
Level 4 Imperial
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Energy: 16/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Imperial
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Scene: Enchanted Dungeon


27.08 m
22.36 m
6680.68 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 21, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Imperial
EXP: 1879 / 4027


The Golden Snake

Key Traits
Loyal, Beautiful, Dangerous


Inter-Clan Allies
Suneater, Sunbeam, Goldmother

The youngest of the Lightweaver's personal guards. He remembers Mama, and the tree of fire. He along with his brothers stand alone between the Lightweaver and all who oppose her.

Though the Lightweaver was a cruel and deceiving ruler, some thought they could live peacefully in her kingdom unnoticed. This is the idea that was eagerly bouncing around in an expecting couple of Imperials as they soared over the Viridian Labyrinth. They were both dull colored dragons, like maize in the fields of the Sundial. The male was more beautiful than his mate, his scales and wings shimmered like glass. The two crossed from the dense jungles of the Labyrinth and came into the pale ruins of the Sundial by early dawn. They settled into an old tree in a valley and made their nest.
“Don’t worry, the Lightweaver doesn’t know we’re here, she won’t try to find us.” He tried to reassure his mate, but she was weary, and growing more anxious by the hour. They nested in the oak roots. Three eggs were laid and kept safe by the female, while her mate watched the horizon for danger. The eggs hatched, and the adults were amazed; three golden hatchlings emerged from the pale eggs and glimmered in the sun. They couldn’t believe it. The father’s genes had beaten out the mother’s dominant genes and made their three sons glitter like gold. They rejoiced for days. The wait and anticipation for their children had been rough, and made their miracle birth all the more amazing.
But the mother began to worry again.
“What if the Lightweaver comes after them, you know she loves her golden children most! What if she collects them like trophies in her tower?!” She asked her mate one night in a panic.
“We won’t let that happen, you know I would die before I let anyone take our children.” he answered.
“You might just, and I as well, both die by the hands of her Berserker monsters! You know not the power of the Light, or her colossuses. You have never seen them up close like I have. I was in the war, remember? I know what she will do. She will bring her guards and spare no blood to get what she desires. The two of us against just one of her monsters wouldn’t be enough, if we would just return to the arcanist we would be safe...” She said before bursting into tears.
Her mate immediately moved closer to her in comfort.
“You are right, I was stupid to think we could defend ourselves against a deity. Tomorrow at dawn we will leave, but we will leave for the Windsinger’s domain.” He spoke softly.
“But we should leave now! As soon as possible!” She said frantically.
“The hatchlings cannot even open their eyes! Do you think they would survive a long flight like that?!” He shouted at her.
Her eyes widened and she looked down to the ground. She knew they would not make the flight. One wrong move and her sharp claws would shred their thin, soft skin. They needed to get a few more days, a week would be ideal, but the hours of the night would have to do. Any longer and she would lose her mind with worry. The pair went to sleep that night, and they slept lightly, the female couldn’t help but feel that something terrible would happen.
They both woke in a panic. The tree they had nested under was on fire, the branches were ablaze and burning passionately. A flash of light, a loud boom, and a branch was splintering and falling on top of them. They leapt out of the way, the cinders bouncing in different directions. The male ripped the trees roots from the ground to unearth the hatchlings. The firelight glimmering off their body was a golden fire. He reached one paw into the nest, grabbing a hatchling and setting it gently under him. He did the same with the two others. The female imperial was fighting, wrestling a guardian to the ground with her strong, snake-like body. Another guardian swooped in, dive bombing her and tackling her to the ground off of the guardian she had pinned. The first guardian recovered and jumped in, landing a blow to her along with the other. In the male’s arm, the hatchlings squirm in confusion. Their eyes are shut, and will be for a few more days. The male watches as his mate is bitten by the dive-bombing guardian, and held down by the other attacker. He begins to set the hatchlings down, ready to help his mate, but she interrupts him.
“No!” She bellows, her voice gurgled by the blood in her throat.
He understands. Though he hates to, he leaves her. With all three hatchlings in his grip, he takes off into the fleeting sunset.
But he was not quick enough. A huge, golden guardian bites down onto his leg. The crunch is loud, and the blood spurts from the wound, spraying everywhere. The imperial cries out, dropping the hatchlings. They tumble down into the soft, dry grass as the male is whipped back down to the ground by the guardian that holds him fast in his jaws. The imperial is pulled down so violently that his leg is broken, disconnected from his body. His attacker leaves him on the ground, climbs over him and finishes the job in one swift kick to the throat. The male’s head is pushed forcefully upward by the kick and lolls over in an unnatural angle. The hatchlings squirmed on the ground, trying to find the familiar heat of their parents bodies. They find it in the hard belly of the guardians, covered in their parents’ blood, claws sharp and poking at the soft skin of the hatchlings. They aren’t like their parents at all, they know, but they are warm, and they are traveling somewhere now. The wind on their faces is warm and soothing, they find themselves falling asleep.
The intruders burned down the tree, they burned the life out of everything nearby. They took the hatchlings, killed the imperials, and fled. They returned to the Lightweaver with their new charges, laughing and chatting happily, and the Lightweaver welcomed them with triumph and success.
“Did you find them?” She asked gleefully.
“Of course” the guardian answered as he set them down.
At once the Lightweaver gasped with delight.
“They’re more beautiful than I imagined!” She exclaimed,”Oh they must be so cold, bring them inside.”
The hatchlings were snatched up once more and brought into a white room. The light inside was so bright that even through their shut eyes, it hurt to look at.
“Poor things, get them some food,” The Lightweaver commanded,”And some blankets!”
From then on the hatchlings never felt cold, nor hunger, nor torment or hardship. Indeed, the Lightweaver made them feel at home. They were too young to distinguish good nature from ill, all they knew was who gave them food and who kept them alive, and in the animal world, that is as good as love. The sights and memories an infant takes in are quickly forgotten, and so their mother and father were forgotten, replaced by the Lightweaver.
They grew into monsters in her tower. They were trained and taught by her guards to think and act like them, brutal and uncaring. The three golden hatchlings became three golden snakes, fiercely loyal to the Lightweaver and willing to kill and die for her.
“Everyone, into the caves, quickly!”
Dragons scattered to fit into the dark crevices and deep caverns. The golden Imperials were about, and that meant none were safe. They were death, shimmering and soaring above the heads of their victims. They were a promise, on order from the Lightweaver to kill all who did not obey her. The wandering clan were no match.


(See Amadea's story for more info on the Golden Imperials)
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