhere.

“Alright… Friends?” Desso said and extended her tail towards Adha. Adha’s tailed wrapped around hers and squeezed.



All three of them fell happily in love. Desso would sometimes even help satisfy Adha since she was some sort of sex addict. Desso didn’t mind since it was always fun and entertaining to make her squirm and squeal. It was rather amusing. She also loved the fact that she got twice the cuddles now when off-duty as a clan warrior. She loved being buried underneath the wings of the dragons she loved dearly.

As slim as it was, another dragon had recently become a part of their partnership. He was a quiet dragon called Rauf who had developed a crush on Desso. Desso had asked the other two if it was okay to for her to flirt with him and maybe add him to their little group and they agreed. It was pretty easy for them to get Rauf to join, he loved Desso and easily feel in love with the other two. He was a quiet dragon and had lots of love to give them.

Desso was truly happy with them by her side, especially when they could all layer their wings together and create the ultimate blanket for one of them to layer under. Though she preferred to let someone snuggle into her than the other way around. For now, her life was perfect.



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