
Level 1 Ridgeback
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Spirit of Nature
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Ridgeback
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Personal Style


Leafy Gladeboughs
Druidic Emblem




24.61 m
13.5 m
9097.79 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 23, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245


Lily of the Glade
passionate priestess

Lily is a priestess and celebrant of the Gladekeeper. Excitable and filled with zeal, she lives a life filled with devotional activities, trying to bring worship of the deity into every aspect of lair life. Others might find this annoying, except that she also throws herself into every kind of work with equal energy and can-do cheerfulness, and is a tremendous help at almost any task. She's perplexed and disappointed that Tegid remains a follower of the Lightweaver--she can't understand why someone would come to Nature Flight and not pledge themselves to the Gladekeeper, who is glorious and the source of all the life and beauty that surrounds them--and they have frequent conversations about it. Fortunately Tegid is infinitely tolerant and happy to explain himself over and over, and Lily is too nice to actually argue with him or harangue him about it. She's enthusiastic about nesting and has promised to exalt all of her male hatchlings to honor the goddess.
(acquired at auction 5/6/15)

Lily dug her claws deep into the loamy earth, flung her head up and back, tilting her face toward the sky that was hidden by the dense canopy overhead. “Great Mother, beautiful Lady, hear me!” she whispered. “This clan has served you well, growing in strength and beauty, giving you their children with love. See their gifts and bless them now!”

She could feel the slow surge that washed through the earth in answer to her words, that trembled through the trees like the wind that presaged a storm. It pulsed against her senses, licked at her scales; she reached for it but could not quite pierce the skin of mortal reality. The Gladekeeper’s presence waited just on the other side, hearing the call, acknowledging it, but not responding. Not yet.

She wanted something more.

Ffene, lend me your strength!” Lily cried. And after a moment of startled hesitation the guardian’s power came, the surge of green strength honed in battle, the force of leaf and root and branch. It blasted through Lily, leaving her breathless, shook the glade and made the trees groan. The Gladekeeper stirred, lifting her foliage-crowned head.


And the forest changed.

The trees before Lily grew, shifted form, some widening, others bending and twisting into intricate, fanciful shapes. Branches, shrubs, and creepers wove together into walls; soaring trunks became towers garlanded with air ferns and flowering lianas. In mere minutes, acres of woodland were transformed into a complex of living structures, a lattice-work castle surrounded by maze of dens and bungalows, pavilions and verandas, with gardens growing everywhere, wild and gorgeous.

The magic that thundered through Lily’s veins ebbed and finally ceased. Her head felt light, all her muscles were trembling, and with that trembling there came a faint rustling, a familiar yet odd susurration. Glancing down, she blinked in surprise at the leafy boughs that had appeared on her body, apparently growing from her shoulders. In her mind, she felt a low, fading rumble of affectionate amusement as the Gladekeeper departed.

The Gladekeeper’s mark. The realization filled her with wonder, as well as a shiver of humility.

The crowd of dragons that had been watching in silent awe began tiptoeing and fluttering forward to explore their new home. Lily was too tired to move, but she already knew what they would find. Ground-floor halls large enough for imperials and guardians, dens among the tree roots and in hollow trunks for those dragons who liked cave-dwelling, basket-like nests high in the branches. There were skyways made of massive twists of vines and stairs of bracket fungi; floors of earth or stone, of grass or moss, or of smooth-barked wood, still alive underfoot; walls that bloomed, tapestried with clematis, trumpet vines, or rambling roses. Bright birds and insects flew among the tree towers, and water burbled in natural streams that flowed in and out of pools and fountains.

No more scattered, make-shift dwellings, no more roughly scratched out caves and lean-tos built of logs. Now they truly had a home, with room for them all and for the dragons yet to come.

One dragon hadn’t joined the others in their investigations. Instead Ffene stood motionless, gazing up at the edifice her power had helped to build. Her eyes were wide, and in place of her usual sullen expression there was astonishment, and more: a sudden realization, a soaring exaltation, a transcendent fulfillment of self.

Lily didn’t remember how the inspiration had come to her, to call upon the guardian dragon’s strength. But she knew that the Gladekeeper worked in patterns and webs, in interlocking complexities of design. And looking at Ffene, she had a feeling that the day’s magic had been directed to more than one purpose.

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