
Level 1 Spiral
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Female Spiral
Female Spiral
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Ornate Porcelain Jar Ensorcelled Volume
bright scholar

GENDER; female
PROFESSION; delegate



Abandoned by her parents as an egg, Stardew was lucky to be adopted by a dragon of the Dawnling Cadet clan. She grew up, vocal and intelligent, the spiral dragon spent hours learning all she could and developing herself into the expert philosopher her peers have come to know her as. At such a young age, she eager to repay the debt to those who had shown her kindness and taken her into their clan. When Stardew got the chance to prove herself, she was quick to take the opportunity.

When it was determined, after the creation and separation of the four factions throughout the clan's vast territory, that the King and Queen of the clan would no longer have the time nor the patience to travel from faction to faction regularly; Stardew was one of the first to offer a viable solution. At a faction gathering, it was her who suggested that one dragon from each faction would be chosen to be the second-in-command under the director, and would travel to meet with the royals as a representative of their faction. This second-in-command would serve as a deputy to their superior, and would take over as the new director of their faction when the time came. The young scholar's idea was taken up almost the second it left her maw and a new position in faction hierarchy was born.

As one of the four Delegates now serving in the Dawnling Cadets, Stardew makes monthly visits with the other three Delegates from the Mystic, Polarfrost, and Serene factions to the royal court to discuss with the King and Queen plans from her superior for the entire clan and give input as a representative and future leader of the brilliant faction.
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Exalting Stardew to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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