
Level 21 Guardian
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Female Guardian
Female Guardian
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16.35 m
18.77 m
7005.29 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Apr 08, 2015
(9 years)


Guardian icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 21 Guardian
EXP: 9429 / 127509
Mist Slash



Kind, loving, loyal, powerful; all the aspects that a true queen of a clan should have. As a powerful Guardian, Avril puts her clan's safety and happiness before her own and will fight tooth and nail to defend them from those that would do them harm. While the world of the Shadowbinder is a rather peaceful land filled with dragons that share the same Goddess, danger lurks around every corner and it requires a strong, intelligent leader to protect all the dragons that live within the clan's family. As queen, Avril is protective of everyone she rules over, and is a kind ruler to them all--she is well-loved by everyone in her clan. Her faults lie with her grudges, and she can remain angry at any dragon that had ever dared to harm her clan or allies. Her anger is spiked when this harm is so much as threatened, and she will leap to the defense of those she cares about without a second thought--and during the moment that the enemy less expects her--she strikes.

Her abilities in combat and magic have earned her a reputation as a strong opponent. Her skills in magic have allowed her the ability to block attacks and to render offensive attacks useless when she is able to gather enough of her magical ability to ward off attacks. For her physical skills in battle, she uses her size as a Guardian to rush at her opponents and easily deals with them as if they were nothing more than a pebble in her way. Her skills on the field are only defined more when she is angry or if any creature threatened her family--the wrath of the queen, one could say. Otherwise, Avril is a loving and caring queen that wouldn't raise a claw to her clan-mates and looks after all of them as if they were her children. Her greatest weakness, however, is probably her ability to get lost. To avoid this, she places red and orange feathers in a trail so she can always find her way back home--a habit which annoys the other clan members and agitates them to no end.

To relax and release the rage in her heart when it settles too deep, Avril will take to the skies and soar above the dark forest of her Goddess, enjoying the peaceful scenery and taking in the sight of the glowing mushrooms. The night, as heavy and think as it is over the Shadowbinder's realm, seems to sink deeply into every crevice and wash over a peaceful air among Avril. The calmness of the night and the cool air against her scales allows the anger and stress of the day melt away, as if they were nothing but water droplets on her scales. She takes this flight often to clear her head and to breathe after a long day as being queen. Of course, she would never allow this stress to cloud her judgement when it comes to her clan. As the queen, her job is to protect them--not allow her vision to be clouded. As for her mate Nathaniel, she loves him dearly but they have an understanding open relationship so they can populate the clan when they need it the most; however, their love remains with each other regardless of how they may stray.


Birth as an egg without parents--but with a mother. A single mother that was one of the most powerful dragons to exist. One of the family of the Gods: the Shadowbinder. The mother of Avril--and many other dragons that had had the honor of being hatched by the Goddess--pierced the webbing of her wings to mark her as a child of the Queen of queens. The Shadowbinder then sent the young dragon out to find her own charge and to craft her own path within the benevolent forest protected by her Goddess. Under the watch of the Shadowbinder, and knowing no other parents, Avril set out to find herself. Soon, she found a small male Fae that was too from the Shadowbinder's love, but they were not related and thus they found a clan together. They soon settled down within the forest of their holy mother and set up shop to start a clan. It was difficult at first, like starting any clan is, but soon they grew to a reasonable size to be considered a clan and they thrived.

Avril took charge in finding more dragons to join them within the holy land of the Goddess of Shadows and began to search for any that would be willing to join her and her mate. Slowly, as if gathering only the brightest and best, and those that needed refugee, Avril began to discover dragons all over the Shadowbinder's homeland that were willing to join her and become part of the clan, part of her charge. As time passed with the members, she became more protective and displayed this during the toughest of battles against those that threatened her clan. Fight after fight, dragon after dragon, she protected the clan every day and night, taking her peaceful flights over the realm she was born in to discover more about it and to release the anger of the day. Time passed and the clan grew to a reasonable and small size, with the members getting along under their queen and king. Peace had settled among the clan and left Avril to defend it with her magical abilities and her force as a strong fighter.

To this day, Avril battles for her clan and gains strength, growing stronger every day. Likewise, the clan gains wealth and prestige slowly, day after day, they grow more and more potent in their potential and slowly rise to the top in claiming a permanent place under the Shadowbinder's protection. With two of the Shadowbinder's children, their protection was almost fully guaranteed by their Goddess, but having a powerful queen and king that protected the clan and allies as if their life depended on it helped. Avril, as a wise and kind ruler, takes pride over her clan and works hard everyday to ensure that they have the best options available to them. That is her job and duty as a queen. The protection of her clan is placed above all else and ensuring all are safe and well within her charge is Avril's one goal. To smite the enemies of her clan is another.

All of this amazingness was written by @Dew. Go, now, to their bio shop!
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