
Watch out she will bite you
Click or tap to view this dragon in Scenic Mode, which will remove interface elements. For dragons with a Scene assigned, the background artwork will display at full opacity.
This dragon is displaying an animated effect: Oooooh, shiny! This item applies a vertical gleam of light cascading from left to right across just the apparel of the dragon. Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.
Press this button to play this dragon's animated effect. Press this button to pause this dragon's animated effect.
Kathra is displayed as a fallback image due to an error while loading Effect: Sheen effect.


Regal Bladebearer
Regal Bladebearer
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Energy: 49
out of
Earth icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Guardian
Female Guardian
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Kathra's avatar
Matriarch of my Lair
Wish List Items
I'm currently on the hunt/saving for the following items!!
♦ Gotta catch em' all! ♦ wrote:
Fire Sprite

I can Dream:
Bone Fiend Boolean Cog Frog Golden Idol Skycat
♦ Other things! ♦ wrote:
Tertiary Gene: Circuit Secondary Gene: Alloy Primary Gene: Metallic
Tri-Color Scatterscroll
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Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.

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Exalting Kathra to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.