
Level 7 Imperial
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Imperial
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Pearly Amulet of Chemistry
Pearly Earrings of Chemistry
Silver Cuffs of Science


Accent: Lullaby of the Moonlight



30.11 m
16.15 m
7105.08 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 05, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Imperial
EXP: 159 / 11881




  • none


Bio by Sweetpealovey!
“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
-Jurassic Park (1993)

Her eyes dart back and forth from the entrance of the cave to the work that she’s been presiding over all day. She steps back, takes a deep breath while rubbing her claws thoughtlessly together. On a slab of stone in the middle of the cavern lies a corpse of a wisp, though to say the thing had a ‘corpse’ was debatable. The light click of claws on stone catch her attention and she spins to the source of the noise.
“Don’t worry Fran, it’s just me,” a purple toned dragon states in a calm voice.
She rolls her eyes and exclaims, “BaraBabe! Don’t do that to me. I thought you were one of the others for a second.” The times the two of them had this recurring scene was immense. It was almost a constant deja vu every few days between the two.
BaraBabe, rather referred to as ‘BB’ by Franziska, strode up to her and peered over her shoulder. “Have you figured out how the wisp maintains both a solid and gas form at once?”
“Sorta?” she hesitantly replies. On the side of the cavern was a small wooden table that, though stained with many liquids over time, held their work, or at least the written account of the work. One book, that was bound in black leather, was open and full of scribbly-like writing, almost as if the writer’s brain and pen were at two different places in the wide plane of thinking. Franziska looks it over, cringes at her bad writing, and places her claw on a particular line. “You see, I think the Wisp is made of a loosely based carbon aspect. It’s constantly at the catalyst between changing forms of matter since carbon has little to no liquid form, it changes directly from a solid to a gas.”
“Interesting. I mean it’s kinda strange but still it would work. Do you think there is magic involved?” BB ponders curiously.
She scoffs, “There must be. I can’t think of any other way a wisp could be a sentient being.” Once again she returns to the stone slab in the middle of the cavern, picks up a metal probe, and cautiously pokes an extrusion on the dead corpse. “Ugh. I don’t know for sure. I would need a live one to fully know for sure.”
BB slants their head to the side and then the other side while rolling the idea around in their mind. “I’m pretty sure I can get one without making the rest of the clan suspicious. It will take some doing but I’m pretty sure I can. Until then I guess we are stalled for work. Want to go out for a walk? You’ve been at work for way too long, Fran, it’s not healthy.”
“Healthy, schmealthy. As long as there is work to be done, I will do it, regardless the consequences.” Franziska reports with a scoff and a roll of her eyes, her lips peeling back to reveal a very toothy grin.
“Oh, come on. A walk wouldn’t be that bad. The outside world exists too, you know.”
“But the light, it will burn my eyes.” She says with mock seriousness, trying to get out of rejoining the outside world. It wasn’t that she disliked the outside world, it was more like she enjoyed the inside world better.
“Too bad.” BB flatly states, their paw wrapping around hers, a slight tug and they drag her out of the dark cavern. Just like she said, the sunlight burns her eyes. She closes them tightly as they start to water, allowing them a chance to get used to the new light level. As she pries her eyes open, she catches BB moving some brush and rocks in front of the opening to the cavern. BB smirks, “Now you have to rejoin society.”
Franziska just groans, “I swear, sometimes you are just the worse.”
“Yeah, but you love it.” They reply.
“Sure, whatever you say.”
The two make their way down the hill to the valley that the clan calls their home. From a distance, they can make out specks of color fluttering about, laughs and hoots also make their way up to the two.
“Looks like the typical antics,” Franziska states.
A jolly laugh rumbles from BB, “To be honest, it wouldn’t surprise me.”
“What do you think it is this time?”
“Knowing them, Honey and Flirt probably got into a fight, that turned into something else, that maybe turned into tag?” BB looks at the scene again, “Nope. No idea what it is this time. Sometimes you just have to go with it.”
The two look at each other completely serious and then erupt into laughter. “They... are ridiculous... sometimes.” Fran huffs between laughing and catching her breath.
They proceed on in comfortable silence, making their way down into the valley. Soon they are emerged in jolly, laughing, and joking dragons who are just having a good time, oblivious to the experiments that occur on top of the hill. It was probably for the better that it stayed that way. Most would probably be horrified to learn what went on in that cavern. It wasn’t that they meant to do it, okay, admittedly it was, but some things were better off staying that way: secret.
People make assumptions on very little information known, preferring rather to fit others into little boxes of their own making. Very few care to learn all the facts before creating a hypothesis. For instance, many dragons of the clan knew very little of her, just that she could easily be found with a toothy grin, an uncaring outlook on life, and that she was close friends with BB. No one, besides, quite possibly BB, knew the entire story of her life. Her lack of morals in the pursuit of knowledge being one of the facts very few knew. Because to have morals, she thought, was to greatly hamper the knowledge you could learn.

by Nytcea
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