
Level 15 Mirror
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Winter Wolf
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Mirror
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"Hunter Leader"
I5p64Yz.gif Bacon ipsum dolor amet biltong tri-tip pork loin, tail landjaeger turducken kielbasa jerky capicola shankle cow boudin alcatra picanha sirloin. Pastrami sausage beef, tri-tip spare ribs brisket bresaola cupim capicola leberkas picanha chicken landjaeger pancetta. Chuck cow alcatra, pork belly bacon porchetta rump jowl short ribs t-bone pork chop beef hamburger biltong kevin. Rump tri-tip pastrami strip steak biltong, ball tip filet mignon spare ribs.

Cupim pancetta t-bone, pig jowl fatback flank cow beef rump. Flank picanha tail beef pastrami jowl biltong pork loin pork. Tenderloin drumstick strip steak, bacon short loin cow brisket shoulder pancetta beef ham hock jerky shankle pork belly. Shoulder chicken beef swine capicola alcatra.

Pig pork loin brisket, ham beef ribs leberkas tail shoulder landjaeger picanha swine hamburger. Sirloin cow beef ribs, t-bone jerky leberkas pig capicola. Sausage jerky shank, ham jowl kielbasa pastrami t-bone turkey ball tip cupim ground round. Tongue pork biltong bacon meatball short ribs shank tail, cupim chicken pork belly filet mignon pig shoulder. Pancetta turkey venison pig. T-bone ribeye shank salami shoulder leberkas.

Cupim pancetta t-bone, pig jowl fatback flank cow beef rump. Flank picanha tail beef pastrami jowl biltong pork loin pork. Tenderloin drumstick strip steak, bacon short loin cow brisket shoulder pancetta beef ham hock jerky shankle pork belly. Shoulder chicken beef swine capicola alcatra.
Black Wolf Brown Birdskull Wingpiece Bloody Arm Bandages Cracked Blackened Ribcage
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Exalting Howlite to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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